There is no country I hate more.
In fact, I like Iran more than Sweden.
FUCK Sweden.
SWEDEN is the most disgusting, backwards, godless hellhole on earth
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>In fact, I like Iran more than Sweden.
oh gee i dont want to offend people by flying my own nations flag...
Germans are worse
Did ISIS create their flag on paint?
I think not but maybe somewhat cherry picked
Seems so.
They are honorary üntermensch/judenschwine
Sweden is the best place.
In fact,
im going to fuck all your bitches
Guys, do you think if I go to Sweden and tell them my name is Ackhmed Al-Jabal I could go on one of these raping sprees as well?
Tbh it would probably be pretty fun to beat up beta Svens and fuck their girlfriends (sorry, I mean "just friends". Swedes don't reproduce).
It sounds like Swedesluts really respond to an aggressive man, you probably wouldn't even have to rape them.
Haha. Moron
I've spent enough time here to realize every right-wing talking point involves things that are either cherry-picked or misrepresented entirely.
Or, in the case of some blatant propaganda like "With Open Gates" or whatever it was called, both.
>your argument
shoo shoo the basement awaits
Don't hate Sweden. What they are doing to their country is remarkably selfless and brave. They are showing us what happens when diehard leftists and women attempt to run a country. Their entire country is Jesus, dying for our sins so that we may live. Of course the media in our own countries will attempt to put positive spin on this, thanks to your rich and bitter relatives who run the western media, but the people are waking up.
I am sure what to believe anymore
enjoy your hell filth!
delicatessens??? is that a pizzagate tie in?!
>"What they are doing to their country"
WE are not doing it.
WE are the victims of jewish occupation and their brainwashing which has been going on for decades. You have no idea how fucking extreme it has been.
Many swedes are waking up and resisting, but our only way to resist is to vote -- but even in THAT area the Jew has already taken action! Pic related. So fighting back is fucking difficult.
they can't be serious
Why did Swedes- and white people in general- allow themselves to be so easily manipulated by Jews to begin with? Are they just mentally inferior?
The Jew is working on destroying Norway. The Jew intends for there to be NO SURVIVORS in their war against white countries.
If our Norwegian brothers don't defend their country, in a few years Norway will be exactly as destroyed as Sweden.
Well, they cry ANTISEMITE and HOLOCAUST a lot, which makes them invulnerable.
No, that does not make them invulnerable. No other ethnic group on the face of this earth gives a fuck about the whining of Jews or other ethnic groups the way white people do. And it always comes back to them.
They tricked us. They're brainwashing us. They're manipulating us.
How exactly do you allow that to happen?
>beautiful face
>completely flat chested
You could ask yourself the same thing. The answer is simple: you didn't fight back and you still don't fight back. Democracy and elections won't save you when (((they))) control the media and pick politicians for spotlight.
Well it's pretty much your fault Sweden is the way it is so I'm not sure what you hate them for.
We didn't allow them. And very few of us, decades ago when the Jew began their attack, even knew that the Jew was attacking or that the Jew was as dangerous as it is. And that's not stupidity, it's just being misinformed. Defeating your enemy if you don't know who he is, or don't even know a war is going on, that's fucking difficult.
The reason the Jew succeeded in this country is because they attacked us extremely hard, and it began already in the 1960s. Also our population is smaller - smaller population is easier to manipulate. It also seems that the Jew decided to use Sweden as a testbed for how to do this. It's been an experiment, and a successful one. They now know they can use the same methods on other countries now. That's not to say that they haven't been fucking around with for example Germany and Norway for decades also, they have, but in different ways using other methods.
And still only 52% of Sweden voted to join EU, now you act like the main EU project.
>tfw a jew is saying this
really makes you think
Does sheep shagging count as rape?
picture: materials from 1940's and 1930s Sweden. At this time the Jew had already infliltrated our country, but they hadn't yet succeeded in accomplishing any big victories over us -- the people hadn't been brainwashed yet.
Top pic is a poster saying "The communist party must get banned. Join Sweden's Nationalist Union"
Then a booklet explaining the swastika and it's meaning - text at top of book says "judefrågan" which means The Jewish Question.
