Brit/pol/ - The Scots Masterrace edtion

China fears North Korea-US conflict 'at any moment'

Boris Johnson: 'No impunity' for those responsible for Syria chemical attack

Jerusalem stabbing: Hannah Bladon named as victim

Driving test shake-up introduces sat nav into exam

Military veterans protest against Troubles legal 'witch hunt'

Berkhamsted woman, 89, delighted with new bicycle after theft

Other urls found in this thread:

Happy birthday for when other user turns up.

As an oldfag who went through some troubles myself I would be happy to help if I can.


saaaaaa daisuki da banzaiiiiiiiii
pls post things boys

Reminder Elon Mush is a huge poof con merchant

Yes, hundreds. But they haven't been in any real wars in a good while.

The point is they're an intelligent people. Their government is a well oiled machine with long term aims and they won't let naive Trump and KJU ruin that. They'll use the US in this. The US will bomb NK and take out bases etc, the Chinks will come in and coup and control the country.

The US get fuck all out of it. Instead of having a mentalist who will do fuck all on the border of SK, they will now have the expansionist Chinese.

>tfw birthday is on St. George's Day

what in the absolute fuck did he mean by this BOYOS

Daily reminder the milkman is married to his uncle

Lads, when was the last time you made physical contact with a girl?

To build on what this user is saying. The Chinese have an enormous land army which is not quite top tier but decently modern. Their issue is force projection. Except that NK and China aren't all that far apart...

what troubles pls help my life is a state


You know what he meant, whitey.

>His uncle
Fucking amazing.
Gave me a hearty kek

I have been trying to improve myself with six months of no drink, extra PT, and using spare time to write a little book on top of my day jobs and efforts into politics. I finally broke down about ten days ago and shagged a whore.

I shook a ladies hand this morning though

this is my redemption song
I need you more than ever right noooowwww

Spill the beans lad
Oh noooo, how was it?

What does Sup Forums think?

Is Spring Breakers worth watching?

I've been through some odd things user.

It takes a long time to type it all out. As we are trying to fix you I won't bother.

Why is your life a mess?


forgot link

when i had my dick in her

Amazing. A sweet little blonde. Three months of pent up energy and two hours later I had cum four times and said cheerio.

Found it helped enormously.

Post your favourite MPs

I watched it and now you have to too. Jesus christ.

hmmmm. socially anxious, drunken mess at this particular moment, NEET, lazy, depressed, no ambitions, No achievements or things to be proud of. The list goes on man i'm a total loser

Jess Phillips, The milkman, Sarah Olney, Diane Abbot, Eric Pickles



I want to die thanks laddo

looks like north korea

How old are you?

Any qualifications?

Social anxiety will fix itself after you start getting better.

You're lazy and depressed because you don't have a passion.

You don't have any achievements or anything to be proud of for the same reason .

You're a loser because you aren't doing anything.

It's all very well me recommending this but it comes in little steps.

Start by always doing 10 press ups a day. Work on this maybe even doing ten an hour.

There you've achieved something. Keep going. Build on it.

Can you play an instrument? Pick it up again.

Find time to walk.

Education really depends on what you want and what you've got already. Same with work. Don't be shy of five years in the forces or police/fire. There's a reason the meme exists.

Classmate from high school that I hadn't seen for years. I wasn't really thinking about it but she came onto me hard



About a week ago. Ex wanted a hug, I just patted her on the shoulder in a "matey" way instead.

Scots are a good race I agree. They should have their own country no doubt about it.

Any article that's headed with 'It's Time We' is an automatic No from me.

Oswald Ridley

We do already. It's called Scotland.

I'd have a fascist party in his pussy, if you know what I mean.

>edmund leighton
fucking brilliant painter

Anyone read any good books recently? I have just about gotten through the to read pile.

A province of Westminster not a country.

>need to do uni work
>need some peace
>buy ear defenders
>buy earplugs
>combine the two
>can still hear dad beating up mam


What's going on with my netflix?

He's not Grande, he's Big.

How much would you want paying to knob her? Rules:

>Everybody knows it happened
>You're allowed to tell people it was for money, whether they believe you or not is up to them
>The money is instantly paid into your account, 10% of it goes to a pro-refugee charity. This is non-negotiable
>She hasn't showered since yesterday morning and the room smells of that lemon thing and her shit


Other favourites of mine

Have you read/seen any Samuel Beckett?

Punch your dad

And just use earphones and listen to the Flight of the Valkyries on repeat.

19. A levels but what do they matter? I want something to be passionate about but what? I just don't know what to do. I feel like i've wasted all my life. Nothing of worth. Everything I do is pointless. I'm not normal like normal people.

