Who would win?

Who would win?

Other urls found in this thread:


The jews

us, obviously


same thing

Now? The U.S

In 1812? Clear British victory.


what would you do?

>Five eyes fighting each other.

The most unlikely conflict of all time.

We all know...

Canada obviously.

Americans would MOAB the shit out of them and therefore leaf victory.

>In 1812? Clear British victory.
Keep your fantasies to yourself.

Cheeky cunt

I can tell I've been here too long when I knew that would be the first post.

>british victory
>northern front stalemate
>southern front btfo
>western front, tecumseh defeated, manifest destiny secured

tell me how was it a victory?

>t. Whitehouse burn victims

I wonder who could be behind this post

You are an idiot.

The U.S fought you cunts centuries ago.

So basically retarded islanders and the retarded children of the retarded islands vs the retarded children of the retarded children of the islanders.

Reminder that the US has not won a war since WW2, and that was mostly Russia's doing.


didn't we just have a YLYL thread?

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, you fags won't even see the emus until it's too late.

Usa will tremble before the mighty tea-leaf coalition.
Afganistan and Iran are child's play.
10 million suicide bombers in closer vicinity will BTFO USA.

t. nigger intellectual

we would put up a good fight but america would overwhelm us

we would push them to their limit nearly though but we couldnt win

their navy out numbers all of ours and they can outnuke us

the deciding factor would be if nukes are banned and if america comes to us or we come to them....if they have to come to britain there is a chance,but there is no way we could get past their fleet into their coast.

their navy wont land here either

if we got france involved then maybe we could win.


Everyone gets nuked I imagine?

We successfully defended Canada against the Americans and burnt down the White House. Americans failed in their war objective. It wasn't up to us to invade USA

Not sure if you realised, but you declared war in the first place, and your goal was to conquer Canada (failed for a second time) and to stop the UK from cucking your navy (also failed). I'm not really sure what grounds Britain would have to call it a victory as we had no war aims, but either way it certainly wasn't an American one.

you can't be this fucking hypocritical, stop trying to divide the white, european race

>what would you do?

Execute Order 66

when I see how the Anglo-Saxons fighting each other

i agree,OP is a faggot

i love america and an attack on them i consider an attack on britain

Canada makes a massive dude weed lmao machine and blows trillions of square feet of smoke at the USA.

They get too stoned to fight and we win.

Canada 35
NZ 4
Australia 23
UK 64

Overall = 126m

USA = 320m

Win at what? Ping pong?

Threads over guys

Clearly the United states, after the war we can claim Alberta give the rest of the land to Japan & China in exchange for zeroing out our debts.


Did you know, even if France, Germany, Russia, china, and India came to help you, you would still lose

Put Canada on America's side and we'd win.

Straya would give Cucknadia, New Zealand, and Bongistan the finger and come fight for us like they have every conflict since the civil war ended.
Would be comfy as fuck and we could trap all the Abbos in northern Canada then take bets on how long they would last without gibs

>Centuries ago
>Centuries ago
Legitimately all you had to do was read it and think about it before hitting post.

This tbqhwymf

Except the last battle of the war we kicked the shit out of you
So you're wrong


>He won't post a painting of US forces burning the Canadian Parliament building to the ground

Murica stronk



>We successfully defended Canada against the Americans
No you didn't

Join us, poojeet. We need the dudes!


>It wasn't up to us to invade USA
Except it literally was
You started two fucking wars against us after the revolution
For fuck sake why is it that none of you cunts can ever admit that you were in the wrong yet if you ever bring up the French doing it to a frog they immediately admit and apologize for it?

Signing the treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons was a mistake.

40 years ago we had the chance to become a nuclear power and we threw it away.

Top kek. That's like saying "The UK won the revolutionary war because they raped the USA in all pitched battles and it was only the intervention of 3 superpowers that prevented UK from winning"

And these battles happened, guess we won after all.

We have the grace of our lord and saviour on our side.

Lol no

They alreadyhave 3 bases here, project global naval power with I believe 18 aircraft carriers and their support craft. They're largely a meme but their abundance counts and their standing army and material far exceeds all in Europe. We'd sting but we'd get swatted in conventional warfare. Nukes are obviously pointless to discuss because their use will cause global havoc and nukes will be used everywhere. You'd think Russia, Japan, China and all the other countries will just sit back while Anglos fuck each other up?

If we're retarded that must make you completely braindead

European Union

What is the Dominican civil war, The invasion of Grenada, Tanker war, The Fucking GULF WAR

Pretty sure we did, mate. Upper and lower Canada remained British, treaty of ghent, status quo resumed.

And we had a nice bbq at the whitehouse to celebrate, then you rebuilt it as the blackedhouse

>failed for a second time
Where are you getting this revisionist bullshit?
The war was started after you didn't need our advice from the previous one when we said it would be all out war if you didn't stop attacking our ships and stealing our merchant supplies vessel cargo and sailors.
Also you're so full of shit it's ridiculous that we failed for a second time. During the the revolution we kicked your shit in up north and bro the Canadians hard. The only reason you even got it back was because Washington used it as a bargaining chip for term negotiations for the end of the war. Otherwise Canada would have stayed American clay

America isn't Anglo it's Aryan by a massive margin

slavs arent white

It's because Brits have a secret obsession with frogs

a fucking kiwi

We literally did. American War Goal was to create a North American hegemoney. This failed. The second War Goal was to prevent us fucking around with your sailors. This also failed. In return, the UK failed to unite the Native American tribes to blow you the fuck out; so we did Ghent as we had a little problem of Napoleon to deal with. We also burnt down your capital and it's governmental buildings. There was a reason you didn't try that shit again.

