Can't staunchon the Melanchon
Can't staunchon the Melanchon
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Long live the Sixth Republic!
Down with the bougie scum!
Pray this guy doesn't win he's a literal Trotskyist
You're not a fascist, are you?
too late for French, OP
I'd rather have that than a EU cuck desu.
Either Le Pen or Melenchon would make for interesting times.
>Jean Luc "I can't stand living around blue eyed blond haired individuals" Mélenchon
Yep, no1 pick for niggers and sandniggers
fuck this kike and any niggers that support him
Go back to /leftypol/
He will bankrupt France and probably let in even more migrants
Nope. He's marxist, from the materialist philosophy.
We have 2 trostkyist running for president also: Philippe Poutou and Nathalie Arthaud.
too bad that he's the one said to win with the biggest margin if opposed to FN's Le Pen.
Le Pen and Mélenchon for second round and I will be a pleased man.
Not happening
Stop believing in the media who's bend on trying to make appear marxist in a good light he doesn't stand a chance.
Melenchon in good light in the media ???
On zorg planet maybe
> implying media are liking Mélenchon
check out le monde, le figaro or le point they made many articles against him and his movement this week because they understood he could be at second round.
solidarity, french comrades
well, exactly what I said after, thx buddy
pic is Marion Marechal Le Pen meeting in Bayonne for FN campaign
Quelle Ambiance de folie !!!!
It is not happening.
Back to jvc with your dirty sandniggers.
>I can't stand living around blue eyed blond haired individuals
Did he actually say that?
Alright vertical Dutch flagbros, who is expected to win? Le Pen will obviously lose in the second round so who has the best chance at becoming President?
gnnnnn i cant find argument so I call you sandnigger
topkek mate
Have fun eating stray dogs when you become the next Venezuela
Yes, and he recognizes that France cannot sustain itself as an ethnostate any longer. France must become a multicultural society to survive in thw 21st century; no single ethnic or religious demographic should constitute more than 50% of the population
Yes, and he recognizes that France cannot sustain itself as an ethnostate any longer. France must become a multicultural society to survive in the 21st century; no single ethnic or religious demographic should constitute more than 50% of the population
He did
He also claim that when he first arrived in France (because he is a kike from moroco) he never saw "drunken men on the streets in his home country" or whatever
Don't let the sand monkeys posting under the French flag sway your opinions
isn't it better to eat dog than your fucking dirty food angloscum ?
>France must become a multicultural society to survive in thw 21st century
France did not wait 21st century to be a multicultural society, with various migration waves all throughout the ages.
This is the perfect exemple of a sand monkey posting under a French flag.
Yes, but the white "French" must stop claiming that France belongs solely to them. Algerians for France! Moroccons for France! Senegalese for France! Syrians for France! Everybody for France!
>Spanish, Portugese, Italian and Greek Immigration is similar to immigration from all the niggers and sandniggers country in the world
Tell me more shitskin
muuh u disagree with me so u're a monkey :^)
you're the typical irrelevant guy from jvc who insult everybody instead of saying something clever. You're in your comfort zone
None of those ethnicites you listed are "white" anyways.
And race is a social construct. Only thing that's different between you and an African is the bone structure.
Don't you have some praying or child raping shit to do mohamed?
what about Boat people in the late 70's
also Pieds Noir and Harki: 3 millions in 2 month from Algeria
all of them white, you dumb ass
>uses muh 56% to denigrate me
Lol, France should be so lucky. A global monorace is inevitable; breeding with a person who has the same skin color as ypu in 2017 is racist and imperialist
basically that's the aim of Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité.
Not sure you're intellectually equiped to grasp it
ofc i'm muslim and voting for an atheist and Anti-communitarianism man.
so smart you are, man
Me too, because (((they))) would be pissed and because Marine would win easily.
>because Marine would win easily.
sure sure user
>Comparing ethnic French to shitskins
wow you sure got me there kéké
Of course you are you fucking faggot no need to lie
>anti communotarist
man sandniggers are seriously fucking dumb
France's future is Islam and syndicalism, why cannot you accept this?
Stay deluded bro I don't really gives a shit. Melanchon wont even be in the second turn anyway.
No pasaran, faggot.
I hope he wins tbqh. If it further accelerates the death of the French then I see it as a good thing.
He will further accelerate the death of decadent late capitalism in the Wedt, that's for sure.
Now squeal for me, piggie. OINK OINK
Mélenchon is a bad match up for Le Pen. Her only chance of winning is to draw votes from the old left against a neoliberal like Fillon or Macron
No, the (((polls))) are wrong. Against mélanchon she would win by a landslide.
Lmao. Being this buttmad. How does it feel to be on the losing side of history? Your precious white Christian France is dead, get over it.
Don't care about capitalism, just want to see frogs suffer
Speaking as an accelerationist, I prey he wins.
Strap in boyo, summer is upon us soon.
You're not very good at this, not enough subtil.
here's a more complete version :
"Vous savez en vieillissant, on durcit son caractère… Je ne supportes plus de vivre autrement que dans un endroit où les gens sont mélangés. [cf. début de la vidéo où il parle de son enfance à Alger] Donc, j'habite à Paris dans le 10ème arrondissement, je ne pourrais pas habiter dans le 6ème ou dans le 7eme. Je ne peux pas survivre quand il y a que des blonds aux yeux bleus… c'est au-delà de mes forces."
> You know, as you're getting old you're hardening personality traits... I can't stand to live in a place where people are not mixed.
[cf. start of the video where he talks about his childhood in Alger as he's a Pied-Noir : ]
> Thus, I live in paris in the 10th district, I could not live in the 6th or the 7th districts. I can't survive when there are only blue eyed and blond hair people... That's beyond me.
1:07 - 1:25
fuckin lmao