is north korea aestethic?
Is north korea aestethic?
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In that same image in the top left you can see a shantytown.
I can fap to that
>tfw our metro stations are looking more commie than this one even we haven't had a single minute of communism here
men, that shit looks beatiful
It is easy to make your train stations look nice when you only have two of them and really want people to stop looking at the people eating grass to stay alive.
>NK's biggest export is monuments/statues to africa
interesting 2bh
it's architecture/aestethic thread, keep your humanist shit at leddit
That's pretty cool
>fashy nogs
What the fuck? Does not compute.
well it's northern gook export since appearantly they are good at sculpture
commie buldings are always very interesting, a completely different A E S
These are some Evangelion/Shadow of the Colussus tier constructions
9:15 for another view of building
That shit looks cool as fuck
side note
I got randomly skeptical regarding NK's supposedly horrible torture in their prisons and looked it up.
Turns out a lot of escapee stories are outright lies or exaggerations to better sell it and make money.
fucking commies know how to compose music 2bh
that one is visually pretty satisfying
So 75% of the country looking starving is also a myth too?
If the escape stories are a myth what's the point of putting a minefield on their borders?
I know they seem unrelated but think about it. The US literally has to beg for a wall when the NK folks can't even leave.
Of course the country is starving and not good, but if you watch videos of depictions of the stories they give reporters, they are more exaggerated than the holocaust.
75% seem pretty exaggrated to me, it means literally worse than africa
wow um... really made me think
pic is not NK
These look so eerie. It's like a moderno retro, but not a retro for the sake of retro
I feel like they use a lot large surfaces of solid colors. Everything is intended to look like part of a greater thing, instead of being asymetrical like every modern art museum, or making each part interesting
pic related is the closest I could find to , for comparisson
They are composed by non-communists, since the dawn of "muh kewl communiste musick"
Most stories are created by media because the real ones are "not dark enough" and won't give mony.
If you don't believe me, just google about defectors and them lying.
It was real in her mind.
Everything is a lie
>Plottwist there are no minefields, no gulags ,no starving people
>Nk is actually a real life fsshy utopia
>ALL THE negative shit is fabricated fake news
What I mean is, just look at and The buildings, the city, is part of a whole.
That kind of shit is only possible when your gov oversees literally everything.
Everything is focused on the larger pictured.
>tfw you will never take a /comfy/ North Korean trainride chaperoned by two pure nork qts
Holy shit. Crowded night in Pyongyang. All four cars are on the road!
oy vey delete this
>Everything is intended to look like part of a greater thing
agreed, i think its subconciousnessly related to their understanding of commune
I'd love to go drive around and fuck around in Pyongyang. It's a ghost city.
Are those coffin shaped lights? Very nice
>massive sci-fi looking building with another tall tower
>across the bridge is a literal wasteland
haha what a shitty country
I could see this especially because (((Seth Rogan))) and best goy James Franco put out that massive anti nork propaganda movie
nk is an aesthetic natsoc state
whats up with those leddit tier "humor"
they got some jams at pyongyang appearantly. still better than shitstainbul
To be fair, if I was being paid $500/hour to talk about my experiences which are nearly impossible to fact-check, I'd probably make up some shit too. Surely, the media is pressuring them to embellish to make the stories more dramatic, too.
Holy shit DPRK has really amazing communist aes. It brings you right back to Soviet Russia in the 60s. Rose coloured socialism
>trump wants to destroy it all
thats pretty neat
Good job turkbro
Also replace all red flags with swaetikwsn and you literally have a natsoc state
,>Ultra traditional
>Girls most innocent in the world with the least amount of lifetime sexpartnes and latest age of first sex
>Own aesthetic
>Firing squads
>Glorious leader
>Free from degeneracy
>100% ethnically homogenous
Shows how far they've fallen that they're trying to spread Nork-style communism in nowhere Africa
damn this looks neat and nationally integral
thats why jews cant stand it
fucking aliens
stay strong NK
thread theme
Why is there are doorway with a red light shining out of it in an inconspicuous corner?
What if NK people actually love their leader? What if we're lied by media?
What comes to my mind is mourning after death of Kim. We were told they're faking it, fearing for their lives. What if they actually didn't fake it?
Maybe we're so used to life in hamster wheel designed by jews that we can't believe people living differently can be happy.
North Korea being a shithole and much of the information we get on them being propaganda are not mutually exclusive.
You can realize that we are lied to about NK without deluding yourself that the place doesn't clearly suck
The statue was commissioned by a very unpopular African despot and everyone hates it. It's just one man's hybris and has nothing to do with spreading communism.