Why haven't you soft cunts buzzed your heads yet?
Why haven't you soft cunts buzzed your heads yet?
Because I took the Bogpill
because i want to enjoy my last few years with hair on my head :(
Because I'm not a five-year-old living in a trailer park.
Get a man's haircut.
I'm a baldlet. Razor or nothing.
Because it looks like shit.
It exposes my thin/bald spots that are my own fault because I constantly twist/pull my own hair out. It is an awful habit and I can't stop.
>why are you not identical to me?
Because there are 7 billion other brains on this planet, each one with their own genes and context you dumb fuck. How have you not realized this after living on this planet for more than 5 years?
Absolute mongs like you are why nothing is ever good.
>I constantly twist/pull my own hair out.
You know, user, that's a sign of sexual frustration.
my head looks fucked up
Makes me look like a holocaust jew because of my nose
so is postig on Sup Forums stupid bitch
faggot doo
take it right down to the bone, long hair is for girls
>nigger haircut
Is there some website/program that can give me an idea how I'd look bald/buzzed?
I would but I have an ugly nigger head
I buzzed my head one time. Never again. I don't have the shape to pull it off.
Went to a new barber today for a trim. She told me I had gorgeous hair. Felt good desu
>larp fedora times!
nice try lucifer
Because I look stupid enough with hair.
>denying digits
sixes are Jewish digits of the devil so don't count
>Because it looks like shit.
Because it's probably the worst hairstyle for white lads, up there with mullets.
Get something like this, instead.
Why are you so scared of being percieved as a girl?
Did you get raped and he told you that you look pretty?
Did your penis get hard for the first time when your sister(s) dressed you up?
Do you have a tiny penis?
If not you, then probably your dad and he instilled that in you, probably with force. Or your dad isn't even around, that would probably do it.
You mean a buzz cut you let grow for a couple weeks?
God damnit people, get a hairstyle that suits your face and body type.
This same type of shit is why every 300 pound autist thinks he looks good in a fedora. It just doesn't work for everybody.
Haha nice try dirty jew, thats how you get us.
> buzz cutt sure sign you are a wage slave or cannon fodder
They say that to everyone. You think they would tell someone if they had gross hair?
i have long hair because it looks good
I'll get rid of all my hair once it starts balding/receding more then it has in 5ish years (am 21 now) but sense I literally look like one of those cool looking Nordic guys in Nazi propaganda I'm trying to enjoy it while I can.
>You mean a buzz cut you let grow for a couple weeks?
No, that's just a ratty buzz cut. Your hair needs to be tapered in length.
no one said perceived as a girl.
Long hair is FOR girls.
If you put a dress on no one will think your a girl ,
but you'll still be a massive tart.
Receding hairlet here. I got thick hair but a receding hairline, should i buzz it?
You'd only make the distinction between being percieved as for girls and being for girls if you were avoiding the question, or you were extremely stupid and could only understand things that are at the absolute surface level.
I do and I'm told that I pull it off well.
I'm 6'5, 225 lbs after this last cut and I have a decent jaw/beard. Not the best in either category, but they all come together gr8.
My great aunt is a hair stylist and taught me how to cut my own hair. But often times, it's just easier to buzz and run a little gel through it. Sure, it's a cop haircut but it looks professional and is easy to maintain.
it only works for certain facial structures. I can wear it very well but other dudes look like goober-doops with it.
I have a buzzcut but only because its low maintenance and it feels amazing to take your hat off on a hot summer's day and feel that sweet breeze on your head.
me - Don't wear a dress lads its for girls.
You - what you scared people will think your a girl and rape you? come on wear dresses with me.
me - fuck off you massive quilt
The point is not that you are against long hair, it's that you're VERY against long hair. You also use language that you think sounds tough. Everything you do indicates that for some reason you are terrified that other people will think you're even slightly feminine.
I didnt know dutch cunts use language like "soft cunts". Was not expecting your flag from title of post
itt: vain faggots
the buzzed/shaved head is the most masculine style and the most efficient. only real mean with proper bone structure can pull it off though.
>cmon guys , let wear dresses and touch our winkles together! You're not scared are ya *giggles*
nobody cares about your hair, virgins
if you don't have a good face, your le classy man's haircut will do nothing for you
>posting that guy as an example of masculinity
>when he gets fucked by shemales in the ass
n-not that i know that for any particular reason or a-anything...
>If you love posing for softcore gay porn give me a hell yeah!
>I'm gonna walk a mudhole in your ass and fuck it dry.
>third "that dude looks like queer Stone Cold" joke
And so on and so forth.
fucking did it yesterday you cheeshead cunt
I actually didn't say anything one way or the other. I just thought you might like to know that your attempt to appear manly has the opposite appearance.
If someone considers not getting a haircut and you immediately say "what the fuck bro, I'm not going to touch your penis", people are going to think you're secretly gay. Eveyone laughs at guys like that behind their back. What you do with that information is up to you.
Because I have a proper Wehrmacht hair style, you lazy degenerate
But my hair really is luscious and thick. It's one of my best features aside from my 6'2 frame and piercing blue eyes. I can't believe how fucking gorgeous I am.
So you look like the faggots who wear scarves and pursues with thick rim glasses sitting at the local coffee hut? Because thats the only people I ever see with this hair cut.
Because my skull is malformed
are you in active fucking warfare? if no, why is your hairstyle relevant?
I have a mohawk. Its dyed green.
It only works if you have good bone structure, other good styles are the Hitler Youth, that side swept thingy that Jared Kushner has, slicked back, or just copy any of Sebastian Stan's longer hair styles. Please.
t. girl
Pls date me
Tfw no pol gf
i hope you choke on your dyed shit.
All of the hairstyles you listed only work with a certain bone structure and straight hair. You listed guys you like, not hair you like.
Men, for the love of god. Follow men who look similar to you with hair you like.
I fapped to this
Did someone with a mohawk shit in your cornflakes or whats your problem comrade
>fuck you mom
Jesus christ cut that faggy shit off
But I like it. Maybe I would be more right-wing if they had cool haircuts, and not either look like literal cocks or WW2 enactors with a uniform fetish. Sad!
What's sad here is that you have an 8 year old's idea of what's "cool"
I'm an ugly cunt
Fast cars hot girls lotsa drugs && call/cc