>can still hear dad beating up mam
Yeah, you should probably knock his teeth in lad.

Only non-partitioned countries can post in this thread

>watched Fellowship of the Ring earlier with gf
>up to the part where Boromir says his last words to Aragorn
>gf glances up after being glued to her phone screen for half the film
>"Are they gay?"

I fucking hate women so fucking much.


I'm built like a twig, I weigh 75kg on a good day and last time I was in a 'fight' I broke my third metacarpal.

I have this on a 4.5 foot canvas in my hallway

Join the Merchant Navy

I've always rather regarded him as the province of beatniks and hipsters but I am willing to be convinced otherwise. Pray continue.

>Most beautiful part of the film
What did you do lad?

Start doing some exercise then you absolute poofter.

>ITT scenes women will NEVER understand

I don't know what you lads see in Cecil Rhodes tbqh.

Women are pathetic. I'd say that about 1/20 are actually decent humans.

>having human contact


You're 19.

You've a whole life in front of you.

You won't have a fucking clue what you want to do for a few years yet. You don't have to go to uni straight away. Pick something. Go on an adventure. Join a service. Fuck knows. You'll thank yourself for it later.

>Oh yes plz uncle

Whats some good exercise to actually build strength? I can seriously only do like one or two pushups before I'm fucked, don't know if thats bad or not.

Pretty sure I can use the uni gym for free but fuck that, I can just dump a bunch of beer in a plastic bag and pump it right?

He shagged niggers.

Here's some good advice, it's advice every man should take not just those of us in bad places. Get some kit together and fuck off innawoods on your own for a week. I promise you it's mind altering. You learn how to properly take on responsibility and look after yourself with no support. You're forced to spend time in your own mind, which is good because everyday distractions stop us from actually delving in to our own minds and working things out. Plus, it's bloody good for fitness. Do it mate.

Doesn't matter if he knocks you about so bad you end up in hospital, you fight for your mother. There are no ifs, ands or buts about it. You take a fucking beating if that's what it takes to send a message. You just do not sit back as your mum is beaten. You fucking disgrace.

Beautiful. Will tickle your todger if you give it to me.

>his pussy

Is this real?

I just told her to shut up, i'm sick of explaining shit to her sometimes.

But yeah, Boromir's last stand and his dying words to Aragorn is probably my favourite part of the trilogy.

Thug life

>Tfw are Tim looks like Stephen Mulhern

Never heard of beatniks and hipsters liking him. I'm not sure where to begin with him though. Personally I think he's the best playwright since Shakespeare. Best writer of the 20th century along with Joyce. Problem is though his best play Waiting for Godot is so unlike anything you've ever seen, its hard to understand on the first watch. This is a short story by
That's his prose style and my favourite short story of his. That and Waiting for Godot are the best places to start.

get sweet on her you daft cunt and try to get something going.

fuck that going your own way crap

How awkward was the whole thing? And how easy to arrange? Think I might have to go that route if I don't hit it off with anyone soon
Go on...
Sick desu
Kek, sounds a bit mean

I'd say he looks more like Dennis Law, but the necklace isn't doing him any favours.


>I would have followed you my king.
Gets me every fucking time.


Fucking hell, his wife looks like some scruffy 50 year old bloke you see down the pub, rolling a cigarette with drum tobacco

user up there asked me about stuff I've done in life. I did have the experience of decking my step dad when I found out what he was doing to Mum. It's a weird one.

Good taste.

Push ups. Fit has a starting strength thing. I've recently switched from normal push ups to decline pushups (feet on a chair) and even that with no other change has done crazy things to my muscle tone.

Good advice.

Ta. I'll read that now. I still would say Hemingway was the 20th centuries best writer for me.

Mate this was a prostitue.

I am still working myself back to dating. I came within a hair of getting married about five years back. I haven't managed serious commitment since.

I am going to uni in September. Hopefully I can sort myself out as a result.

I just want to say I love you lads. top laddos. You're closest to a real friend i've ever had.

>Is Gay.
>Has probably seen Holly Willoughby Naked.

>Being this much in denial


I am a proud traditionalist, as should every last man-jack on this board.

I like to slip the missus the roger on a Saturday night.

>and occasionally Easter Sunday.

shit I was supposed to reply to

I'm not exactly lacking confidence. I used a website (adultwork) had a good look at the pictures of the various ones (if she doesn't show her belly she's fat) and chose one I liked. Texted. Shagged.

>BASED Drum Tobacco.
>Liquorice papers.

>Is Gay


right im off

see you in the morning when the nukes start flying

You not got a hammer or something?

Reply to this post or will die in his sleep tonight.

lmfao fucking revolting