You do realize it's offensive to ask, right?
You do realize it's offensive to ask, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
By that logic men lying to women to get them to have sex is perfectly okay.
We don't care about your fucking feelings.
>Men getting to have sex with women through lying is rape
>Trans people getting to have sex with people through lying is OK.
Just because they don't say they're trans doesn't mean they're lying.
>lies of omission are not lies
It means they're obfuscating which is just as bad.
Are you pretending to be retarded or does it come naturally?
You do realize murder is bad, right?
You do realize your bait is too obvinious?
The overwhelming natural assumption is people who look feminine have vaginas. It's on them to make known they don't.
People should ask before then.
It is.
You don't need to ask
>should say
You're a special kind of stupid aren't cha?
(Troll post but) You do realise I have the right to know who I fuck, right? I'm bi, so I'm not exclusive that way, but I'm not huge on trans people. It's a disorder in my book.
Also, trans rarely ever pass, ladyboy.
Nice carfax.
No I honestly didn't know, but it's even more rude not to tell your partner, ever thought about that
No of course not
once i got fooled by a trans chick on tinder, was quite humilating
But they do have a vagina just a feminime one
do all trannys think that every man wants to fuck someone in the ass and reach around and jerk off their dick just because your face looks like a woman?
I mean, I know I would, but they need to understand not everyone is into that
Sex under false pretenses is rape.
Most 'trans' people are non transitioned meaning benis not bagina.
Being trans is what's offensive.
> Just a feminine one
informed consent
If trannies don't tell you it's rape.
It's a win-win situation.
>Hook up with trannie.
>Drop trousers.
>she's a tranny.
>he tries to rape you.
>beat rapist to death.
>Castle doctrine kicks in.
>Legally kill trannies.
I see nothing wrong with this.
They're a bunch of degenerates and you're a disgrace to our country.
Who gives a fuck if it's offensive, thai shemale? It should be mandatory, same with AIDS
Benis=Feminime vagina growing outside
>Look at flag
Checks out
That's called lying by omission you dumb shit. Saged
no dump ass, the feminine vag (or the boi pucci) is what we know as the bub hole
Yeah but with a pump you can still fuck the feminime vagina
You do realize I don't give a fuck, right?
You do realize I would violently attack you if you tried to trick me, right?
>same with AIDS
Hell, having sex with someone without telling them you have AIDS is worse than rape. It can fucking kill you.
Feminine vagina is a vagina. Masculine vagina isn't a thing.
Have fun in hell, degenerate.
Well trannies are just gay people in opposite sex clothing so you have every right to ask because fucking a dude in a skirt makes you gay as shit
If queers don't want to get bashed they should be honest about being freaks before things get CLOSE to sex. I know that I'd happily go to jail for life for beating a tranny to death if it tried to trick me into homosex with it by lying about being a normal human.
No. It is different because penis and Male privilege.
If you fuck a shemale you are fucking gay so asking is totally ok
Do trannies honestly believe this?
No one likes a liar.
Haha i was just pretending to be retarded
Libfag here, I'm laughing at the idea of you shits bedding a woman that seems to pass well enough until you find her dick in bed.
They should be honest enough to tell you, and if they aren't, I don't blame whoever bails on them when they find an out of place dick or vagina.
If I actually need to -ask- to know?
Then I really don't care and I'll fuck it anyway.
But chances are good I won't need to ask because 99% of trannies don't fucking pass at all.
Fuck face trannies have a mental disorder and should be eliminated from society
Yes they do. They lie all the time. Their therapists also tell them to believe their lies. It's bizarre.
We're talking about people who go out of their way to insult people who are physically attracted to them, deriding them as "chasers", but then falling into a deep depression when they realize that the vast majority of people they are attracted to will not reciprocate because they are trans.
Buck Angel doe
>If you call yourself "lesbian" you BETTER be attracted to chicks with dicks, bc otherwise you're TRANSPHOBIC
>If you call yourself "gay" you BETTER be attracted to men with VAGINAS, bc otherwise you're TRANSPHOBIC
Faggot here, apparently that gives me some license to comment on this. Trannies that don't reveal their biological gender beforehand are basically raping you.
So? Be offended if you want. Look how much I care.
