The bombs begin to fall. You start hearing reports of world capitals getting razed live on TV...

The bombs begin to fall. You start hearing reports of world capitals getting razed live on TV. You know you won't survive today. How will you chose to spend your last minutes on earth before the big fallout?

Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

raping the neighbors goat


shitposting on /pol

On Sup Forums probably.


This and alcohol.

Try and fuck the neighbours daughter

masturbating to my waifu and heiling Hitler becouse at this point why not

Listening to sad music in the dark while sitting in a recliner.

Listening to David Bowie

shitposting on pol and drinking diet pepsi

Fapping over some patrician feet pics

Tell my family I love them and profess my love to someone I don't actually love in a vain attempt to fill the gaping hole in my heart, as I am incapable of feeling romantic intent, only lust.

>To the second

You and I are friends now.

I live in the red circle in pic related, there's no way I'm going to die.

Being disappointed.

in bath tub shitposting.

Doing the same thing i did last time we were supposed to get nuked.

It's not like you would need to worry about the diet part.

Must be beautiful up there, and the air wonderfully fresh and clean.

Id look at my stash and take an eight gram dab to the dome. What would life be.

Probably print off all the self-sustaining, survivalist shit I can. Gonna live innabush and feed on roos cos I live in bumfuck nowhere

Go outside, plop down on a lawn chair, and wait for the fireball.

Piss myself.
No,not out of fear, no
I have already accepted my fate
It's just that my bladder is so full, it makes me uncomfortable
And boy, would I hate that to be the very last sensation before the deadly radiation fries my nerves
Also, why bother going to the bathroom when the world is going to end
Nobody will inspect my corpse and laugh at my stenchy urinated pants
And even if they did, I was barely capable of feeling embarrasment even when I was alive so...

your premise isnt realistic. how would any one know about a major city being raised? it would be with nukes and they would emp before and after the direct strikes

you wouldnt know shit. nobody would. years could go by who would know south america was reduced to small groups of survivors without modern technology. especially if northern south america was hit with high fallout nukes. miles of highly radioactive land and contaminated water and plants. they wouldnt make it to mexico

That's actually an interesting question. I would load all the guns, pass the ones I can't carry out to the people around me that I care about and then head into the mountains. Even if there was 100% certainty I was going to die, trying to do something would at least make me feel better about it.

Alternatively, I kind of agree with the trying to fuck the neighbors daughter tactic. If there were any women about I might decide to try and talk one into bed. If I'm gonna get vaporized I would rather do it while inside someone else.

This honesty


With my dogs and my girlfriend.
Maybe call my family and say goodbye if the phones still work.

Stand at the brink of infinity, staring into the eyes of god(the nuke). I have no need to make peace, I've been ready for the end. Only regret is not having a little girl to purge the holy lands with.

Last minutes on Earth? You are overestimating our planets nuclear arsenal. If you don't live near a city then the only way you're going to get hit by anything nuclear is if a major power decides to use their entire arsenal to glass every inch of your country.


I dont want to die virgin. But there is nothing i can do now.

Masturbate to lolicon.


whatever it is I definitely won't be breaking the off-topic posting rules on Sup Forums, shithead

>capture neighbors daughter, his food, and TP
>head innawoods
This is approved

>you won't survive
pretty sure no nukes are being dropped in my near vicinity desu

I'll kill myself


start digging my own grave

Kick back and relax.

get fucked goat fucker shill

To be fair it's a basic survival tactic that's ingrained in our genetics.
>Shit hitting all the fans.
>Get fertile woman.
>Get out of the shitstorm.
>Rebuild society even if it isn't required.

Hitting multiple boopucci's raw with a plug in my bum, then letting women peg me. Or go shark fishing I mean surfing

>You know you won't survive today.

Says you ya fucking cuck, so help me god i will live to see the aftermath of the apocalypse come to fruition.

I'll be Shit post in to the very end.

take 20 mgs of melatonin then just lay down in my bed and go to sleep ill either wake up sick from radiation poisoning or i wont wake up.

