How does one come to terms with having kids? I grew up never wanting any, and I'm still not thrilled of the idea, but I know the importance of having stable, white families and communities in the future. I'm 25 now, I'm with the person who I'll probably marry, yet not financially stable nor mentally ready to have kids. Anyone here a parent? Anyone going through the same dilemma as me? Let's try to keep this discussion civil and free of shills.
Coming to terms with having kids
27 had a daughter last year. You aren't really a man until you become a father. Not an insult to guys without kids but you definitely change.
Yeah I turn 21 in 5 days, been thinking similarly. Although I probably won't find a good woman to have them with and will just give up if it doesn't happen by like 30ish.
People used to have kids/stay together with the first person they fucked basically, back in the 70s and before. It was better that way desu.
And don't have kids too late. I'd say 35 is the latest. Imagine being 50 when your son is 15, sounds pretty bad to me. My parents are still in their 40s.
24 and had 2 kids by the time I was 18. Your life becomes a sacrifice. Not just to your kids, but to your ideals and principals, and to your nation/humanity. Well, if you're worth half a fuck anyway.
You're never ready to have kids. You just deal with it when it happens.
Would you say that's true for women too? Not really a women until a mother?
My mom had me when she was almost 40. I'm 25 now and my parents are retiring. I'd imagine having a few kids in my early-mid 30s wouldn't be so bad.
Planned or accident babies? Married? Still with baby's momma?
Accidental, not married, still with baby's momma SOLELY for their sake. They have no idea how bad things have been between their mother and I.
and yet jesus was a childless bachelor... hmm.. funny that.
what is this thread sliding? 3rd one I've seen in an hour
He was dead at 33. Your point?
You'd think an obvious exception would be made for the son of God/savior of humanity but I guess that needs to be explained to you.
I grew up not wanting kids. I'm 20 now, will be 21 in July. And over the last 12 months of redpilling myself I've never been more excited to have kids. I have blonde hair & green eyes & want to pass on these genetics for more white kiddies. Once I'm financially stable I think I'd make a good dad.
Only problem is I'm gay though. What are Sup Forums's views on this? Gay but not a faggot, is it okay to raise kids?
Congrats user. That's called growing up and accepting adult responsibility. Make us proud.
You're gay but you intend to impregnate a woman and not adopt? I'd say do it but if you can't consistently show her intimacy then you'll probably fracture, leaving your new kids to be raised in yet another broken household. If you can avoid that then by all means, make your faggot-ass useful and have some kids. Pretty sure faggotry is recessive.
Maybe you could lend your seed to a married woman whose husband is infertile. That way you can have kids, still be a faggot, and make arrangements to be active in the child's life.
In that case do you really think it would be best for him to be active in the child's life? Might undermine the kid's concept of who his father is which can lead to an identity crisis later in life.
You're not gay you've just been on the internet too long.
Well I wasn't planning on getting a wife.
Definitely a decent option.
But desu lads was more thinking IVF & surrogacy, and raising them with my significant other. If that option turns out to be a no-go then as cucked as it is; surely adopting white kids and giving them a decent environment & upbringing is more beneficial to the white race than just not raising any kids at all?
just stop being gay
I've been pretty confident that I was gay since I was about 8 mate.
So you just planned on shooting your seed into some woman to impregnate her and then what? Split custody? You haven't thought this through at all have you?
Got my son last year at 25. You are never ready until it's in your arm. Then you realize the fight for the future and existence of white children is of the utmost importance because the maternity at the hospital is filled with mutts and foreigners.
If handled properly, it might be okay. Kind of like how some kids have a dad and a step-dad and arrangements for visitation is planned beforehand.
Yeah, if you can't have a kid, adopt a white kid. Many people who adopt are freaks who want some kind of exotic pet as a kid.
No, like I said I plan on using surrogacy.
How the hell do you fuck up and have a kid before you even graduate, then decide to do it all over again? Are condoms illegal where you live? Are you against pulling out?
Don't do that to some poor kid. Don't bring a child into this world without providing them with a stable family structure. I will personally castrate you.
Just adopt. Adopt some kid who has shitty/dead parents instead of creating a new lif only to instantly fuck it up.
No I was just horribly irresponsible. I stepped up though and did everything it took to turn the situation into a good one. Now they're in a stable household, they're happy, receiving good education and discipline, etc.
Almost turned out terribly.