These people are totally nuts
How does someone accidentally have sex with a person? It isn't physically possible to have sex with someone w/o knowing they're trans.
It's also offensive to trick people.
So there's that.
god those porns are fucking unsettling to watch
>Tico with regressive thoughts
Doesn't surprise me, mae. You're never getting this feminine penis
Yeah I'm not sleeping with a trans person.
To ask what?
post your boipus op :3
I fucking love the Kekistani Gays it really should be LGB can we drop the T
What i love the most about Sup Forums, is the "You are a disgrace to your flag" posts.
There is honestly no truer emotion here than that. To see someone parading with your own flag, and being so retarded its inexcusable.... I dont really know how leafs even manage to view this sight with all the proxyposting by americans going on...
Pretty soon it will be mandatory in your country
if you actually need to see the scars and or genitals to figure out it got reassignment it's good enough to spend the night with
trans people pulling this shit are jerks and do it intentionally to get a reaction.
They will give you a blowjob then take of their pats and ask you to do them one to,
Honestly, B's kinda want out of the alphabet soup. We gain nothing from the pity-Olympics other than scorn from everyone else. Fuck 'em. Especially now that fucking PEDOPHILES are trying to squeeze into the already crowded acronym.
I think it's more about the lead-up to the sex than the actual act.
Investing time into a relationship with a woman only to find out later that they're not actually a woman is probably a pretty shitty feeling.
You should look into getting a job at CNN
I prefer to just be an honest person since I'd rather not risk being murdered and it's counter-productive to waste time with people who won't accept me. Also, casual sex is trashy as heck, no thank you.
I know it is so fucking sick
The T doesn't even fucking belong in the first place. LGB is about sexual orientation, T is about gender identity (aka mental illness). They just shoehorned their way in to try make themselves seem more normal by association
I totally agree trannies need to be eliminated from society
>You do realize it's offensive to ask, right?
Don't give a shit. Deal with it, pussy.
holy shit checked
>implying i want that shit
You're gonna be a beggar with that social studies degree from the UCR you fucking degenerate, i hope you get killed by a fucking nica.
You are a shitty version of Puerto Rico
Love this meme. How is it called? "Crazy libtard girl"?
Trips of truth
One of the fews things that legitimately triggers me is when people unironically say there are more than two genders. Also checked
what the FUCK
Well they wouldn't be telling the truth either.
It's fine. If you're that drunk you can't tell it's a mutilated man you deserve to fuck another guys inverted penis.
What kind of (((doctor))) agrees to take a healthy set of human organs, and mutilate them into something that worsens and reinforces gender dysphoria - which is a legit condition documented by thousands of peer reviewed medical journals? If that isn't crossing the line of Hippocratic oath and morality, what is? Even worse pushing this sickness on children. Show me a reputable pediatrician anywhere on earth that supports this. It isn't the trannies fault. They are just mentally ill people, part of other people's families that deserve support. It is the sick bastards holding the scalpels and writing positive articles that deserve our focus.
Watch Survivor from 2 nights ago...
>gay guy about to get voted out.
>reveals one of the other contestants is not only gay but is also trans.
>shocked gasps and outcries from fellow tribesmates
>girl openly sobbing, "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO XE!!!!!!!!"
>Jeff Probst calling the gay guy who exposed the tranny a monster and would be better off dead.
Western society is done.
Lying by omission, brother
That's very mature of you user
Wat. I'm going to need a video of this.
You do realize go fuck yourself.
Survivor really is the show where all of our stupidity comes out in spades.
We need more survivor shows that showcase entire groups of humans, not just one or two people.
Every day we stray further from God's light
>having relationships
I'd be more offended to accidentally take a dick up the ass desu
You do realise it's offensive to society that these mentally ill fuckwits are allowed to contact other humans?
Dick: male
Vag: female
Not nearly as offensive as finding a penis where there shouldn't be one. Or some unlubricated wound where a vagina should be. If you don't want a doctor called for you, you don't bring men into such a situation.
Why are trannies so butthurt that their make-believe games will not stand the test of reality? Do they not realize that simply "changing your preferred pronouns" doesn't do shit?
>"reality" tv
>believing its highly overacted and overly exaggerated lies