Hey faggots.
Expose what kind of redpill books are you reading?
Propose something for me because I've finished almost everything I could.
inb4 The Bible
inb4 Mein Kampf
Hey faggots.
Expose what kind of redpill books are you reading?
Propose something for me because I've finished almost everything I could.
inb4 The Bible
inb4 Mein Kampf
Other urls found in this thread:
Lemme tell you about the jews
what's a "book"?
You've been brainwashed by Muslims and Nazi if you belive any of this shit.
How can you know what is blue pilled, if you've never read it?
Have fun . . .
this is an absolute must read
tragedy and hope
creature from jekyll island
committee of 300
deliberate dumbing down of america
anglo-american establishment
silent weapons for quiet wars
Twas my fav series
Tom Clancy is super redpilled as a dude and his books are usually pretty great. I just read Sum of All Fears and Red Storm Rising which are cool. But Rainbow Six has a much more anti-crazy-leftist theme to it. I always thought of him as a guilty pleasure of mine but meh I enjoy it.
My actual recommendation is to find pre-Islamic poetry. That stuff is MEGA hardcore, lots about hunting and fighting and fate and how life is hard. Before Muhammad came around and everyone had to write about Islam or fear that people would think they were possessed by demons. Find the Laamiyyaat al-Arab, bretty sweet.
Just leave your prejudices at the door and look at the facts at their face value, doing your own googling to factcheck the claims. I don't care about ideologies half as much as the truth, and society around you wants you to believe their narrative instead of truth because it's dangerous for the puppetmasters at the top 1% pulling the strings to learn truth about the world around you and seeing through their lies.
I am not trying to make you a nazi or anything, just to make you think about certain things. Why is holocaust denial illegal but not being flat earther? Why is that you are not allowed to be a conservative if you are critical of Israel? Why is feminism considered a norm, something that has been a very radical notion for most of human history? Why are less people getting married, more people getting divorced than ever, and single motherhood on the rise?
Just think, don't rush to accept anything, not even my information before you factcheck things, but I urge you to free yourself from these stupid lies you are constantly surrounded in.
Silent weapons for quiet wars
>two #8s
>none of the subcharts actually legible
dumb stormfag
>He that will not work according to his faculty, let him perish according to his necessity: there is no law juster than that.
>...the uncivilised Irishman, not by his strength but by the opposite of strength, drives out the Saxon native, takes possession in his room. There abides he, in his squalor and unreason, in his falsity and drunken violence, as the ready-made nucleus of degradation and disorder.
Carlyle is based.
>dumb stormfag
Where the fuck do you think you are, nigger? Stop using this kike lingo
Basically a thesis in book form, one of the first books to redpill me.
Finished Starship Troopers last month. Pretty good but I'm not sure I'd call it red pilled considering there were a lot of points brought up that I just wished I could have debated Heinlein on. There are really only 2 chapters which focus on politics and how the 20th century fucked up and half the book is Rico going through MI training. From a Sci-Fi perspective, it had some interesting bits, particularly about the power suits.
>tier 1
Nigger that shit dry as fuck. Totally worth a read but hard as hell to do so.
A scathing critique on the female and Jewish character written by a self-hating Jew who an hero'd a year after publishing.
Almost anything sold as redpilled is guaranteed to be shitty unless you have a really good filter.
There are some good recommendations here every so often but you have to know how to look.
Clearly the guy who made that chart has only read the most well-known chapters in parts 1 and 2
Just read "Apollyon Rising" by Tom Horn; it's pretty short, only like 150 pages for something quick about recent American history.
Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville. Yes, it's a guy.
Also can't go wrong with Plato's Republic and The Dialogue in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu
Should be mandatory reading for every westerner.
Judging a book by its cover actually comes in handy when filtering out meme-tier books
Looks like I'm not the only Political Science major in this thread. Good shit man.
Comfy as hell
Is this book meme-tier?
Hows that Starbucks job working out for you?
I'll tell you once I graduate.
I recommend Harry Potter. It'll give you everything you need to understand complex political events by comparing it to these highly sophisticated books
Also reading this
And this.
I haven't read much the last couple months.
I re-read The Electric Sky a little bit ago, that's a good one.
Revolutionary. Its a quick read, took me like 2 hours.
I like Louis L'amour. Its mind numbingly easy to consume and there's tons of it.
Quit shilling that pleb-tier garbage
>It's mind numbingly easy to consume
Then you can't be getting very much from it user.
This book series is pretty red pilled desu
>>none of the subcharts actually legible
Jesus fucking Christ, you're retarded. Fuck off back to r/the_dreidel
Political science? How are you liking your major? Are your classmates and professors generally left-leaning? If so, do you have to hide your power level?