Then a anti-jewish immigration poster, saying "vote for the Nationalsocialist Workers Party" (our Nazi party).
Nationalist marches with swastikas.
Some Nazi/SS book in Swedish, "Svensk frihitskamp" means "Swedish freedom struggle".
Last pic is a members booklet for our Nazi party.
Fucking cunt poisoned good doggo that did nothing wrong.
Hitler diserved to die for this.
Whites are too naive. They just believe anything anyone tells them.
nigga u got moldova?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Put some fucking rules in place. If that doesn't work,
They believe what other (((whites))) tell them. This is the one and only reason kikes subverted whites and got away with it. Any other ethnic group would be stopped in their tracks but the kikes are invisible to most white people and we don't see who the fuck are killing us until it's too late.
They control the fucking media and schools and government and even if you do wake up you can't call the fuckers out..
>muh anti semitism
Sup Forums it's almost too late. We are at one second before midnight in Europe. (((They))) must be called out and named relentlessly all over the web..on every fucking jewtube video no matter how benign.
Then they will (((censor))) all message boards and shut down Sup Forums then you need to take your message to the street and post merchants everywhere etc etc etc.. they fear the goyim waking up
White peoples do not comprehend the sheer hatred Jews have for the goyim. Or the covert war they are waging on us. It's never talked about in the (((media))). Whites are deaf dumb and blind to the reality that Jews are out to exterminate all whites through (((cultural enrichment))). The average white would not believe you if you tell them, they are so indoctrinated and brainwashed through years of (((MSM))) and (((education))) they can't ever make that leap to even research Jews because they might become a (((Nazi))) and (((anti Semite))). The Jews have really done a number on whites.
But I sense the tide is turning. Trumps (((globalism))) is shoeing and his overt links to Israel can't be excused..better him causing WW3 than Hillary..because the dumb goy would still be blind to the kikes who control all political movements in the west.
>White peoples do not comprehend the sheer hatred Jews have for the goyim. Or the covert war they are waging on us. It's never talked about in the (((media))). Whites are deaf dumb and blind to the reality that Jews are out to exterminate all whites through (((cultural enrichment))). The average white would not believe you if you tell them, they are so indoctrinated and brainwashed through years of (((MSM))) and (((education))) they can't ever make that leap to even research Jews because they might become a (((Nazi))) and (((anti Semite))). The Jews have really done a number on whites.
quoted for truth.
Make no mistake.
The Jews want to kill us. They see us as the #1 enemy.
Remove the Jew from this planet, and you remove 99,99% of the problems we the white race has. We can easily defend against the muslim hordes, if we are free from the disease called Jew which is infecting our society and our minds (particularly our children and women).
The Jews LOVED murdering the pure white Russians!
In such big numbers. So brutally. In such bloodbath.
It was a wet dream come true for them.
hmm makes sense
Are these your items?
dam and people complain about india,guess they meant uk
I'm currently reading pic related and it's funny to see how he charges against the unions who are a good thing for workers but have all but forgotten their purpose and now are but a tool to spread socialism and the jew agenda...It reminds me of the labour and the Democrats and all socialist parties gping for the identity politics instead of their "caring" for workers
>posting old and discredited forecasts
Gas yourself Schlomo.
g a s t h e k i k e s
Hey I like them,no matter how unreal
oh, and fuck canada
Holy shit I just agreed with a Jew.
I'll contribute with the irony of sweden asking for a ban on "assault trucks" given that the truck was only stopped by a brave security guard driver that crashed his van into the truck to stop further damage (a perfect argument for guns about good guns stopping bad guns)
but using metaphores so even swede cucks could understand it but it flew way over their head
That's fucking crazy OP.
Weren't these sweedish fuckers vikings or was that someone else? Why did they become such pussie faggots?
Then gas yourself.
Yes. Pic related.
For the answer, see the posts by some swede earlier in this thread.
>A flag regardless of nation can not constitute hate speech, it is instead about how it would've been used. The risk of using the flag along with weapons and music reminiscent of the Swedish Empire in the background may be offensive. You should have been here with us that day to understand why we initially came up with the rules, says Hans Åkerlund.