You guys are good at mental gymnastics, try to refute this.
You guys are good at mental gymnastics, try to refute this
Other urls found in this thread:
>using windows
>using chrome
Words are just words, you have never lived in a shithole, neither did Trudeau, he's the one who used mental gymnastics on you.
I live in a country that is a muslim majority and it sucks
Not to say that the muslim are all bad, that's not true, but their way of life doesn't coexist with the west, they can be good people that can't physically hurt someone, but they still want to push their ideologies and that is why they create closed communities wherever they go
I am afraid of Muslims though...
They're not nice people.
Wtf I love terrorism now
Being afraid of spiders never caused one to bite me
What about muslim hate of westerners? What is that called and how many billions have that?
Not OP but Windows JUST WERKS
and Chromium not chrome is the best browser
>Not to say that the muslim are all bad,
Your religion is a lie, a death cult based upon murder and conquest of civilized peoples.
Trudeau could have worded it in a way which didn't belittle the lives of those who died due to terrorism. What a sociopath.
What reason is there to believe that "billions" of people in muslim majority countires experience islamophobia from non-muslims? The only muslims who experience "islamophobia" are amongst those who immigrate to Western countries
islamophobia doesnt kill people. terrorism kills people. when people die then their friends are affected. when people die they are no longer alive. terrorism is much worse than "islamophobia"
I'm not Muslim, but thanks for correcting the record
>1 post
If we kill them, they'll no longer suffer
>few are affected by terrorism
Tell that to the families of those killed by terrorists, you fucking leaf scum
Is this worse than Hillary?
do you have to pretend to be Muslim or let people assume you are?
>hurting the feelings of Muslims
>blowing people up
Canadian intellectuals
You may not like what he said but it's Tru deau
Terrorism is one of the driving forces for us waging various wars in the Middle East, Terrorism is also incredibly rampant in the Middle East. Terrorism has a much greater effect on the lives of both Muslims and Westerners than Islamophobia. Someone needs to go ahead and rake Castro's bastard child
kek, sincerely, Americ ais the god of Islam.
>"People who are scared of Muslims killing them are worse than Muslims who kill people." - Justin Trudeau
>Terrorism is one of the driving forces for us waging various wars in the Middle East
This post reeks of genuine burger retardation
Terrorism doesn't just affect the people shot in a concert hall or the passengers on a plane that is blown up. The real weapon is fear; fear that the guy next to me on the subway is wearing an explosive vest, or the truck delivering goods up the street will be used to mow down the crowd I'm walking in. "Islamophobia" is a direct result of the ever-present threat of terrorism.
Islam says incest is okay (first cousins), so there's generations of inbreeding, leading to their people being fucked in the head. The proof is scientific.
depends on the person and situation, but it's mostly small talk but i don't engage with them since it's annoying how they look at me like i just killed someone when they know
and multiculturalism begets islamophobia. cause and effect. Now fuck off, leaf.
>few are affected by terrorism
What has this cuck been smoking?
Canada, is this for real? Wow
Yeah, which came first, the chicken or the egg?
...people being afraid of inbred Muslims doing crazy shit, or the inbred Muslims doing crazy shit?
I said one of the driving forces, dipshit. Of course I am aware of shit like protecting the petrol dollar and Zionist tampering. But Terrorism is how they sell it to the public, otherwise what else would they use
>Few are maimed by terrorists that we import but lots of mudslimes have their feewings hurt
true. terrorism effects entire nations. It's a means of psychological warfare. Trudeau is a low-iq faggot.
Its true. The question is why do we give a shit?
they're just reacting to evil western foreign policies!
trudeau is a cuckfag parading around the podium of a historically insignificant and sterilized country. trudeau would not be able to run a country of any worth. i bet he giggles after he sneezes in public.
what a fucking cuckold
It is used as a scapegoat. That's it. If it were in anyway, shape or form a "driving force", the Saudi's would be cut off and left to dry and you wouldn't be funding, training, arming and transporting wounded Isis to fucking Israeli hospitals for treatment.
there you go, refuted
It'll all be over soon brother
I-I hope
What a fucking scumbag
yeah but, like most mudshits will you stone a woman to death just to convince other crazy Muslims that you're devout because you don't want to be in her shoes? I just see people like you still getting involved in honor-killings to keep up appearances.
politicians who don't know how to solve a problem instead try to normalize it.
Take for example the idea of "well jobs only last 2-3 years now, have fun young lads!". Politicians have no idea how to create a stable economic system so they pretend it's the new normal.
Everyone point and laugh at king leaf
Why don't the victims of terrorism go on to become terrorists?
This is essentially what they are saying is normal behaviour so why doesn't it happen?
The same with gays/niggers/mexicans/gooks/whoever, why aren't they all resorting to random acts of violence?
Why are only muslims terrorists?
he is a jew
he is lying
Why does he support a religion that treats women as slaves?
If you invite a serial killer into your home knowing he is a serial killer should you be surprised when he rapes and murders your family.
>Being assumed Muslim because you're Arab.
I know that feel bro...
You know this is all for show ?
>hurt feelings are worse than dying
Is this nigger serious?
You're not Arab, you're black.
Fuck no
Gimme some sugar egyptbro
>Few are affected by terrorism
Oh, so it's better for thousands to fucking die than for a couple of shits kind to get their fucking feelings hurt?
