If you say.global warming is a myth, and act like it's still debated, kill yourself

if you say.global warming is a myth, and act like it's still debated, kill yourself.
Over 95% of scientists and scientific papers agree its real and man is.the.cause

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I agree that gw is true. The argument is did or do we have much to do with it. I think the only question should be 'can we reverse it somehow, or slow it down? '. It doesn't matter if we caused it or not.

I live bang on the equator and twenty years ago it'd almost never get over 32c, now 36 is normal and we get highs in the 40s.


Science isn't a general consensus, it is indisputable proven fact.

No, you ignorant faggot. There is no such consensus.

Sure. Deny science all you want. I won't stop you. Its not a bad thing that you're a pagan corporatist. I suggest embracing it fully, rather than pretending you have facts and Sheet.

Global warming is a red herring. The real issue is the devastation of the environment, overfishing, and mass amounts of pollution. Good luck trying to have agriculture and stable food supplies on a damaged earth.

The big bang theory is a general consensus. Doesnt mean it isnt all but confirmed.

global warming is a myth, but that isnt debatable global warming has been proven to be a scam and a lie.

Global warming is real, but the solution is to pour money into technology and nuclear energy, not shitty 'green energy' and cutting back on oil and coal.

97% of scientists agree that humans contribute to climate change.

Only 0.3% of scientists say that humans are the main cause.

The climate is changing, but humans may contribute .00001% to it.

Nobody is arguing that the climate is changing.


The point is that giving millions of dollars to Al Gore won't solve SHIT.

The weather isn't caused by man, it's caused by NATURE.

The climate has changed for millions of years... and it will continue to change.

The last Ice Age didn't happen because of humans, humans weren't around yet.



This x1000, nuclear is the only way forward. Just because a few Ukrainians died is no reason to not use it. But liberals are idiots.

>if you say the ice age is a myth, and act like it's still debatable, run in front of a heard of mammoths.
>Over 95% of shamen and runic bones agree its real and man is.the.cause

My point, it is natural and man is not the cause. If modern man had been around at the beginning of the ice age, we would have taken the blame upon our fucking selves. The Earth goes through changes. It is not static. Dinosaurs sweated their balls off at 100° f in northern Europe which was a swamp shithole.

Proof man is not the cause, the ice caps on Mars are melting.

You can't verify with 100% certainty that global warming is man made, it's nearly impossible to determine that. You don't know if it's caused by the sun, or if other planets are warming also, or if it's all part of some natural cycle that is out of our control.

And then the real question is: So what? Adapt to the changing environment.

Denying climate change isn't being a 'skeptic', it's just dumb. Now we agree that the way liberals go on about it is fucking retarded, but climate change has some very serious consequences that it is in the great peril of the West to ignore.

You know how shitty the European migrant crisis is? Now imagine that x100 as regions in the ME, Africa, and Central America get too hot to sustain agriculture and a hundred million people come knocking on our door because they're starving to death. Not something we want to happen.

>95% of scientists and scientific papers agree
95% is not enough, only 100% works for science.

>the earth being flat had a 100% consensus

Not an argument

But if the climate is changing because of NATURE causes....

How the FUCK are we supposed to stop mother nature?

All we can do is prepare for the inevitable!

>implying the other scientists aren't bought out by oil companies for their opinion.

The world's powers have too much to invested in oil and coal to switch to cleaner energy sources. Even if solar and nuclear are much more efficient and better in the long run.

>tfw my government want to build a giant pahjeet mine for 21 billion dollars t

>a mine that WILL kill the great barrier reef and cause irreparable damage to the environment

Feels bad man

Here we go, 80%+ of people who can't fathom how humans have affected the world. Some who do, some who don't but believe something is happening.

Why? None of you idiots will change your mind? Falling for (((their))) trickery.. Weak! If you reply to this you suck.

Privatizing all roadways would make travel way more efficient by contracting the footprint of the cities and towns. City life ought to be foot and bicycle scale, not car scale. I don't care about global warming but if it gets people to consider privatization of the roadways, I'm in.


i wan bluew

Hey OP - if it is proven that humankind is NOT responsible for GW (which is real), what will you do?

It's a myth. The data has been repeatedly manipulated to fit poorly optimized simulations. This manipulation has been caught year after year. Spare us your pontificating.

Too bad Europe is going far right.

Shitty bait, OP, you should kill yourself.

Europe is going to be underwater anyway.

>Big Bang

Captcha: Jesus Papel
Repent heathen


>Global warming

Try climate change
The climate is getting warmer in general but that doesn't mean it won't change, and also doesn't mean that we are fucked.

Scientific papers can agree that the Earth is getting warmer but that's about it, anything further than that is speculation; Which includes how long it will last or the cause.

I live 6km away from the sea, and 200m above the water level. Go 10 more km to the interior, and it will be almost 400m. That would be a lot of fucking water.