So you're suggesting I should take care of a child that already exists rather than increasing the total white population, in addition to passing on Blonde hair green eye genetics?
Yes. Without offering a stable family structure you risk creating child who will be part of the problem i.e. degenerate, violent, criminal, no traditional values, etc.
Although adopting a white kid doesn't raise the white population level, it IS helping out a white child that would probably not have a good chance at life if they were not adopted. It is still an honorable thing to do.
its genetics
Im still sorting my self
Jesus was not a man.
faggots can't have kids. That's the price to pay of being a faggot. And don't you try stealing a baby.
Although the advantage there is they'll turn against you and there is a high chance they'll turn out to be conservatives.
It doesn't work like that user. You won't know/understand why you want kids until a nurse hands you yours. An event that will change your whole view of the world. No one knew how much they needed an iphone until they got one. Don't over think it. Make 3, never look back.
>Dating this girl for 7 months
>Find out she's preggo mid february
>She told me if she ever got preggo she'd abort that shit
>All of a sudden she wants to keep it
>Been acting crazy lately, can't tell whether its hormones or just getting to know her other side
>Genuinely fucking scared at becoming a single parent who gets his wallet milked without getting to raise his own kid
It wasn't supposed to be like this
At least the kid will inherit good genes on both sides
Precisely why I'm suggesting having my own - which increases the white population + gives them these genetics.
If the first option is a no go then like I said I think i'd adopt, because although it doesn't increase the white population it is providing a decent life for a white kid (or kids), and thus it's better than having no kids at all.
But surely on the whole - the first option is better, because in both circumstances there will be a child (or children) with a decent life in a stable environment, but in the former the white population will increase too.
And I intend to offer a stable family structure. I want kids, but not until I'm economically stable. I might be gay but I'm no faggot. I'd raise them like I was raised. Lenient with discipline, taught to be respectful, taught to avoid violence, but also taught how to defend myself if necessary. Taught to be critical and rational, an empiricist. To be kind and generous when I can etc.
Are we playing spot the jew? I think I just won. Can I have my (((you))) now?
I'm a conservative.
Listen to molymeme he'll get you hyped on it
People who plan it out perfectly just never have them. Or they have one retarded spoiled brat at age 38 who turned out to be an autistic weirdo.
everybody died around 40 then, no?
You're a (((conservative))).
If you were a real one you would know the only family is one made up of a man and a woman.
Will be the best thing you do user. There will be sleepless nights and stressful moments at times but there is a greater reward. Plus you don't voluntarily extinguish your own genetics like the other self righteous fags all to excited to... muh degeneracy
I follow Dao teachings regarding saving your seed, energy, and the female "fountain of youth"
no. The infant mortality rate was off the hook, crazy high so the average was low but if you lived past 12 you would live into 60s and 70s
Okay then I'm a conservative with some amendments.
everyone is some level of bi, no worries user your brain and hormones keep changing until you're nearly 30 in most cases. Things also change based on lifestyle choices (weed might make people a bit gayer or straighter than they normally are sober for example)
this argument reminds me of the "get a dog at a shelter" vs "get a pure bred from an accredited breeder"
kinda weird imo
Try to make it work, user. If anything, be active in the kids life if you can't be with her. She's probably going through a lot being anti-child but deciding to keep hers.
>my parents, me
I'm torn between saying yes - go ahead because we need to keep the white race pure. We don't need anymore shitskins and mutts.
Then you could also adopt a kid, maybe from a poor white family, give that kid a better chance at being successful (college education/opportunity) thereby extending white dominion over lesser races in the future.
Well thanks bro but I'm not worried. I'm entirely happy with how I ended up. Additionally I've never done drugs. I have the occasional bottle of cider, maybe one every few months and that's all.
Just cannibalize it like the Jews do.
I know so many dip fucks from highschool who have children, it's wild to me. I think you're just over analyzing the topic.
I'd make a bet that you'll raise your kids much better than the retards I knew from highschool just based off of the foresight you have, and to really contemplate the idea. You'll be fine.
>And I intend to offer a stable family structure
You - wife = no family structure
You + girlfriend you don't intend to marry = unstable family structure
I don't give a shit if you intend to raise your kid to be LIKE a well-adjusted and critical white person, if you don't have a good mother to raise them with you while you provide financially they will not turn out how you hoped. There are countless statistical validations for what I'm saying. Children raised in single parent households are more likely to experience depression, commit crimes, abuse the opposite sex, become alcoholics, etc. Grow a brain, dipshit.