You're welcome to do it now.

Why would we fight, we're bffs

war plan red ACTIVATE!


Try winning a war 'on your own'. Grenada, kek, that'd be like us crowing cos we bowled over baffin island


>and it was only the intervention of 3 superpowers that prevented UK from winning"
He says as he drafted tens of thousands from all over the world instead of all bongs to fight the war of 1812
If it wasn't for your colonies you would have gotten raped.
>And these battles happened, guess we won after all.
Again, I know you're dyslexic but END OF THE WAR
The battle of New Orleans saw you get fucked in the ass so hard it's laughable.
You cannot deny that and I find it disgusting that you are so desperate to look better that you resort to WE WON DEEZE BATTULS as your argument

7000nukes/4 countries=1750 nukes per country
The answer to your question is 1750 nukes per country

It's Latin brown by a massive margin.

>We burnt da white house
So basically to obtain victory over britan you just have to blow up all the Parlement and then le Royals castle and it's game over like you legitimately stop fighting and instead don't just use a random ass building a state or so over as the new white house since after all it's just a building?

In the Revolutionary War, the French, Spanish, Dutch, Polish and Indian Kingdoms helped you. France put 10,000 veterans in USA to train and help fight for you. France LITERALLY bankrupted itself fighting a proxy war. Spain and France invaded several Caribbean islands and Gibraltar, dragging supplies and men away. Spain, France and Netherlands paid Mysore to raid Indian Trade Ships to drag the navy away. Fucking POLAND sent Generals to fight for the Americans.


This was the battle that started the change in tactics encouraged by Partisan French.

You know he was of brit extraction, yes? As were all your founding father's and most of your presidents. 1776 was nothing but a British civil war

>Also you're so full of shit it's ridiculous that we failed for a second time. During the the revolution we kicked your shit in up north and bro the Canadians hard

Britannia rules the waves.

My point is, friend, is that you're using a single battle as proof you 'won'. When all military historians disagree with you. My point was I could go "We won these battles and raped you hard LOL So we win da war!!!".

And by the way, you do realise that Britain was fighting the Peninsula War at this time, right? We didn't send many troops to Canada.

fp always bp

Only Canada is allowed to have guns.

Everyone would just surrender and say ok US dictatorship who gives a shit we're pretty much under one anyway please kill our SJWs for lolz.

The US has a lot of emu farms, you're fucked Aussie.

Nah, torching your cuck shed was just the icing on the cake, mate. Bottom line you tried to take Canada, you failed. We were too busy in Europe kicking napoleon's hemorrhoid ridden arse anyway.

>And we had a nice bbq at the whitehouse to celebrate
So do your cuck teachers not teach you that we torched the Canadian Parliament building to the ground in response to that?
Or is it just an anecdote lost to a small side note next to a picture cuz "Canada remained ours"?
>American War Goal was to create a North American hegemoney
Is that what your Jewish schools teach?
Our goal was to beat the shit out of you for attacking our vessels, stealing our merchant goods, and forcing our sailors into your military.
The easiest way to do that was to attack your ships on site, destroy your supply lines, and kill every troop in Canada we could find
I'm starting to understand the hatred bongs have for us and it seems it's because your government is revisionist as fuck and does everything it can to make you think we've gone to war with you as agressors

No it isn't

That's funny because you fog suckers have literally done nothing to crow about since you managed to get the Germans to stop sky fucking your cities with bombs and that was only because you had help

>'m starting to understand the hatred bongs have for us
Wut? We don't hate you mate, just friendly bants is all

Can't we just stick to our strategy of being forgettable, and being the last one standing because everyone else kills each other?


a lot of us are still almost purely British to this day, especially in the south. but why would it matter

We would win if it were football, rugby, cricket Aussie rules or maybe ice hockey.

America would win if it were gay rugby (what they wrongly call football), baseball or war.

But I have guns. I have a .22LR M4, a .338 Accuracy International AXMC, I also have a 0.50BMG Accuracy International AX50.

Impressment was the cited reason but it was clear the American desire to control the Great Lakes was their desire for a war. Why attack while Britain is facing Napoleon then?

>France put 10,000 veterans
No they didn't
The French government wanted nothing to do with the whole thing until the last year and a half of the war
Before that any and all French supplies/manpower/weapons/food we received from wealthy elites out of their own charity, volunteers who both needed money and wanted to help our cause, and de Lafayette using his immense leverage to garnish help(and Ben Franklin screwing half the French aristocracy into helping us)
I also hate you for barely mentioning the Spanish when they literally contributed more to the revolution than every other country try combined

Depends. UK is a nuclear-capable state. I'd say 75-25 in favour of the USA.

>When God punishes you for burning the capital of the greatest nation on Earth

that's not the point.

if it ever happened, we would win

>da icing on the cake
The real icing was that you retards tried to fight a war on two fronts and only managed to actually win one and claiming keeping Canada as a victory so you don't feel bad about losing a colony lol you Brits are amazingly narrow sighted about the long run its a shame your country will end up becoming Pakistan 2.0