/Auburn/ Spencer hair-march general


>richard spencer paid for a college speaking event at auburn university in alabama and they cucked out , which is illegal. So instead of rolling over like a fag he is going there anyway. Antifa is going to be shipped in nation wide to oppose him. Everyone is welcome to fight for free speech and come to face antifa.

If you ever wanted to organize against commies here is your chance boys. Dont let your memes be dreams. YOU could be the next based elbow man and you can also make some friends along the way. The march is at auburn university in alabama this tuesday at 7pm.

So here are some ground rules to keep people safe and on message.

1. Do not dress in black. tactical mistake. That is the garb of communists. Wear whatever you can "protest" in comfortably. Business casual is fine. Ballcap (trumphat) and sunglasses are fine. Masks are okay but that will make you look like antifa so be creative with the mask so you dont look like a commie.

2. No guns. Yes alabama is a progun state. Leave your gun at home. There will likely be fights. Boys will have your back at all times. A shooting justified or not will hurt everything we are trying to do.

3. No retarded signs. Memes are fine. But try to keep it topical to free speech on colleges , anti communism , and anti antifa. Stuff that people will see on the news and agree with.

4. Bring medical supplies to help your friends out. Stuff like gauze and whole milk for pepper spray (and chugging infront of minorities). If you want to go full prepper and bring your EMS bag its up to you.

5. Have fun, make friends, and get phone numbers. This summer is going to be wild this is just the beginning.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm 99% certain this is a CIA honeypot.

>No guns


baking soda and water is good for pepper spray too. prob better.

What source do you have that antifa will actually be there? Also, is there any organized right-wing counter protest actually gonna take place to keep an eye on antifa?

im 100% richard spencer works for the FBI, just give it time.

Fuck up antifa, earn them tendies.

A shootout wouldn't help anything because that's certainly what it would turn into if shots were fired

guns are illegal on college campuses... lol

this is correct. Baking soda and water is great.


There will certainly be antifa
I go to Auburn

anywhere richard spencer goes is followed by professional antifa.

He is threat number 1. the ace of the deck

atlanta antifa is coming. and they're calling for everyone to come on twitter

100% chance these two posters are not white

>everyone who hates this faggot must be antifa

You don't think it has anything to with him being a white nationalist and 50% of the country being nonwhite?

Everyone seems to be antifa according to fags who defend this cuck.


Fuck these antifa subhuman commies up! We need this in Europe as well.



godspeed to all those showing up

>You don't think it has anything to with him being a white nationalist and 50% of the country being nonwhite?
you dont think maybe that's what we're fucking fighting against you doublenigger?

If he gets fucked up in the south there is no hope for him. Godspeed Rich

>antifa is going be shipped in nationwide

Do you have any proof of this? Why is suddenly everyone who opposes this faggot suddenly strawmanned into being antifa?

Reminds me of the die hard Trumpfaggots who were calling every single person who disagreed with them a paid shill.

>Why is suddenly everyone who opposes this faggot suddenly strawmanned into being antifa?
then who would oppose him?

>Only cowards fear the call of battle!
t. Richard "Defile the Jewish Virgin" Spencer shortly before shooting up a jewish synagogue

How does he keep getting away with it?

Do you think any of /our guys/ learned battle tactics yet?

The pincer movement would be cool to pull off


uh because that is how antifa works. They are paid for by kike NGO's who use them as fake opposition. Stop being such a newfag. google yvette felarca

In the ethnostate, anonymous message boards will just include each anons genealogy.

Doesn't matter if you like spencer or not. Wherever he goes, antifa follows. Chance for you to fight them and gain irl glory that you can hold over neet Sup Forums larpers

Richard Spencer was nobody before 2016, his entire movement has no goals. He is a plant.

You are a plant. Your flag even has a plant on it.

increasingly neverous beaner

>eyy gringos w-what about b-based civic nationalism, we can be americanos too esse, l-look at me trump hat

>Nobody likes Richard Spencer but you can BTFO some antifa at his speeches

So you're "fighting" against 98% of the US population?

