Why are malls dying out?

>go to mall today in northern virginia
>haven't gone in a while, thought i would just get /comfy/ and walk around
>see pic related
>one armed hmong refugee tries to solicit money
>see the mexican janitor just rolling the cart around looking for something to clean
>an old man sits on the bench and stares at nothing
>the only restaurant in the food court open is starbucks and it's just a bunch of somali uber drivers sitting there all day with their small coffee cups.
>a lot of stores with lights off doors closed
>big empty spaces with nothing in them
>some escalators dont even move
>i get bored and leave

This is depressing. The mall used to be the place where everyone went to hang out. I would go without even planning on buying anything but just to be where it's happening I guess. Now it just seems tacky.

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Online shopping + antisocial population.

+ niggers


Prime chimpout target is malls.

Malls are for stupid people, low IQ subhuman are being imported to replace you as consumers.

how do we make malls great again?
or should we just let them die?

Every time this thread pops up, this is the truest answer.

>Why are malls dying out?

Niggers were the killing blow to malls. The internet and bad economy were bad but survivable but a nigger infestation is impossible to recover from.


+ liquidity trap

Niggers, Mexicans, Indians, and Muslims.

They were the only people that I saw at the mall when I went the last time a few years ago.

In the global lottery of deciding if your city is a winner or a loser, your city has been chosen as a loser. Get out now - it will only get worse.

elaborate pls

Most of them were built in blue collar rust belt areas, so once the Sears or whatever anchor goes away, all of the smaller stores can't get the traffic. That's one of the reasons some malls die, the other is opening bus routes to ghettos and influx of the urban youth of America.

If your mall is in an affluent area with no real sizable black communities, and none within any public transit paths, it's safe. I live in a suburbia that basically has zero public transit. It's go by car or you're fucked.

You can buy most shit you need on the internet. Food sucks. I can walk to a nice restaurant from my house. I don't even know why anybody would go to a mall anymore.

How? There is tons of malls I go to in NJ (Brunswick square, Woodbridge, maywood, oldbridge) and they are always full of young people

It's called the ghettoization of our suburbs, the same thing that happened to our cities.

Yeah elaborate. I live in Texas and cities are thriving.




You probably have less niggers.

The mall OP went to sucks because his city sucks. I live near a mall that is packed with people every single day, all day and experiences almost no violent crime at all.

Yep. Used to love going to the big malls in Omaha until they became chimptowns...

I went to fair oaks last weekend and it was like that.
Tysons seems like the only good mall around here anymore. It is packed every time I go.

Post 2008 housing crisis when the money flowed again, it only went to certain cities. Let me guess your area got hit really hard and hasn't truely recovered compared to the 'winning' global cities.. New York, San Francisco, London, Sydney, Vancouver- upwardly mobile move there, more money leaving the loser cities.

niggers + amazon

The only mall worth going to in central Jersey is Menlo Park and even that's shit. Woodbridge is such a depressing place

There's this one mall near me that used to be really nice, I went back after a few years and its literally nothing but brown people. And it wouldn't bother me except they don't buy anything. They just walk around and let their kids run wild. It suck a shame. Every time I go back there are fewer white people in what's a mostly white area. They all drive in from Baltimore.

This is actually the finishing kill move on a mall. Gangs and crime kill malls like its no


If there isn't another mall running it out of business your town is dying user.

By dying I mean niggers are taking over.

We do, but we have plenty of poos and Muslims. I see bitches in hijabs almost everywhere

I used to love going to the arcade in my local mall when I was a kid
It depressed when I eventually grew up and find out that both malls AND arcades were dead

These are the actual correct reasons.


Hate to say it, but it's true. Two malls left in my city. One is hanging on:

>higher-end stores
>modern movie theater
>ice skating rink
>primarily white with few minorities

The area, combined with the higher-end stores means no thugs. And activities which can't be accomplished online like ice-skating still brings in foot traffic.

The other is in the south part of town...
>poorer area with minorities
>older mall
>anchor stores gone, but SEARS still there for some reason
>dangerous parking lots
>kickass old school arcade I dearly miss

It's always been sketchy and has been for sale for over 5 years now. I'm not even sure nigs bother to visit anymore.

The mall in Hoover, Alabama near me is pretty packed. Last time I went there I did see a lot of niggers, though.

rosslyn fag here. tysons will never die because it has the galleria.

What you're seeing is the long term consequences of supply-side economics, the idea was that supply would create its own demand. Supply-siders believed this so they could stop worrying about "minor" issues like income stability and growth. If you believe that supply creates its own demand then why not build a major mall in the middle nowhere? Retail outlets kept on multiplying to the point where virtually every person was near a major distribution centre of goods... and believe it or not most of this retail space was built after it already became obvious that the internet was going to utterly change the way goods were marketed




when you weren't looking we switched all the malls in your area with bad malls because we hate you.

My personal favorite:


I love the Dead Mall Series. Atmospheric and aesthetic as fuck. Thank you based Dan Bell

Niggers destroy so many businesses. Seriously read some of the comments on abandoned building exploration videos, some real red pilling going on in there from people who know why the building went under (its usually nigs or spics).