I too would like to hear the answer to this. What school?
Does it differ greatly from the show? If so, how? I've been on the fence regarding reading them since I've seen the show.
>How are you liking your major?
I don't think I've ever been happier with any decision in my whole life. It's a lot of reading, but pure fucking bliss.
>Are your classmates and professors generally left-leaning? If so, do you have to hide your power level?
First off, I live in Alabama, so my professors are mostly right of center. My classmates are I'd say mostly conservative, probably about 1/3 of them are libs except the niggers of course. I have to hide my power level somewhat regularly, even in my class with my notorious Devil's advocate professor. He's done lectures in defense of slavery, the holocaust, socialism, and being a stay at home mother; too bad this was his last semester here. But yeah, being a Sup Forumstard is still a little too far to expect to be able to say whatever you want on a college campus.
>tfw doing polisci in Stockholm
Way more left than what you're describing. Not as bad as I had expected, though.
That's awesome, user. I hope you continue on into graduate school. We need to take back academia. There's been a theoretical vacuum on the right for quite some time. There's a lot of fertile ground for redpilled academics.
See now that I know a little about you, I hope you do better than Starbucks. Good luck to you, user.
>Way more left than what you're describing. Not as bad as I had expected, though.
Shit, good luck user. The Community College I went to before I came here was incredibly lib, and when I came to uni I was fucking shocked at how conservative it was, so I feel you there..... sort of.
>I hope you continue on into graduate school. We need to take back academia.
I'm considering it, I could if I wanted to. I just know that where I am is exactly where I should be and for right now I'm just going with it. Thanks man.
Thanks buddy. We're all gonna make it somehow. If not, I'll be happy to make you a killer cup of joe.
The Bell Curve is a great book, but in some places there's too much (((Hernstein)))
Debating The Holocaust - this book got Shoah'd from Amazon along with dozens of others
the real redpill is that reading is obsolete as a form of gathering knowledge.
Reading The Bell Curve rn, redpills on how niggers are useless and how intelligence creates culture, determines employment etc.
Polanyi's "great transformation" offers an interesting point of view as the author has anthropology and economy backgrounds
Even though the dominance of theory over empiry implies precaution while reading Foucault's work, he gaves interesting analytic tools on how power and knowledge are interwoven
Looks interesting. I added it to my reading list.
I'm currently reading the gulag archipelago.
You should check it out.
Bourdieu's sociology on relations of power within scientific community is also essential to get a better hindsight of whatever scientific/politic/mediatic paper you get to read
Reading Darth Bane: Path of Destruction for the 5th time. Bane is the most based of all Sith Lords. And the best Star Wars trilogy
> inb4 science fiction is degenerate
You gotta give your mind a break every now and then
It really is. If you want to get a glimpse of the book without reading the whole brick, you can look at the review Polanyi made with Fred Block for Springer.
here's the ref. :
Polanyi, K. & Block, F. (2003), "Polanyi and the Writing of "The Great Transformation"", Theory and Society, 32 (3), pp. 275-306, Springer.
>instead of creating
Literally the wagecucks of cultural influence.
I create various memes, many of which you have probably read. You read these books and all you get is a slight feel of accomplishment while not influencing the reality we live in a single bit.
You are literally taking someone else's ideas and fostering them as your own.
You are literally an intellectual cuck.
Confessions by Augustine
>Spinoza - Ethics
>Castaneda - Teachings of Don Juan/A Separate Reality/Journey to Ixtlan
>Nietzsche - Thus Spoke Zarathustra/Human, All Too Human/The Birth of Tragedy
>Ernesto De Martino - La Terra del Rimorso/Morte e Pianto Rituale
>Giorgio Manganelli - Hilarotragoedia/Nuovo Commento
>Gilles Deleuze - Le Pli. Leibniz et le baroque/Anti-Oedipus/A Thousand Plateaus
>Reza Negarestani - Cyclonopedia: COmplicity with Anonymous Materials
>MR James - Collected Ghost Stories
>Michel De Certau - Possession at Loudun
>Carlo Ginzburg - The Cheese and the Worms/Ecstasies
>Gary Shipley - Dreams of Amputation
>Peter Watts - Blindsight
>William Burroughs - absolutely fucking everything
And too many others to list
An interesting paper I came through recently that helped me deconstruct quite a few biases I had with postcolonial theories (and confirming others). Quite nice to read while focusing one's mind to the idea of the relation between one's ego and the alterity :
Kapoor, I. (2004), "Hyper-Self-Reflexive Development? Spivak on Representing the Third-World 'Other' ", Thirdworld Quarterly, 25 (4), pp. 627-647, Taylor & Francis (available on JSTOR)
Keep telling yourself that while you make sure my fries are cooked correctly.