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And other degeneracy


Post what you have, need new images, will dump a bunch tho















worst one imo

One for my Canadian anons






You'll lose guaranteed, just read it.


thats all for me, used to have more but computer got dicked, post what u got

> they still hate islam for being anti-women

go Rangers

I don't give a fuck about people, but things like that hit very hard.



>DCID is off
>D&C is shit
Why live desu


You are shitting me? Surely that is not real?


That's what it looks like to have a fatherless family

I feel for him.


this is like inverted reality level cucked







Germany brought it on themselves

Fuck them. They cause the deaths of millions of European people and destroyed so much and they expect not to get fucked in return?
They deserve this for trying to destroy Europe twice.

what is this?

a slav chasing a roach




No fucking way

i mean you arent wrong

You're an idiot.

Holy Shit that's brum! My hometown, such a shame I wasn't early enough to see the buildings that way. This city has gone to shit anyway

What. The. Fuck. I cant even rage. The cuckold level is beyond everything.

What happened to it? Was it the Jerrys?

bauhaus kraut kike faggots ruined western architecture

i mean come on that must be fake, for fuck sake no one would actually do that right... Right?

Wasn't Ireland neutral?

Fuck off you gay little potato nigger

you underestimate woman who have a burning hatred

Shitttt...you fucked up big time. There is no turning back,those Somalis are going to keep coming in..


Have you heard of the European Union?

Whats there to rage about. Did you forget the second world war and allied bombers completely wrecking it?

That's the Italian flag, not the Irish flag you mong.

here's more


You lost a good opportunity to STFU.

It literally is Irish flag

Make me, fatty


This makes me so angry. I already see the glass facade in every corporate fast food outlet in the downtown area, I don't need it to replace a priceless architecture.

Just why, why is there such evil in the world :(

Sunni-Shia fighting?

You'd think brown people would help each other.


>having shitstain on pink underwear




youll lose

Honestly I don't know about that building but they're demolishing the ugly one in the background. As for the city it's utter shit cause all the inner city and former industrial areas are now ghettos for shitskins.
We make fun of London for its Muslim mayor, but we are just as bad if not worse. We joke that there hasn't been a terrorist attack here because the muzzies don't want to kill their own

This one should make your blood boil.

holy shit, the kikery indoctrination levels are literally through the roof

cuck edition

Holy shit, how cuck can one be.

I used to make excuses for the Third Reich, but now i honestly long for the extermination of the jewish race, not just in Europe, but in the world.

Tell me everything will be okay

that has to be a parody account, it is beyond absurd

You can't win with these people, they would have had a shit fit if he hadn't held the door for her.
Fucks sake the fact that being polite and kind is seen as bad really shows how bad the young generation is

This makes me want to eviscerate any person remotely thinking about this shit, fuck do I hate these degenerates.

I'm more angry about the comic sans to be honest.


>Get our country back
Fucking sandniggers need to be gassed.


pls kill me