Amazon is crushing all of the retailers that occupy all the malls. Macy's, JCPenney, and Sears are all closing hundreds of locations, many of which are the "anchors" of the mall. Once the anchors leave the mall turns ghetto. Nail salons, fake jewelry, crime etc. It's a downward spiral from there.

Look out. Once that bad mall is closed they'll move to the nice one.

Because they just built too fucking many.

The mall near me is always swarming with people; don't expect them to die out, just die off.

>TFW malls in my area are still packed because online hasn't killed retail here yet

Dan needs to mall walk more.

But the reality for most of the mall he goes to isn't black, it's just depressed blue collar populations can't support the places when you have Amazon. Sucks, some of those malls were fucking amazing.

youtube.com/watch?v=UK-MrUb3eZw&t Pure 80/90s, tons of light, looks like it would have made for an awesome bimbo series.

only if they have a bus stop or train station nearby
if you want to keep a mall nice get rid of those 2 things
most niggers and spics don't drive or can't drive far because of shit car

Its niggers going to the mall and millennials staying away. thats the one-two punch. millennials like outdoor sidewalk strip mall complexes. ( niggers go there too but theyre the kind with a home loan with lower rates than their white neighbors)

the only people that go to malls anymore are spics and nigs

im good.

I wish I could visit the U.S. just to mall walk inside dead malls and eat at the Waffle House. This is how much of a usaboo I am.

This is great, thank you for posting

Nah, you wouldn't want to eat at a Waffle House. You would want something very low brow American like Applebees or Cracker Barrel or something.

tysons 2 bro

Last time I went, I was a minority as a white person. Grew up in NOVA, and shit has changed dramatically.

Holy shit. They could honestly film an episode of the walking dead there and not need to change a thing. Just bring the cast and a film crew.

This. My mall I guess has a bus route, but the bus doesn't really go anywhere, and no one uses it. I don't even know how often it runs. Doesn't matter, there's no poor communities around to even attend the mall. Guess I should feel lucky, it's a pretty upscale mall, I literally cannot go there without at least seeing a Maserati, if not Bentleys and RRs.

capitalism is collapsing
people spend all their money on food rent and a Talmud vision/internet/smartphone subscription

It depends on the area.

I was stationed at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico. The local town, Alamogordo, had really shitty mall.

Walking inside the mall literally depressed my mood. But it has country's only Shroud of Turin museum, so that was cool.

I also went to a mall in La Cruces, New Mexico. It's about 80 miles away from Alamogordo and the mall was nice, clean, packed, and safe. La Cruces is a university town.



Penny's is on it's last breath


Is that Ballston? Ballston has been dead for years now.

Central Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland are the places to go for dead malls.

Also seconding what said, Cracker Barrel is GOAT if you want classic Americana chain restaurant (and the biscuits n' gravy is actually pretty good)

>Why are malls dying out?

In my town our mall now has thrift shops. Actual thrift shops and used book stores. And niggers.

On another note, while malls are dying out maybe the answer is to be innovative. here they are building an outdoor drive in theater with 5 screens. That sounds preposterous at first but if they invest in security it could be neat to go to a...no, wait...we have niggers...absolutely a terrible business decison because cars and niggers are the only way to make a nigger-situation worse than niggers-travelling-by-bus-to-the-mall. the ONLY thing worse than a nigger-situation involving cars is a nigger-situation involving white women. Going to a 5 screen drive in with niggers is a sure fire way to get robbed during the movie. Yes, its a fucking disastrous decision now that i remember the nigger-clause.

bingo, it's really this easy.

That old man was just thinking about how he and his wife would come here to meet his grand daughter and her friends while they were still in junior high before she started dating and had no time for her grandparents anymore. After high school she went off to college and the sole connection, through her, to his only son was lost for a period of time, while his daughter-in-law ate away at his sons savings through her alcoholism and shopping binges, slowly destroying the marriage. After freshman year in college, his daughter-in-law divorced his son, and took %80 of everything he owned, plus %70 of his income, leading him to commit suicide, and subsequently causing your daughter-in-law to force herself upon your only granddaughter and leech off of her being, eventually causing her to drop out of college. The last time he saw her was at his only son's funeral, and it was only a brief glimpse before his daughter-in-law arrived, and drunkenly made a scene, causing her to take control and leave before his daughter-in-law caused anymore havoc. Now, at 89 years old, the man sits where he once gave his only granddaughter $10 to buy a new pair of shoes, where he held his loves hand as he watched his granddaughter prance away youthfully with her friends; where he once felt happy. Now, the mall only sits as a metaphor for himself: Lonely, empty, a husk of what he once was.
Oh, and his wife got raped by those somalis on her 85th birthday in the changing rooms at JCPenny's, now she has terminal alzheimers and sits in hospice on dialysis 24/7 waiting to die

I grew up in a suburb of Akron. Rolling Acres started getting bad long ago. I remember in the '90s people used to call it Rolling Afros for obvious reasons.