Banging your sister

shitposting by saying "traps aren't gay" one last time

Chugging an entire bottle of vodka Jim Lahey style. I'm not sitting through Armageddon sober!

considering nukes are a lie i'd be trying to figure out what explosions were real and what weren't.

and i wouldn't believe it when they said the aliens intervened and disarmed the nukes.

eating marshmallows.

Agreed except
How we ended up in this fucked situation to begin with.


trying to shut the goddamn bunker door
probably wishing i had oiled the hinges instead of going "nah i won't need that any time soon"

If civilization falls apart, you are pretty screwed there.

Smoke all that meth I've been saving.

Society is great when you're in control. You become king of the mountain and then it's your descendants who have to deal with the next shitstorm.

Try to reach as many friends and family I can to make sure they are heading to the bunker. Switch system over to internal, go trough the procedure checklist and wait.

gtfo >>/x tard

I've never thought about the EMP strikes. You couldn't even shitpost!

That's scary as fuck dude. Everything turns off and pitch black. Then suddenly it's the brightest light you'll ever see in your lifetime. Because your lifetime is over.


The people up here don't need civilization desu

Drive over to my cousins house and rape her

Thinking about it...if we actually had a nuclear war, the astronauts on the ISS would be the comfiest of all. Just chillin' up there watching the world get nuked into oblivion while being the last humans alive.

You guys need to understand that most of you will survive. It will be awesome. We'll talk with AM radio until the Internet is restored.


Gonna get really drunk and drive my car as fast as I can. I'm not dying sober

Live right next to an army ammunition plant so I'm dead.

implying I don't have a fallout bunker

Total white nationalist move

Go look up the nearest supermodel and go rape them

I'm not dying a virgin

>Nukes start raining.
>ISS has 0% chance of being hit.
>However ISS has a 100% chance of being wiped out when all the cities have being annihilated.
>Meanwhile the countryside on Earth is relatively untouched.
>Places like Siberia and the Sahara would be lucky to get a single nuke dropped.
Yeah I'll pass on going space crazy.

That's the most comfy thing I can imagine.

Nuclear war won't collapse global government or kill everybody, the ensuing chaos would be bad but not fallout tier, people really overestimate and perceive some wildly wrong ideas about MAD

well at one point you're going to die from starvation. Most of the world crops and trading would be dead soon

How old are you buddy? No reason for you to be a virgin. Even if you're the ugliest dude in the world you can still find someone to fuck. Step your game up

>implying they wont nuke the sky to fuck the telecomunications up

top kek

Inuit are carnivores desu. We rely more on fishing and sealing than from imports.

crops will be fine. everyone not living right by them.... they will be fucked.

I tell my son that I need to talk to mommy in our room. I take her in there and lock the door and tell her to take off her clothes while giving her my sexy eyes.

While she's doing that I grab my ESEE 3 from my bedside drawer and stab her to death. I make sure she sees the pure hatred I have for her in my eyes before she dies.

Then I gather up my son and tell him mommy is sleeping (he's 3) and I take him on a ride to his favorite playground. We spend the rest of the day having as much fun as we can before the bombs get us.

Implying he has any game. The only way to remain an adult virgin is not to attempt to get laid.

>I will continue being spanish

Make a thread that titled "Sup Forums btfo, how will they ever recover?"

I finally get to yell
At the top of my lungs

i go join in on the raping and pillaging

>implying I don't have a fallout bunker
My bunker is very comfy.

>astronauts on the ISS would be the comfiest of all. Just chillin' up there watching the world get nuked into oblivion
But how astronauts would survive any long without supplies from Earth?

I'll be at the secret base in Antarctica when nukes start falling. Sucks to suck poor people. You deserve to die for being ordinary

> how long would they last
Depends on if they know the Bogs or not, and if they had their phone number

I know, right?

I'm obviously talking to people from real countries not people like me. I was aiming at americans, brits, chinese, russians, europeans in general, maybe another country.. some from middle east..

no my man, I wasn't referring to "countries" from south america lol

>tfw immune from nukes

what civilization pelotudo? I don't live in civilized land. Please.

>tfw immune from nukes
No Shelter required in Oregon??

Leaving the city probably.

Banepost one last time on Sup Forums.

The only place that should get Nuked is Mecca. bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Got about 600 mcg of good acid, going to trip out the end