Seriously, the bullying against German members of this community is getting way out of hand...

Seriously, the bullying against German members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since Germans are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board.

Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only German man who finds it hard to take pride in his own country after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my heritage from insecure losers here. Why not bully Swedes or Americans? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of than our peaceful little country? Italians get bullied less than us and yet we are the purest whites in Europe.

Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful!
Would you call a German man a "cuck"(not true at all) to his face? Would you say to a kind, peaceful and hard working salt of the earth German man that they are a "cuck"? Would you say those words to your fellow white brother? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking degenerate?

You’re destroying national pride, you’re dividing whites against each other, your doing the opposite of what you claim to support when you engage in this incredibly abhorrent behavior. So I encourage you to stop now.

Fuck off you bring it upon yourself.


you guys are consistently the worst posters. i don't even care if it's memeing because you aren't funny at all.
at least leafland and australia have a sense of humor.

germans are cucked fags

I'm pretty sure it's your retarded leaders and cucked population that are ruining your national pride, not people on Sup Forums. Go build another Empire that doesn't last a decade Friedrich

Perhaps prove you're not 'cucked' by not spreading your legs for a government that systematically replaces those germans you talk about with mudslimes from every shithole on earth. Don't get me wrong though you're still our brudervolk.

All Germs must die.

Why is it always the germans who act like such drama queens and can't take the banter? Seriously, stop whining and start realizing why people throw around this banter about germans. Look at the state of your country in the current year just to see why.

Gay kraut

nice copypast

Tbh you guys are the most cucked and demoralized out there. I don't get why americans get involved in this bullying since its our fault anyway.

i love this pasta

>You’re destroying national pride, you’re dividing whites against each other

No, your brainwashing politicians and teachers are doing that. Germany's becoming a shithole.

This is without doubt the most most German post of all time on pol and highlights why you are the butt of our jokes.

Stop taking things so seriously, Deitmar, no one really hates you, but you have a victim mentality, maybe its from the war.

Opening your borders to unlimited immigration was a bad idea, you dont have to prove you're not racist anymore, this is suicidal.

You are so much like the Brits in many ways i dont even like to admit it, thats a backhanded compliment btw

C'mon Deitmar, let's all hug *hugs*

woah man chill dont reach into your backpack we're friends dont shoot up the board PLEASE

>blah blah blah

Most Germans on here are shitty. The way Germany acts in the EU is shitty. Germany's policy on immigration is shitty. It's not just this board either sweetie. Most of the world hates Germany because the people and the actions of it's people are pretty fucking shitty

many of the american posters are retarded, sorry.

>Its not just "memes" or "banter"
Memes and banter are not memes or banter. Such things are responsible for newfag underageb& r/theDonald faggots infesting and ruining every popular board.

Start by changing your flag. My mom was German but I grew up here and you morons are making me ashamed of you.

wow the aspergers really took the bait huh

fuck off Hans

Germany is a SHIT and you know it



3 things:
1) shut the fuck up
2) fix your fucked up country
3) don't come back until you do

Germany is garbage
Germans are garbage

Stop acting like your the 1933-1945 german nation.

You should start to learn german history then - this flag stands for the solution of Germania inferior - the few states who created a unified german Nation in 1871, while most german lands didn't join. Our current flag is the flag of the 1848 Revolution and is about Germania superior including all rightful german regions.

Refugees Welcome!! :^} Islam belongs to Germany!

Shut the fuck up cunt. You know what you did, and now you're paying the price.

Yeah and its our fault niggus.

I think the 1 million rapefugees (look over your shoulder) ruined your national pride.

Shut up you Geri cunt.

Stop being a little crying bitch you Germs cunt. Nobody cares and nobody even wants you here

What did they do? Why are anglos such smug cunts about being the bad guys?

Hans is right, there was no need to fire some shots at italy tho.

You guys are the best germanics have to offer just as italy is the best meds have to offer, you got to be proud of your heritage, Hans.

>ctrl+f 'blood refinery'
>0 results
I'm disappointed in you, guys

German autism has been responsible for two world wars and cuckold porn.

Although I do enjoy the latter invention.

Nail on the head.
Literal germans

As a german I can verify that Germans are cucks

Your gov is doing everything it can to destroy europe in the name of multikult.

Guess who will have to come save your cucked asses in 10 years? Not something we really want to have to do.

Fuck off, you can barely get your shitty country alive. You are not a hero, and you've never been one.

I hope you all get nuked.

I agree hans, as a Turkish muslim immigrant that came to Germany a while back I have to say; you're great people.
Not only do you give me money to open up my own kebab shop, you also let me fuck your daughter! :)
Thank you Germany for being so good to me! And btw, I know that you like to watch your daughter get fucked by me to ''keep her save'', but it is really getting weird so I would like it if you stayed outside in your cuckshed from now on.

>I hope you all get nuked.
Dont say that, at least until things settle down w/ lil kim

>Save your cucked ass
Nigger we are the biggest cucks and have created an empire of cuckoldry.
Everything the US has ever done it its history has been in the naming of globalism and spreading our degnerate ideals. We have never "saved" anyone.

paraguay is better.


I just got back from an authentic German restaurant owned and operated by native Germans. Great food.

guessing you were with her, huh?

Ooh, shut the fuck up you little germ bitch take it like a little germ bitch from an inbred muzzie cuming your way, "oh the bullying against the germ community is getting out of hand" what a fucking little bitch you are no wonder muzzies are takeing over your country, hahahaha, inhale, hahahaa!

Fuck off, Kraut.

I'd like to imagine the kind of person who wrote this post.

You posted on chan.. For sympathy?..

You either made a mistake, or you're a moron!

It's time for lil kim to do something right

No, i bet you're fine with your daughter get fucked by a nigger because "muh freedoms" right?

naw i like germans. i'm partially german but i think i'm a mud blood because my german ancestors were living in russia prior to moving into america they were called volga germans

Bring back the real German flag. The one that should really make you proud. As soon as you bring back the flag the shit talking will stop

gimme something to debate, man!

I did in the original post and you just said muh shillary.

America has always been globalist with its ideal.
America hasn't saved anyone from anything.
America is the strong arm of the kikes.

Germans are the worst tbqh

He needs to wait until he has an operational icbm with attached warhead before "actin a fool"

Didnt really answer the ques


> blah-blah-blah-blah
Fuck off, Kraut.

Fair enough, but not entirely true, and because you can't prove it, it's not really debatable. I can yell out "facts" to try and shut thngs down, but I'm happy to get called on them. It's ok if you voted for Hillary. I voted Trump and so did my entire family. I don't think he's globalist, and I am glad he's dropping bombs. Still way behind Obama though.


If god didn't want me to hate you, he wouldn't have made your skin resemble feces.

pay denbts you pussy cucks

Haha, really excited about this term. Thx again user

shut up, hans or I'm breeding you out of existence.

Why are you allowed to have internet in your cuckshed Hans?

Hau ab!

Finmongol blood runs strong in this one

German Sup Forumsacks are based, we're just assholes.