Wait until all of the debt associated with commercial real estate blows up as a result. Nothing is going to replace these stores, and the property owners are going to be up a shit creek.

damn...that architecture looks exactly like our mall except we have niggers. corporate america has madeit so if i go on vacation anywhere in the usa its entirely possible that i shop eat and sleep at the same exact businesses i would at home. that fucking sucks.

>Cracker Barrel
>Low brow


The waffle House is amazing you snobby faggot.

The funny thing is this OP has had this thread before and he posted a mall thats mostly abandoned where I live; I had got harassed by six feral niggers while I was hanging out with 2 girls when i was 16.

What is a liquidity trap? Is that a type of Asian she-male?

You meant 'asocial.'

I want to fuck a girl in a hijab and never talk to her again so bad. Theres a video where a girl sucks a guys dick through a burqa first then she just pulls it over her mouth.

> That feel when I'll never get to degrade a muslim girl and never talk to her again

Where at? Dulles, Fair oaks, Tyson's all still fine.

Also could be due to Easter weekend....

>white people = prosperity

Malls are literally shrines to excessive wealth and prosperity, which is something that cannot flourish in modern, brown & shitty america.

We could easily turn this mess around if we wanted to, but non-whites are too proud to admit that they are actually the real problem here.... so now it's going to be a slow slide back into the stone age.

Good going you stupid fucking apes.

It's exactly what happened to all the malls in Kansas City. The malls in Denver are overrun with spics

No purchasing power. The amount of money a 20 year old made in 1950 would have allowed him to buy on a minimum wage salary

- house
- radio (equal to a laptop)
- 2 cars
- 5000 calories of food a day

now compare that to what the average NEET makes in the USA.

Malls were financed on debt in the 1990's which assumed the USA was going to grow at 8%/year for 30 years. 30 years later, we are nowhere near that successful as a nation. Which is why all the REITS and Clothing companies are going backrupt who started out in the Clinton Subprime Boom.

I have noticed that. The first things blacks do, when they get some money, is to flee from away from blacks to the white areas. Then complain about white racism. Curious and strange.

Pretty much. Actually just about any urban decay can be attributed to the continued encroaching of the North American pavement ape.

There are entire classes of restaurants and applebess/cracker barrel/99/roy rodgers/etc are all just one step above fast food. No need to get angry.

I like to get loaded at Applebee's sometimes too but it's definitely low brow.

That and a sick shit load of money in that area.

Malls SHOULD die out because they are pretty much all the same bullshit over and over again.

90% are overpriced clothing stores and 'specialty shops' like shoes and hats and bullshit that offer the worst price on the one thing that they fucking carry.

If I went to a mall that had a bunch of different shops that offered the best deal on the objects in question, I can put money on that mall being successful.

>tfw live near a dying mall
>glorious white ppl mall also nearby
>get to enjoy the best of both worlds

My dead mall is in Manchester, CT. Constantly has shitty knick-knack and dollar/discount stores rotating in and out. Still has and FYE and JC Pennies. Best store in the mall was a donut stand that closed up shop and converted to food-truck only outside Cabela's in another town.

Agreed. Nothing is going to replace anything in these malls. Here is a really good article that breaks down the situation quite well.


don't worry, that won't happen, when worse eventually comes to worse it'll all be bailed out with public funds to keep all that value propped up, a good old fashioned general deflation will never be allowed to come about since there's to much vested interests involved

Cracker barrell is like the four seasons compared to 99, roy rodgers, and applebees you uncultured swine

In short, online retail is bankrupting them. In the last 4 months, more retailers have filed bankruptcy than last year alone.


google it

What's the good mall? Westfarms?

Why would someone bother with that shit, its inconvenient compared to ordering what you actually want online

At that price point it's all microwaved food anyway. Why eat there unless there is no other choice?

It's not the 80's anymore

Isn't that why the U.S. economy is the most dynamic in the world? Sure we do a lot of stupid stuff (e.g., overbuilding). But, it corrects itself (very quickly if the government does not interfere). This has been a more prosperous situation than having an all controlling central government dictate all (anemic) growth with their endless 5 Year Plans.

That's if you want the redneck experience. Waffle house is the city experience. Traditional american diner styled restaraunts are still popular in my city like frisch's, lararosas, skyline I would say those are good american places to go if you're ever in the midwest.

Based Dan and his dead malls.

What could you fill the spaces with? Schools? Convert into mixed residential?

Also, the bigger trend these days in rich white people suburbs is the outdoor mall: limited parking, lots of fancy shopping and restaurants, and usually a movie theater. The landlords don't have to spend a fortune on upkeep of non-shop space, like a corridor that needs to be cleaned and air-conditioned in a normal mall.

>blaming the internet

That's a fucking copout. The reason people don't go to malls anymore is because they always try to push their bullshit store credit card with 34% interest on you, and when you refuse for the 15th time the employees get snippy, rude, and treat you like trash. Who wants to continue shopping in such an environment? I only go to the mall for the 2 specialty shops I like (one for clothing, one for natural face and body stuff) and anything else I need I buy online solely because I don't want to be treat badly because I won't get your shitty fucking store credit card

god damn it pisses me off that retailers will blame anything but their shitty practices