If war breaks out and North Korea can drop one Nuke on america before getting wiped out Which state will get Hit
forget SK
If war breaks out and North Korea can drop one Nuke on america before getting wiped out Which state will get Hit
forget SK
Obviously California
An entire state can't get wiped out. A city on the other hand can. The most likely target is obviously Los Angeles.
anything they launch will be blasted within a minute of launch. our presence and capabilities in the area are overwhelming.
If they could hit Rhode Island, they could wipe most of the state, but otherwise you are correct
Also, NK can't get a nuke here unless they hide it in Ms. Clintons snizz
Worse case scenario: no nukes.
Best case scenario: California is hit, and US votes rightwing the next 2 centuries.
Fucking nupol fagott
There are no safe ways of preventing an ICBM launch. Even the decade old nukes kept by Russia are unstoppable.
Probably underwater detonation to flood american coasts with radioactive tsunami.
Reminder that North Korean nukes are only super tiny and would at most take out 5 blocks.
lel, no
they will likely send a bunch of submarines, arm some of them with a nuke, and launch a surprise attack on the east coast
Are we really kill guys? I live in the west coast.
what? this is strictly false
you shoot them down
you could get a haircut with a missile backed by our guidance systems
people really don't understand how powerful our capabilities are. eight years of obama making us a conciliatory have really wrecked the minds of young americans.
we are, in effect, infinitely powerful as a global military force. we run this. you are under an illusion if you think otherwise. our capabilities in war are unbelievably strong.
Why does everyone assume they drop nukes and have them not placed under every major city in their tunnel system?
>Reminder that North Korean nukes are only super tiny and would at most take out 5 blocks.
Even a 10 kiloton bomb can take out a city the size of Washington DC and they claim to have bigger thermonuclear bombs.
Russia has hypersonic glide hehicles and nuclear torpedos so they can bypass all your curent defenses. NK of course can't at their current level unless they manage to create a tsunami.
>he wants even more commiecuck refugees in our beloved state
is this the same north korea that says the leader doesnt poop? believing a word they say? no.
kek, yes
Even the most advanced detection methods can be defeated simply by the incredibly expensive and high tech method of hurling a bunch of chaff and junk with your warhead.
There is way to defend against an ICBM. Reagan spent billions on this and it went nowhere. You don't have a defense system against nuclear attacks.
Either way they have bigger bombs than 10 kilotons.
They also claim to have landed on the sun.
Here, don't take my word for it. This is more than a decade old but still holds true since no advancement in ABMs have been done since then.
Plz hit San Francisco
I have high level sources reporting there is already an ICBM headed directly for San Fernando.
>North Korea nukes California
>All of Hollywood destroyed
>Youtube stars are the only ones left
>Youtube replaces Hollywood
Kim Jong Un is a big Markiplier fan
I want to say CA, but leaning towards Hawaii.
Vancouver. Element of surprise.
>Oahu is literally one giant military base
Why does everyone assume he wont bomb Russia or china?
Can Nukes be detected by radar how hard will it be for NK to smuggle nukes into america and just wait tons of drugs are smuggled in yearly
the lesser leftists the better
we can only dream he bombs those dirty gooks
The most likely target would be Japan, no?
California obviously.
Why the fuck even make this thread? This question didn't even need to be asked.
>just wait tons of drugs are smuggled in yearly
Yeah, because the CIA turns a blind eye and sometimes even does it themselves.
Can you read?
Don't mind me just dropping some soundtracks!
I hope to God that it lands on the cousin fuckers in southern America.
Washington DC.