Last thread hit the cap. Let's continue
The Search for Shia
Other urls found in this thread:
>wood cabin
>middle of nowhere
>no witnesses
you know what to do.
when did his #alonetogether stream go up?
Send him pizza?
is turner's chair white or wood-colored? it might just be the camera making it look white.
Woodcolored. Sun is shining on it.
Dress up as a yeti and rape him on livestream?
Will this be the rebirth of the pizza days (no, not those pizzas)
as for the shape of the chair, i think the top of the chair, on the side that is facing away from the window, looks like it has a "bump", but i think the side that is facing the window looks correct. maybe it's just the shadow from the low sun that makes it look like the shape doesn't match?
>i think the top of the chair, on the side that is facing away from the window, looks like it has a "bump", but i think the side that is facing the window looks correct
on the left image that is
First, we need to know, where Shia hides. Maybe some Sup Forumsack can act like a politic-student, who wants to write about all that shit. Is there any person we could contact, who could know the wooden cabin, where shia hides?
I mean..the finnish tundra is big.
Shia is bz rite now
>keeping this mentally retarded jew relevant.
I'm just here for the lols
Has anyone been here yet, or are we just cucking around?
Has anyone called the cabin manager?
We've been giving the Fins ample to do in these threads but that looks pretty close to Swedes too. Why hasn't anyone gone?
And don't give me that "gas prices" crap. You could easily carpool and split the fee in to at least 5.
t. underage autist
i have a better idea. find out where the hut is, before we make plans, that are not possible.
shia also talked about reindeers. pic related
>thread dying
So this was the end.
Finland is asleep right now.
Fuck you, the sun is about up now. Goddamn high lat days are long as shit.
This, wait 10 hours or so.
Not down for covert night ops?
Do those houses out there receive mail?
inb4 peaceful refugees rape and murder him
Probably not. At least where I live most cabins aren't hooked up to the mail service.
I suspect they are near Kittilä or Tornio, since that's where Rönkkö apparently has lived. I don't know much about those areas, but perhaps some knowledgeable Finns can try to make an educated guess on a place around those areas, where there are cabins without electricity, as well as good enough mobile reception to be able to stream. Is probably not too far away from local place with a store, since Shia wants 'em fresh apples.
last time i check HWNDU season 5 was 3 days ago,do we know more since ?
probably not tornio. too far south.
it's lapland. during the summer and spring, there is no night up there.
>anons show up outside cabin
>wear frog masks
>play this song over megaphone
finish off whats left of his sanity.
um, it's already been found
the fags on the finnish equivalent of Sup Forums have already begun going there
What are you talking about?
Covert twilight ops?
>That look on shia's face in the ending.
This is some les bains flight 4U level shit
give user a baseball bat and it's perfect
have you been watching the stream? There's already plenty of people who have gone in with maga hats and shit
Break him then build him in our image.
We are talking about his actual cuckshed here, user.
lol of course
[spoiler]thank you for clarification its been a long day[/spoiler]
I'm certain the Shia gave the exact coordinate of the cabin already unless it was a shoop
Is it? Have we had any indications on where in Lapland he is?
Is this #alonetogether thing real?
Why is there zero (0) mention of it on the official HWNDU site?
I know where he is. Literally saw him recently and some people from the local iteration of Sup Forums here already trolled him
pics niggah
ala kertoon perkele!
Gonna need some sauce on that one. There's a Fin or two in here that can translate and give us a run down
Is there something I'm not getting?
Can anyone else confirm that this art project is boring, and the site is never streaming anything?
That's not a Finn
I smell bullshit.
Sauce sauce sauce. Give it up! Can you translate the Finfag Sup Forums and give us a rundown?
So we're reenacting Running for your Life (shia labouf) right
Don't you fuckers let this die!!!!! GET IN HERE
Have you seriously not found him yet?
How many days has it been?
Lazy Fins wont go scouting.
Alone together. Is that a song off his band's albums or something? What a fucking cornball.
No no no! We gotta play Moonman!
to be fair we haven't narrowed down shia's location much
cmon guys dont let them win
From what I've seen, we have GPS coordinates to check out. Forgot to save pic though so I don't have much to provide 'cause I'm a potato apparently.
im just here to seem like im doing something
there's a potential match for luke turner's cabin: but they've said their cabins are far away from each other so shia would be in a different location.
I call bullshit on their cabins being far apart. He's doing this for publicity, not going full actual cannibal. I imagine they are in the same general area. I saw a pic with gps coordinates to all 3. I'm trying to find it now.
Yeah that's not the same chair at all. I mean, come on. One is not painted other is factory painted and only curves, don't have the same sharp dent.
Well, there haven't been many matches from rental cabins. Closest one to Shia's background was around Kilpisjärvi.
A possibility might be privately owned cabins, owned by one or more of Rönkkö's friends or family. If so, then I'd wager it's around Tornio or Kittilä. Most likely within distance that's normal for people from those areas to travel to their cabins. Secluded enough to not have power, but good enough mobile reception to stream without sound and so-so image quality. Most likely a local store not too far away. It probably has two floors with a single window either on top or in a room under the stairs, or it has an angling that starts early and is rather small.
i'm still not entirely convinced either way. looking at , the image might just be overexposed. and it might just be the shadow that makes it look like there is a dent.
Shia looks like he's sitting in front of a wall that's angled like this.
No, I've seen that exact type of chairs before. It's a clear dent in the bop of the back In the left chairs in the pic I quoted.
indeed it does. nice find.
ok i believe you
objectively the best answer
thats some horror movie shit right there, i fucking love it
>I've seen that exact type of chairs before
Those chairs are very common. Atleast 3 of my friends have them.
That cabin doesn't have true "laft"-walls like the one in the cabin.
Listen up Finfucker. Go to Finfag Sup Forums. Some other Fin says they have proof of Shia location. Give us the rundown!
Let's assume the rental pictures fail and we have to assume Rönkkö herself set it up. I imagine there's a good chance they are somewhere within the red circle, near the green areas. In a cabin without electricity. Probably with private security or at least helpers outside.
Quit lying... you ain't got no fucking friends.
Apparently people are texting him from the kiasma museum in Finland so since we've determined he's in a cabin there, he can't be too terribly far from that area. And since people are texting him, he has to be in an area with cell service. So that might help us narrow down where he's at.
What the fuck is even happening
They have said they are in Lapland. That's far away from Kiasma museum, which is in Helsinki.
faggots trying to find Shia in Finland. Not going too well. Apparently some Finfags have found his location? Some mention of a Finfag Sup Forums board?
Shia talked about a blizzard a few days ago, that narrowed it down some but I can't remember to where. There is an image floating around with it mapped out though.
Alright so are we going to track him by cell service
Would love to see that image. Could make things easier.
We have a thread in Ylilauta and we are working on it. Sup Forums fags fuck off
Are there any anons in Finland that are up for an expedition across the country in search of any outstanding cabins? I'm pretty into hiking/camping so I'd do it myself if I had the money to pay for a flight.
selfish cunts. So long as you get the job done
We try to redpill him
Okay they sell plans out of specialized kiosks, assuming Shia didn't want to spend too much money, we should see what kiosks are available in each plausible location
Yeah I didn't save it. It might still be on hwndu 4+4ch
I know this isn't helping the investigation, but I would highly suggest playing Moonman songs loudly at the cabins once we find them.
Can someone confirm this?
Do any of you guys have a url or ip for his alonetogether stream? I want to search for information leak vulns.