Really makes you think
Really makes you think
Other urls found in this thread:
dog breeders are fucking scum
Dogs are GMO wolfs. Go organic
it was the joos
Dogs can tell race and even be racist, dogs are redpilled, wew
My dog stands up for herself and barks at firecrackers and lightning bolts like crazy.
>were catholic
cats are supreme
rip blondi
>We waz vikings
>Converted instantly
Doggos are the most devout christians, which is why the muslims hate and kill them, doggos hate sandniggers
doggo genocide when?
The eternal anglo knows no bounds
my based malinois
The thing on the right isn't a dog, it's a fucking rat. And like all rats, every one should be exterminated on sight.
Never forget diesel, he died fighting islamic terrorism
Goodnight sweet prince
If you cannot use a dog (based on it's body alone) for hunting, it is not dog, it is a failed experiment.
If a child can pick up your dog, instead of riding it, it is worthless.
No wonder whites today have such an affinity for dogs
Genetics proves you wrong, though.
german dachshunds can be picked up but they're also used for hunting
they're great at digging up rabbits and foxes because of their funny sausage like torsos
They drink the estrogen too
My nigga
Based breed
Way better than the german shepcuck
Wolves are redpilled as fuck tbqh
No, instead, you have a half-eaten couch, destroyed phones, loud noises, attention whore, wallet eating, finance needing, crowd your space piece of shit.
Dogs are a reflection of their masters, a soft generation with a million snowflake unicorn identities carries dogs in baby strollers and puts on booties so the dogs never develop tough paws. Based Slavs will save the canine race.
Doggo from Snowcrash
Here's this stupid nigger drinking out of my dog's bowl
why are dogs so shit?
my doggo is a golden retriever and yet he is alpha as fuck.
are you trying to say firecrackers arent scary
Were Catholic? Animals don't have souls, dipshit.
Neither do humans
I mean by a small child, like between 0-4, I used to ride by grandparents brown lab when I was much younger. Some medium sized dogs with good noses or jaws have their own uses for small game, but aren't particularly good at chasing down larger ones like deer.
>5 different species of crows
>these considard same species
Shibas are GOOD BOYS
you take that back right now
I fucking love rottweilers, best breed there is, cyber or not
somebody doesn't know the secrets of the level 5 laser lotus.
Why did you get yourself a girlfriend?
>mfw i have a german shepherd and a yellow waterfowl lab
Catholic dogs go to heaven. Protestant dogs can talk to their pastor.
No, actually my GF listens to me because I command respect. Had a dog once. Never again.
Dogs are only adraid of fireworks if you train them to be. They follow the reaction of their masters.
If you flinch or make a big deal every time there is thunder, the dog gets conditioned to freak out. I have the sweetest dog ever but she doesn't cry like a bitch at every loud noise, because I don't either.
Train your pet.
Cats are the master race, dgs need to be gassed.
the difference between dogs and girls, user, is that dogs should be treated as your equal, you need to make sure they know you care about them and respect them, you can't just yell at them and expect them to do what you want, unlike women
I don't flinch around fireworks. The dog I had did.
>treated as your equal
Dogs are literally subhuman. They will never be my equal.
Yeah, dogs were catholics, they had same intelligence as Christians, correct. Well i agree with those other things before you gone full retard with Catholic.
you have become officially non-white you degenerate subhuman
The thing is most people breeding Wolves or even Wolfdogs end up getting killed by them.
Excuse me, but my dog is Catholic
Thats retarded.
Im not afraid of loud noises in the slightest and my dog freaks out.
What a stupid idea.
they are subhuman, literally, but that doesn't mean you can't treat them as your equal. They are companions and should be treated as such
One way or another you reinforced that loud noises were worthy of getting panicked over. Your dog probably freaked out as a puppy and you probably tried soothing it like a human instead of being a good pack leader and not giving a fuck. Almost all dog training issues can be fixed by not being a shitty pack leader
>Non white
Fuck off kike, cat owners by reaserch on average have higher IQ then dog owners!
Also you are non-white meme
pic related
Cat people are the biggest faggots to ever grace this earth especially if they're men.
>itt master dog trainers
Fucking kill yourself. If your dog freaked out at loud noises it's because you reinforced the behavior instead of correcting it. Probably better learn to take self responsibility
>itt dogs are niggers
Heh, I don't have the time nor money to train a dog up to speed.
Maybe. I just ignored the fucker.
Yeah but they're more predictable than niggers
My nigga!!!! They really are the master race of doge a pack of raptors
Ow the edge
False dichotomy divide and conquer shills are bigger faggots, so no, male cat owners are not the biggest faggots.
This. Dog also need to be at least up to your knee in size.
>Ow the edge
My comment wasn't edgy?
>have dog
>only ever been around my family and seen other whites
>sees 1st black through the window
>barks aggressively at nog
>white walks by, ignores
>another black walks past
>again barks aggresively
precious dog was also the same way
MFW i race dogos correctly somehow
But can wolves take the subway?
>I just ignored the fucker
Ok senpai
My dog who is nice to everyone freaked out one day on a a furry suit. My dog identified it as some kind of animal and rushed at the degenerate and bit his suit and barked. I had to drag him back my dog wouldn't stop going crazy until he took of the fucking fox head.
If there were no laws I would have let my dog kill him.
Lots of dog were bred for varying things that's what great about dogs m8. There are dogs for hunting, protection, drug sniffing, dogs that help with blind people and then there are dogs who were bred for royalties they're small dainty dogs that the ladyfolk appreciate. All dogs can love you and your family so don't be prejudiced against any dogs :)
>Have Rot weiler mix
>Have Pit Bull mix
Feels good, man.
Inb4 pit bull is evil meme. You're in a thread making fun of shit dogs who cant guard a paper bag.
The real niggers are people who don't keep their dogs on leashes at all times in public.
yeah and they use their high IQs to get cucked by masculine alpha dog owners.
you cant be white if you hate dogs, you are not fooling me
What's edgy about that? You never called your buddy fucker jokingly?
That's like user calling user faggot.
>ignoring a dog freaking out over loud noises is edgy
Are you a woman?
You can't be white, period.
It really depends on the dog, I wouldn't go to the park where people walk to let my dog off his leash but if i'm out in the woods where no one is around my dog will stay right by my legs and walk with me.
Well TBQH i own cat becouse i left parents home 4 years ago and took the cat with me, but i think that dogs are better companions.
Said the USA
Present arms!
>Fingolians eat dogs
More proof that you're not white.
New phone
Who dis?
Blondi please dont make me cry
Your dog sounds like a fuckin queer. Stupid gay dog.
asians will fix it, dont worry
They adapt evolutionary after being domesticated by humans for thousands of years. Who would have guessed?
Of course they don't raise their puppies, because they are cared for by humans and later given away. And why should they even know how to get food besides that they need to call for human when they're next to their bowl.
Seriously it would be odd, if all those facts weren't the case.
Best doggo coming through.