
>So your dad isn't a lawyer? ahahahahahaha. Lets leave so people don't think we know this loser Jeremy

You do realize this is what minorities see white people as right?

Slide thread fag detected

>muh all white people hate blacks

>implying I would ever speak to a bunch of retards who look like that

My dad is literally a lawyer for Nintendo. Fuck off.

"Minorities." Fuck off with that lie.

so minorities are stupid

>dude, it's totally ok to suck another guy at boarding school

girls do though

I grew up with no dad (no child support), no support from any family, and a mom in poverty. Lived day by day and went to food banks sometimes when we had no money.

Somehow I'm still considered "priveleged" compared to my friend who is black and wealthy who attended Harvard with a SAT score lower than mine thanks to affirmative action. (I went to a public university)

why do i care what minorities think of me?

more like majorities

Who gives a shit about what niggers think.

A lion does not concern himself with the opinion of the monkey.

Hot, too bad she have untermesch eyes.

Jesus fuck, my balls hurt just looking at those gay pants.

Bunch of pansies.

Being a lawyer isn't lucrative anymore. There's a good chance that you're Starbucks barista is a lawyer.

Kek, obvious no-lawyer dad. Go home so us real men can pay for your welfare, buddy.





Do minorities not get that this is a meme? Whenever you see a bunch of white dudes dressed like this, they're just fucking around trolling.

>t. frat boy

Fucking hate this meme, their dads were all probably investment bankers or hedge fund managers, maybe 1 was a lawyer.

will he sue if i punch you?

>t. neet living in socal that went to a white school

Not even close familia

But...my daddy is a lawyer...

No, they're probably faggots.

Then he and all at nintendo should commit seppuku for censoring games.

I wasn't even edgeposting, white people really should stop worrying about the thoughts of the shitskins it's irrelevant.

Black women dream of dating those guys. That's the truth. Trust me, I've dated black women and I know what they want. It's not Jamal.

My dad killed people in South Africa.

I'm pretty sure Minorities here wouldn't like that...

Blacks think that all white people are rich, despite the fact that there are more poor whites in America than the TOTAL number of blacks in America.

>dad installed floors
>mom was a secretary
>lower middle class as fuck
>had always gone to public school
>excelled academically despite being this
>got a chance to get a full scholarship to prestigious boarding school for HS
>struggled to fit in with my ultra wealthy peers who could get away with anything because their parents donated to the school
>senior year get kicked out for bad behavior (nothing serious just high school boy shit, I didn't know any better)
>no chance of going to college without a scholarship (can't get scholarship anymore because without prep school name behind me I'm just another poor white boy)
>join the muhreens because much GI bill
>fall for the infantry meme because I wanted to be a pew pew badass
>2010 first rotation to Afghanistan
>literally hell on earth, worst thing I ever experienced but I bared through it and did my job because I didn't want to be seen as less of a man
>constant patrols in 120 degree heat, encountered IEDs and ambushes regularly, couple of buddies died and some lost limbs
>return from deployment with an indescribable feeling of accomplishment despite how much I hated it
>end up going through scout sniper basic course
>2012 second deployment to Afghanistan, first as a sniper
>same shit but a lot more physically demanding missions and living out in the shit away from friendly lines
>team got left out to die in the desert on multiple occasions without resupply
>legitimately came to peace that I was going to die of dehydration twice
>overall another awful deployment
>come back and extend my contract because I fell for the "can't leave these guys behind" meme
>no more combat deployments but I decide I'm gonna get out and go to college
>choose a school in Boston because it's close to home and I love that city
>first week of classes some long haired skinny racially ambiguous 18 year old faggot who's probably never changed a lightbulb is telling my econ class how much easier it is growing up a white male