Are you actually fucking serious?
What the fuck
>no tabs, cmon now
I've no phobia of i*slam, I just think it has no place in the west.
What ever happened in Tunisia after the ((((Arab Spring))))? News outlets are saying you're actually doing pretty well and things are improving but I don't believe the media easily.
Terrorism makes people die, islamophobia makes people cry.
There are only around 1.6 billion muslims in the world. So when Trudeau says billions that can only mean that there are atleast 0.4 billion people who would for whatever reason be affected by this "islamophobia" or the muslims do something to other people because of they get affected by the "islamophobia".
>Security issue against entire nations is less dangerous then some Muzzies being mad over people saying their religion is backwards
Holy fucking Christ
These are over the top by most Muslim's standards. They'd understand if we were against things even if they thought we were Muslim.
affected, you mean brutally murdered. Trudeau is truly a cuck.
we are stuck with bad economy and shit politicians and a new government every 2 years, still a shitty country, at least before we had a better economy
1 Billion Islamic faith following Muslims... Even a fraction of a percentage spread between nations is enough to cause devastation for years to come.
Oh, and I have NOT met a single practitioner of the Islamic faith and teachings of the Qu'ran who stand against the actions of ISIS.
Simply ending the religion will end the problems, but since no one is willing to give up their faith voluntarily, remove it by force (MOABS FOR ARABS AROUND THE GLOBE)
Fact is Muslim violance and culture caused many people to hate muslims. The fact that people hate them is not what caused their violent behavior it is meerky a side effect of their violance.
is SISI really bad ? we hear nothing about egypt here, i loved back in the day adel imam :D
Why do they always complain about fascism then?
Hell, murder only affects a small percentage of the population, therefore it's ok.
>we are stuck with bad economy and shit politicians
yeah I expected that. it's the same situation here.
¨post link
He just cares about personal power and giving as much power as possible to the army. Not to mention the terrible economic decisions.
so he's basically a nationalist with no vision or knowledge
I would love to sit down with him and talk through the reasoning behind what he's saying here. I just can't work out how to line up that tweet with anything remotely resembling reality.
Terrorism has killed millions. Literally millions. Over the past 17 years Islamic extremists have murdered hundreds of thousands of people in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and smaller numbers in other middle eastern countries, Europe and America. And the chaos they've caused has led to hundreds of thousands of more deaths through the proximate damage done to social cohesion and the economy.
Does he have any idea how badly places like Egypt, Tunisia and Turkey have been affected by Islamic terrorism? Turkey has suffered moderately, but Tunisia and Egypt have had their economies crippled by the loss of tourism due to terrorist strikes. The economic misery people are suffering through there would blow his tiny liberal mind.
Added to that the billions - literally billions of people across the world - who have had to deal with more powerful security services and constant fear as a result of terrorist attacks in their country.
And all this is stacked up against what? A few hurt feelings? What does he think "Islamophobia" has done to the majority of Muslims? Honestly, more than anything else the /narcissism/ of these people disgusts me. As if a Canadian or an American making an anti-Muslim statement on twitter must naturally make more of a difference to the life of the average Muslim than a few bombs going off, because, you know... obviously anything a white person does is more important that something a brown person does.
Yes, except he doesn't care about the people as much as he claims.
Is this fake?
>pls be
Fake tweet.
nuke us
Islamophobia has recently become criticizing Islam. It's not perfect, therefore it's subject to criticism. There shouldn't even need to be a discussion as to whether something should be subject to criticism - because everything is and there is no actual impact other than spreading the truth, whatever said truth may be.
Terrorism is killing people. People are actually affected by terrorism. Islamophobia is nonsense.
AHahahaha Holy shit
>Muslims are so peaceful that we cannot criticize them lest they start blowing things up
Imagine how sad it must be to be a Canadian right now.
who gives a fuck? this faggot will be gone in two years.
This, holy shit what have we done to deserve this?
>entire countries are affected by terrorism to the point where it makes legislature and affects international politics
>a handful of Muslims get the same amount of bantz that the average person gets but this kind of assimilation is triggering
Thanks weed man. Very compelling
He's getting re-elected for sure. All Canadian women get their panties wet just from thinking about him.
It's true and the only counter I can see is that the magnitude of harm is different. One results in more deaths while the other has less serious impacts despite impacting many more people. The mental calculus we use to determine which is a greater risk differs from individual to individual.
Yup, he's got the commie, women and minority vote on lockdown.
Why should i give a shit about some people's feelings being hurt when i could be one of the few getting mowed down by a truck?
Matthew Perry is my hero for slapping the shit out of this spineless, faggot cuck.
I find it is easier for people to hate the terrorists than acknowledge that they hate the West for a reason. Many do, and still hate them.
Oh no, billions of hurt feelings vs. a "few" people split in half by trucks and blown to pieces.
>Tell that to the families of those killed by terrorists, you fucking leaf scum
Amen, brother. I might hate this cocksucker more than King Nigger. There is no excuse for a White man in a leadership position to act and speak the way he does. Canadians should be absolutely ashamed of themselves.
Traitor. If you Canadians don't impeach this POS you are no better than the traitor krauts. This guy is an idiot faggot.
Hard to believe that could be possible. Why the fuck did Canadians elect this idiot?
Supreme cunt