First 100 days are coming to end, how would you rate the Trump presidency so far?
Rate the presidency
1/10 will not vote for again
7/10 so, so far he's been ok and hasn't done anything too stupid
Literally Hitler/10
Not liking the foreign policy but his domestic policy outside of the healthcare debacle has been good
>didnt repeal and replace obamacare on day 1
>border wall funding put off until next year
>didnt cut taxes in first 100 days
>didnt ban muslims, rapefugees still flooding in
>didnt label china a currency manipulator
>kept up obamas foreign policy
>hasnt done anything to reduce the deficit
just a shittier version of george w bush desu
8/10. His exploration into foreign affairs is nice given his domestic moves are going to take longer than originally planned.
Basically exactly what I expected. Incompetence, hypocrisy, but nothing disastrous (yet, or for me personally. I have on good authority that disaster has struck the lives of some Americans as a direct result of his election.)
10/10 not a black man or a woman.
>I cant repeal obamacare or cut taxes or build a wall so I'll just waste some money bombing 50IQ inbred sand niggers living in mud huts so europe can get more rapefugees
thats not 8/10
It seems like he's heading in the right direction but can't get any of it accomplished.
0/10 Worse than Obama, very bad!
Would be 100/100 but he failed some of his promises.
>bombing ISIS
I'm against him going on Assad though
>Worse than Obama.
If you kill your enemy they win
It's ridiculous how easily some random leftist judge can overrule the president's executive orders. That just shouldn't be possible.
The left has relied on activist judges for the past half century when nobody else votes for their bullshit, it's pretty scummy.
I like his madness
Those tweets are epic
His press guy is fucking crazy
Le epic MOAB
Press getting trolled very hard
will grow higher assuming NK goes smoothly and the wall is erected.
Trump 10/10
Congress 4/10
Paul Ryan 1/10
Daily flip flops on shit he's been saying for 2 years, white house is ran by unqualified Jared/Ivanka and Goldman Jew Gary Cohn
Got Sessions and Gorsuch, both wins. But Trump is also a cuck so that cancels out a lot of it.
The shit he did with Syria makes this a 0/10
I don't think he had a fucking clue about the specifics of what the President actually did until day one.
europe gets more rapefugees is the keyword there.. EUROPE, he said america first not europe first.
Europe becoming a caliphate is not good for America dude.
It's like he loves taking advice from jews.
And Trump is taking in more rapefugees than obongo
It started off slow, it lacked the adrenaline pumping excitement of season 1 and 2. But it's really been picking up recently, the last two episodes in Syria and Korea have been really promising so I hope it's about to get exciting again.
A true globalist cuck nigger.
2/10 would nape-punch a foreign repukelican again.
Cuck has gotten nothing done, besides pissing off his base. Fuck this asshole.
Believe it or not, that's how gay marriage got passed in California, and later the US as a whole.
Even commie faggot land California voted against legalizing gay marriage with Proposition 8; but then some leftist judges and rich faggots shilled constantly and forced it to be overturned.
Gay marriage was later forced on the US by the Supreme Court.
Stock market boomed
ICE is like the coolest thing now
4k Somalians getting deported
Has handled China very well
gigantic cuts to the state department
cultural war hero, continues to battle pc culture
continues to battle the lugenpresse
has done well with attracting foreign investment
Disappointed in Syria strike
Disappointed with Ocare repeal
Very happy border wall being launched, deportations and job numbers as well as market.
Still early, not perfect by any means but happy with my vote
He's letting it implode and will be there with a better plan. Trump will come back to his promises in due time, til then he is keeping himself busy. Y'know. Actually working.
Compared to an "ideal" president maybe 7.5 or 8/10, realistically.
Compared to recent presidents 10/10.
>canceled TPP
>got lots of businesses to stay in America
>him and Spicer troll the leftist media
>banning Muslims (tried to)
>deporting Mexicans
>making border laws stricter
>working to punish sanctuary cities
>made executive order to finish major oil pipelines
>began process of repealing Obamacare
>bombed ISIS
>put Gorsuch on the Supreme Court
>bombed Syrian military
>shilling against Assad
>favoring Kushner over Bannon
>continuing to let Goldman Sachs control the treasury
not his fault:
>leftist judges blocking his Muslim ban order, using weak reasoning
>neocucks not approving his Obamacare repeal
not finished yet:
>Muslim ban (it may go to Supreme Court, which is less cucked than 9th Circuit)
I await to see if he sticks to his nationalist promises, or becomes a total neocon.
Rand 2020
Tried to go in hard and dry but now needs to take a step back to adjust his game plan
Also shitting bombs on korea/syria isnt helping, iraq/afghanistan was fine though
didn't think he could be worse than Obama, but somehow he managed to be worse than Obama
>neocucks not approving his Obamacare repeal
This is objectively wrong.
The reason why it failed was that it was too neocuckish for Rand and other decent republicans.
'deportation center' popping up in Texas. Spicer also calls concentration camps 'holocaust centers'. Coincidence? This is promising. The SCOTuS nom is the best turn of events I could have hopes for. Also MOABing mudshits is great. Everything else is disappointing
Fuck drumpf and fuck white people
super reddit
super reddit
super reddit
hyper reddit
4/10, anything above is just reddit denial
>the only policy Trump has completed was bombing ISIS
Did anyone bother telling this bumble fuck how washington works? He should've spent a year working on his healthcare plan.
Glasgow, Scotland reporting in.
I'll give it a 9/10.
Doing what he can about the illegal immigrant issue and attempting to fix the economy in the USA, and the Western world at large by dint of this.
Lost a point for involvement in foreign affairs. What he is going along with is precisely why we didn't want Shillary. Also appears in the media to be hostile to Russia very recently for some unknown reason.
>reddit spacing
You are trying too hard. The reddit meme is already stale.
still worth it