I assume you're addressing me. Those are my thoughts too. But having my own kids (plural because i want to increase the size of the next generation) means I can provide them with the opportunity that I could with adopted kids. But in the first example I also increase the amount of white people.
technically jesus impregnated his own mum to give birth to himself
i dont want those. loud expensive annoying creatures.
Me + Husband though mate.
Kids raised by gay parents never turn out right. Sorry you had to hear it but you wouldn't have asked that question here if you weren't somewhat expecting this response.
>"don't fuck up the white race any further by creating shitty kids"
>"wow sounds like a kike to me hurrr"
>I'm with the person who I'll probably marry, yet not financially stable nor mentally ready to have kids
Then fucking don't have any until you have a stable job. It's not rocket science.
The Finn needs his quiet and personal space.
Look, a huge part of life is reproducing. If you think you are getting the same experience enjoying fancier vacations or nicer furniture than raising offspring then you have been deceived by your enemies in a way you will not really understand until you are laying on your deathbed where you will surely die among your slightly nicer photo albums as an abject failure at life.
listen if you're a man and you have some children you have to be like a father to them
ya beat them and kick them and smash them in the teeth
No you're a faggot larping as conservative on a Vietnamese finger-painting board.
I'm married with a kid on the way, just had the 12 week ultrasound. Don't know the gender yet. Worried it'll be a faggot if a boy, worried it'll date niggers if a girl. Can't be satisfied I guess
In exactly your position. Gay but don't act it and actively loathe degeneracy. Been in a stable three year relationship so far with a similarly normal acting guy and we have a pretty decent life so far. Decent jobs, don't do drugs, both fairly redpilled. I was going to adopt at some point later in life but the last couple of years have made me want to pass on my genes so much. It's a frustrating situation but I'm sure I'll make the right decision when the time comes.
I guess we're lucky we're in a country where gays having kids is a bit odd but not massively looked down upon.
Oh god off yourself.
"Daddy, why is my other daddy like a mommy?"
"Well, son, that's because it's okay for men to act like women. Now what say you we head to church and get you some exercise so you can raise a normal and healthy white family some day?"
And if your husband doesn't do the typical bottom thing where he acts like a woman, then your child will grow up without a thorough understanding of femininity and will likely pursue masculine women who will not be good mother material.
But yeah, nah, just roll the dice and hope it all goes well regardless lol
I didn't quite think about that, but you're probably right. I hope so anyways. She said she's had multiple dreams of backpackin around the world and shit and has been watching shows about travelling, which she never professed to caring about before.
i'm a new father of a 5 month old boy. Do it man, its beautiful. The little guy is a stress relief from everyday shit. Plus, i see huge mudslime families here already, its a war of cultures and we need our kids to survive
I feel like most gay people are degenerate faggots who define themselves by their sexuality though.
I'd consider myself a right-leaning, conservative empiricist with a respect for others and tradition (with the obvious exception). I'd like to think I'm a decent human being that just happens to be gay. The same goes for my bf, we met here on Sup Forums too to further reiterate my point.
I don't expect that he and I stay true to the standard model of faggots raising kids together. Because we simply don't behave like the degenerates who participate in those studies do.
t. Jamal, son of Laqwanda and ????
I never said it's okay for men to act like women. Additionally neither of us act like women. I don't need to roll the dice and hope, because I would have control over how I raise the children to ensure they turn out to be decent human beings. And of course I'd provide enough female role models for their development. Like I said I'm no faggot degenerate. Just a decent guy who happens to be gay.
wtf, im a muslim now
I know the feeling. I'm 32 and single with no kids. I've actually always wanted children before, but as of the last few years I've kind of changed to not wanting them ever. I'm not as concerned with the moral implications, but I am torn as to how I want the rest of my life to go. I genuinely really like kids and I love being an uncle, but I'm just now figuring out how to keep my own life on track and I am not sure I'm capable of doing the same for a child. I view this as a personal failing of sorts, but I am who I am and I want to be able to make a rational choice about something so important.
I'm also surprised to discover that the idea of ending my family line with me is extremely unsettling. My sister has kids, but she took her husbands name. I have cousins, but something about not continuing my nuclear family bothers me. I know the names are all symbolic, but there is still value in symbolism.
