So now that trump has revealed himself as a jew controlled neocon...

so now that trump has revealed himself as a jew controlled neocon, our efforts should be redirected back to accelerating the race war

2020 we should vote against trump so the liberal that gets put in further ostracizes whites from the current political parties

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Not really a liberal who accelerates anti-white policies further, but rather a third-party candidate someone similar to Ron Paul.

>2020 we should vote against trump so the liberal that gets put in further ostracizes whites from the current political parties
>hey guys you know what would be great, more white-hating faggots in office
we see what you're doing. you're not fooling anyone

no we want more anti-white policies so more normies wake up to what is happening

the pedulum always swings back
its clear that the pedulum is on our side right now but we are not going to get much this turn because trump is a cuck
elect a liberal that causes the next swing in our favor to be even further to the right than it was this time
people elected a man running on a civic nationalist platform. he is not gong to follow through, after suffering another swing of the left's identity politics the next time around we will have a an even greater opportunity to elect a white nationalist

>i want to bait white people into my widdle wace war by getting liberals to fuck them even harder

please kill yourself immediately.

Wow dude most shill threads don't get triplicated digits but check these here bucko

more like
>i want to manipulate people into voting liberal under the guise of a conservative agenda

yes, white people need to feel like they are being fucked

This, the shills have found a new thing to shill for

did this place get overrun with niggers?
such low IQ

No, you have to think for yourself. How is this gonna wake up normies when Sup Forums gets banned, hate speech laws become more fervently enforced, sanctuary cities get more funding, american demographics go more down the toilet and it becomes life-threatening to be redpilled? No, we need to normalize being redpilled, not make it more dangerous.

>hey guys lets put a white-hating leftist in office so that we can spur a race war
>call other people low IQ
top kek faggot

it'll force you into the streets to start really making a difference instead of jacking off to anime on your computer

Fuck off shill

are you 16? in your mind, what is a 'race war' going to look like? do you think its red team vs blue team with matching uniforms, niggers vs non-niggers? whites are being marginalized; incentives and assistance given to every group but whites; whites are targeted frequently for hate crimes

you want a race war, faggot? guess what: you're in one

>he wants to wait for Mugabe to show him what a race war is
we need the left to over play their hand and force mainstream whites to address race directly while we are still a majority

>compares modern american politics to mugabes south africa
>calls other people low iq

>thinks we aren't headed to SA territory if we don't remove bean and cotton
you really are a nigger

This, the truth is that the only thing left needs to do is to divert people from noticing the changing american demographics, they don't even need to actively push for diversity, since process is already going well and whites will be a minority around 2045 anyway.

I have listened to many podcasts, and the united message I have heard is that we actually need more freedom of speech, since that would allow more reactionary right-wingers to reach audiences and redpill people on various topic to wake them up to the realities they are facing collectively as whites in contemporary america.

yeah im sure there will be machete wielding bush niggers tying white people up and setting them on fire with tires while the local govt openly endorses it. any day now. ill take a conservative wet back over a white-sabotaging faggot liberal any day. white nationalism is about promotion of your own people, not the destruction of others.

it'll be sooner than you think
50% of whites would willingly go to the gallows because they have been dosed with white guilt their whole lives

>concedes the majority of whites are self sabotaging
>hey lets get someone in office to sabotage them even more, that'll "wake them up"
your checker board doesnt even have all the pieces

>letting them go back to sleep to die the demographic death is better
people like you deserve to be bred out

because putting a white-hating liberal who hands out more gibs is the solution? at first i thought you were a shill but its obvious youre legit retarded. enjoy jerking off to dead niggers and your fictitious narrative of politics