Man/woman is the cause...KILL YOURSELF!

Yeah, and before global warming it was global cooling.

There's nothing constant but change. What a crock

Then why do nasa and noah need to fake heat data to pass their stupid commie carbon laws?

>Then why do nasa and noah need to fake heat data to pass their stupid commie carbon laws?


Then how do you explain that the world has been a cool period according ice core samples?

>trump cock suckers who disagree with scientists whose job it is to study this
>they just say "earth cools and heats up!" look at these charts that have no relevance because mankind's carbon emissions are unprecedented.
this is why people make fun of republicans being stupid, you can't be taken seriously when a literal expert on something tells you, in mass, that something is one way. And then you just go "no. you're wrong, I'M RIGHT! even though i have no actual knowledge, training, or experience in the subject "

Op, I know you're just going to put your hands over your ears and go, 'LA LA LA LA' but the Father of the theory of global warming - a prominent scientist - has changed his mind...


Global warming is a myth. Go fuck yourself. 95% of scientist at one time believed the the earth was at the center of 9 crystal spheres. Now that people consider neil da negro tyson and bill the childrens tv show host nye as scientists then I have every reason to doubt. GLOBAL WARMING IS NOT REAL.

>rump cock suckers who disagree with scientists whose job it is to study this
Many scientist disagree with the establishment position on climate change. Even the Father of the whole theory of climate change has changed his mind. See

If you believe in global warming, then you are a religion worshiper. It isn't real. It's faith.

do you think if darwin said later on he changed his mind about evolution, all the evolutionary biologists would just quit and shut down the research?w

nigger you are fucking wrong, they dont disagree, its over NINETY FIVE PERCENT CONCENSUS that its man made and real. go fucking kill yourself

>argumentum ad verecundiam

You sound like a christ fag, read the sticky before you hang yourself.

If 95% of priests agree god exists does that make it so?

Global warming and cooling has occurred for millions of years. See: The only debate is over the degree to which man has contributed to recent increased in global average temperature. However, what gets glossed over by the Climate Change zealots is that the world has been in a cool period since the last ice age and it was bound to get warmer in any case. Man made climate change may be a factor but the climate change people have been using bad science to justify the result they want.

You are talking about climate change when I said global warming. Yes earths climate is constantly changing.

>A majority of people agree on X, therefore it must be true

Pleb reasoning

No it's no and, as I predicted, you would not take any notice of any facts that contradict your religious approach to science.

See See

>we can't be sure, better not beleive anything.
fucking kill yourself

>do you think if darwin said later on he changed his mind about evolution
If Darwin had changed his is mind about his theory of evolution, no doubt it would have completely changed the whole view of evolution. This is because Darwin would have produce papers to back up his change of mind. However, the Climate Change religion is not interested in real science. As another user already said in this thread, it's about Faith. Your Faith is strong user but that don't make you right.

>ninety five percent

topkek that was debunked and still gets spread and bullshit mongerers like yourself wonder why people are skeptical

Better just believe whatever is told to me then!!! Like a fucking sheep. Just keep telling everybody to kill themself you idiot.


>Down syndrome is the most common genetic condition in the United States. It was first described in 1866 and is named after John Langdon Down, the doctor who first identified the syndrome. The cause of Down syndrome, also known as trisomy 21, was discovered in 1959.

Have your handler read you more about your condition.


>I said global warming.
You said, 'global warming is not real'. There has been some warming actually. So, global warming is real. The point I was making, which we agree about, is that global temperatures have been swinging up and down for millions of years and we've been in a cool period - so it's bound to get warmer.

I agree... but Al Gore is still a piece of shit and carbon credits are still a scam to let rich companies pollute and punish everyone else.

It's a new money making religion for Gore and the Dems just like the War On Terror is for the Republicans.

Carbon credits are their plenary indulgences.

We need a Martin Luther to go against Pope Gore.

So when the earth start to naturally cool will you consider that global cooling or just part of climate change?

>It's a new money making religion for Gore and the Dems
Gore funded by Soros. That should be enough for anyone to realise it's a scam.

>So when the earth start to naturally cool will you consider that global cooling or just part of climate change?
semantics really. When the world eventually starts to cool again, isn't it both a part of the long story of climate change and, at the same time, global cooling?

Global warming
Climate cooling
>Pick one?

They cant even agree on a name....

Peddle your godless religion somewhere else, commie.

Hmmm I guess it would depend on perspective. If you had a narrow view it would be global cooling or warming.

So then, Op, are you beginning to see the reality? You can keep saying, 'kill yourself' until the cows come home but that's pretty much making you look like religious zealot instead of being open to rational debate.

>big bang theory
Which, by the way, was resisted by the scientific community because it gave so much ammunition to theists

>climate cooling
You mean a strawman man by those who disagree.
He's right though.

I always found the term "climate change" retarded. Do they expect it to stay the same? It changes everyday