Ultimately though, I think it doesn't really matter what the fuck we want right now, life is going to happen and feelings change, if you meet a woman you can't live without you may discover you have capabilities and desires you didn't know about before.
Stick around and drop slight redpills. Seems like she's in the right mindset for thinking about life in a different way.
Satan, how old are you?
How old are you?
Wife and I are both 34
>And of course I'd provide enough female role models for their development
Without a mother to constantly nurture their development it won't be enough. Many societies have tried raising their kids communally by having many mother/father-like people being around them for support and they no longer exist. It is arrogant and ignorant to assume you'll raise children fine after forsaking a traditional family structure so you can fuck Butch up the ass instead of making a sacrifice of yourself.
After this conversation its clear you have nothing special to pass on anyway you fucking retard.
He's not the bottom, I am. I have my white genetics and decent human values to pass on to children.
Plenty of kids raised in a traditional environment turn out to be fucked up regardless. It's not like Crime and violence only appeared once gay people could adopt. What a ridiculous notion.
>Guy who had 2 kids by 18 telling me what's good and what isn't for children.
this is the most Boomer thing i've ever heard
>Guy who had 2 kids by 18 telling me what's good and what isn't for children.
We'll see who's right after my kids raise healthy white families and yours end up dead or looking like pic related.
>Implying raising children to be critical empiricists could ever turn out to be radically left-wing.
>I'm 25
you've still got around 15 years to make that decision. Men age like wine, and you can date 10 years younger than you easily. Just build yourself and your resources, to enjoy the fruits of your labor later.
lol no that could never happen
still, its undeniable truth kids need both male and female role models, so try to associate with some dykes on play dates or something
I agree with you. Which is why I said here:That I'd provide enough female role models for their development. Wouldn't say dykes on the whole are the best options for female role models though. Probably just some straight couples.
>It's not like Crime and violence only appeared once gay people could adopt. What a ridiculous notion.
It is. Good thing I never said it. The fact is that statistics overwhelming show that children raised without both a live-in mother and father are SIGNIFICANTLY MORE LIKELY to become addicts, violent criminals, poor, and unhappy. ignore that at your child's peril.
An empiricist cannot be part of the radical left by definition. Because the radical left ignore reality in favour of their narrative. You're an idiot.
Yeah get some straight women to just drop in and help raise your kids for a while. What a sound notion. Airtight if you ask me. Totally just as good as them having a live-in mother. Yep.
bang-maid/baby sitter.
I'm not saying it's perfect. But the situation you dropped your children in isn't perfect either. No environment is perfect, but with the goal of increasing the white population with proper white genetics such as mine, I intend to give them the best life that I could possibly provide for them, and to make them productive, strong and kind individuals.
Evolution rewards those who survive and reproduce, not the happy and well-adjusted. This is a numbers game. Stop your whatever-selection. You're just making soft little faggots and coalburners, that will appreciate none of your sacrifice and time. You might have one or two, it kills you financially, and then one is gay, the other race-mixes or doesn't reproduce.
Better to fill our ranks with hard people, that will take what they want, breed and not worry about a 401k, or existential depressive nonsense. This is about evolution alone.
No, you just have the mind of a teenager. You have defined the "radical left" as some body of inherently willfully delusional people, but that's not what they are. They are people whose ideologies are not consistent with reality or at a fundamental level. They proceed from false premises which leads them to reject traditional values and often common sense.
Empiricism is a premise that leaves no room for objective morality. If you proceed from empiricism you will logically reject that which cannot be empirically measured, like morality, beauty, truth as a concept, etc.
Empiricism and rationalism are exactly what led to our anti-religious, anti-tradition society that is falling apart and destroying white people and western civilization but you're stupid enough to assume that raising an empiricist is the solution and that you'll do a perfect job at it, and that your child would be an adequate receptacle for your teachings. You assume all that because you're ignorant as shit. Grow up.
>But the situation you dropped your children in isn't perfect either
The differences being it was changeable. Good luck fixing the problem of having your kids spend their formative years without a real mother.
>The guy with 2 kids at 18 calls someone else ignorant and tells them to grow up.
If their ideologies and not consistent with reality then they cannot be empiricists. Reality is the evidence they require to shatter those Ideologies.
Empiricism first and foremost. Follow the evidence. If there is no reliable evidence, use logic. Beyond that intuition & feelings. This doesn't rule out objective morality at all. One can still follow evidence and be moral.