What is Sup Forums's approach to economics?
What is Sup Forums's approach to economics?
i got banned from /an/ for posting that 4 years ago
go back
Decentralized, voluntarily affiliated worker-managed businesses in a market context. Modest or rather low taxes on businesses but substantial taxes on higher incomes when state expenditure necessitates.
This. Then again, minus the fair taxation, this is already the US economy.
I once got permabanned on Sup Forums for posting zippocat in caturday threads fucking moralfag mods
What's zippocat?
State capitalist with a single Georgist land tax and with some industries nationalized or mostly nationalized due to information assymetries meaning markets can't adequately compete, like in healthcare. Also stuff like paying for free birth control or abortions for low-income people since in utilitarian terms it ends up saving way more money than the alternative of paying for them.
1: You're a newfag.
2: You don't want to know, so be glad you're a newfag.
None of your fucking business
You don't want to know desu
So...effectively what we have already, just better management.
poor spider
Da Joos
probably a cat tortured with a cigarette lighter
what is google
with a what?
full protectionist
Distributism with a heavy emphasis on guilds. No welfare, but have a State Church to foster charity.
economics is for jews
>when state expenditure necessitates
So whenever bureaucrats want raises?
Was does one go back to being a libertarian again?
Friendly reminder that if you fear Spiders/insects in general you're not white.
Shut the fuck up, socialist garbage
save the better version i made
Most enterprises today are centrally managed by their CEO and other figures. Orders and policies come from them and are unilaterally imposed on the lower employees.
grow weed and sell it to the niggers and liberals.
Use weed money to buy guns and ammo.
A marijuana cigarette combustor
what's one of those?
what the fucking shit dick is this? mr. 52% telling that if I fear motherfucking spiders I am not white
Suck my tengri horseback riding bowman skills you mutt
it's smart to fear spiders you nigger garbage might as well go licking door knobs and mushrooms
>all the white guys at my work hate the shit out of spiders
It ignites dried, shredded leaves of tobacco and marijuana, held together by a single sheet of paper, for the user to inhale.
>No minimum wage, but a bipartisan union which negotiates salaries based on the current state of the economy so as to avoid mass unemployment during financial crashes
>low taxation on businesses and no taxation on businesses making less than £100k in revenue annually
>low income tax probably like 10% on those making over £50k annually, that will fluctuate in times of war
>No benefits/welfare, the government is not a charity
>subsidized healthcare, but not free healthcare for those making less than £50k a year
>Free schooling, but not free university, also universities that have a political bias that is left wing will be shut down
>Non-Aggression Principle in full working order, although deaths are investigated
>Also, privatized banks, but practicing Jews aren't allowed to work in executive positions
>President receives 1% off the annual GDP as an incentive to grow the economy; however globalization is banned
>The country would be imperial so that more money can be made and there would also be more upward mobility in my country
>Imperialism would mean that the government owns 10% of each country's resources so to keep the tax rates low and the military powerful and the infrastructure glorious and maintained
What does Sup Forums thin of my approach to economics?
Sooo....you want to make the US like the USSR and Nazi Germany economically?
Why would they waste bananas like this?
Or is some sort of a traditional Australian recipe and they ate it afterwards?
the picture! Fucking why????
Poor doggo flenches
RIP Banantula
UBI on the blockchain.
My favorite part is when some newfag Elmer's glued that shitty hoppe libertarianism on the bottom so that they are the most redpilled
He's right you know, a true Aryan never cries and if you are afraid of something as powerless as a spider then you aren't white.
t. asians who will eat dogs but are too much of a bitch to even hold a spider
Why do you want corporations to own you?
how old are you? 12?
this fucking pic triggered a generation of normies before you knew what the internet is.
I don't. I want taxes low and businesses to grow.
depends on the spider tho , don't care for harmless spiders they are cute
someone post the corner bird
Now why the fuck would you do that ?
Spiders can be very cunning, never let your guard down around these fuckers.
Is this black window?
I heard that she's the most dangerous spider around, but I've also heard that all spiders are poisonous and try to bite you, but most of them are to small and weak to cut through the skin.
So how can she do it, if she's so fucking tiny?
Is that fucking shit edible?
He's just a spider shill, ignore him.
Will it blend? That is the question!
>What does Sup Forums thin of my approach to economics?
>"""harmless""" spiders
You'd shoot me?
Anything is edible if you believe that it is
4/10 add some strawberries. Waste of a good tarantula
Whatever the Jews tell me.
Keynesism takes all the worst parts of capitalism and puts socialist bandaids on them. It's an awful system justified by growth.
Bulgarian hive mind detected.
The only good fascist is a dead fascist.
Oh, I see, you are a stupid, Marxist faggot. I didn't know that Marxists possessed the intelligence to use a computer, well I certainly learned something today. Your entire ideology is stupid and only meant to appeal to the masses of stupid, uneducated faggots that can't accept responsibility for the shit life they have crafted for themselves; you are literally a drain on society and is what is killing the west. I hope you are just trolling, but if you aren't then unironically kill yourself. If anyone here deserves a bullet it's you, fortunately most fascist states posses the money to afford a helicopter, so they can drop you from that instead like a good little fascist.
>like a good little fascist.
Did that little shit kill a tarantula?Those things are bro.
What happened in that story is that a SHED (only shell, no tarantula) was blended, not a live spider.
It was then fed to a party however.
No taxes except for a 100% inheritance tax
Thats a relief,Tarantulas are as evil as the smaller spiders.Most of them are pretty chill.
I think you over estimate the involvement of C level execs in the day to day. Not to say they never impose anthung but it is rare.
Fuckin kek
Google "Douglas Social Credit."
Mixed Market Economics for me. Preferably federal funded basic healthcare and education with provinces or states autonomously being able to influence Fiscal and Monetary policies for their communities. I also believe in macroeconomic budgeting where taxes are meant to pay off debts for a certain amount of time then reversing this to alleviate the economy and allow for spending to help progress the state. I also tend to focus more on long term policies where recessionary and inflationary output gaps could be strategized upon and observed to repeat the process in the future with minimizing the amount of error.