Or are you assuming that you have American whites on your side who share the same racist dehumanizing views you have on other people? Get real you faggot.

You cucks are a fringe minority. Everytime Spencer and his cronies come out in public they are attacked by "antifa", because god forbid you admit that 98% of Americans are against any type of race based supremacy, so instead you scapegoat antifa, a group of loser jobless anarchists who are PAID to protest. Making your "enemy" seem small and with the possibility of winning against them.

These antifaggots are already bigger than any white nationalist group in the world, and THEY (antifa) are also a fringe minority. You think you can take on the general populace?

Pure dellusion. You will all sooner hang than accomplishing anything.

Wow I feel so insulted right now, I may have to report you to the mods.

All of America.

What type of country do you think we are, pole?

>Americans are against any type of race based supremacy
why would americans be against something that is just objectively true and obvious?

>racist dehumanizing views
this gibberish made me chuckle, god damnit you people are so full of yourselves

>Wants ethnic nationalism
>52% white

What is Dick's plan to the white ethnostate?

Wait for it..

100% you two are traitors deserving of a bullet each.

>So you're "fighting" against 98% of the US population?
Less than that but yeah we are wildly outnumbered. Thing is, we are what remains of real americans. Founding fathers were "racist" intelligent patriarchal men. Today amerikwa is an abomination that they would despise, most people just bow their head to their existence and submit like cuckold serfs. Some people are different, better even.

full of subhuman spics and negroes

He's right though.

Sorry, not you, was meant for this broken record cunt

>peaceful ethnic cleansing

literally how

Fuck off pinko nigger

So what exactly are you doing with half of the non-white population?

Don't get upset with me because you've allowed yourselves to be manipulated by CIA asset.

Really makes me think.

I go out drinking on Tuesday What are they planning? Might need to show up early and get /comfy/.

Go fuck yourself you liability. I hate blackpillers and naysayers so fucking much.

they can go to mexico

Richard Spencer is a pussy and a bad speaker


Watch Richard Spencer get embarrassed by a nigger


I'm surprised you're capable of thinking

You can send the spics here, but send a single nigger and shit will hit the fan.

>2. No guns

Fail. That's why nobody trusts you Spencer shills. Real men defend their rights.

Is there any interest in a Discord server so those going can coordinate?

thanks tyrone

reversing the course the merchants set for us. you new here?

You can't carry guns on campus here in Alabama

Refugees would rather return to their shitholes than go to Poland.

YOU DON'T KNOW A FUCKING THING about Richard Spencer or I bet even the Alt Right, I've spoken to fucking hundreds of posters like you and NONE of you know a fucking thing about the guy, I'll tell you I've met him IRL back in 2013 at a Trad Brit Group event and have been aware of him since 2011. You don't know fucking anything, I bet you heard about him during Hailgate when the media fucking laid its crosshairs on him to fit their damn "racist Trump supporter" narrative.

You're a fucking deadweight and I'm beginning to see you fucks as nothing but purity-spiralling traitors. Fucking off yourself.

2008 grad here. Fuck Peace Eagle, those faggots.

How does he get embarassed, the nigger just repeats the

get it trending now

You're welcome. Now clean my toliet.

>says the cunt calling everyone with more balls than him a CIA plant

Go back to 8/pol/ and dox some more right wingers kike

>but send a single nigger and shit will hit the fan.
just kill them as soon as they cross the border


So? I like living in a white and secure country, ese.

I bet this ends with some crazy shooting him on the street. He's pretty brave to continue provocations as the #1 American media hyped white nationalist.

We will grease the train tracks again.

Just because you knew about Spencer for several years doesn't make him any less of a CIA asset. It just means you've been a stupid person for a long time.

More balls than you

Does anyone have a video of him actually saying this? All I've seen are msm sites claiming he said it. I mean I can see him saying it but I'd like to hear the context.

>you dehumanize minorities
>poland toilets generic joke

>m-m-m-muh CIA

One of you niggerfaggots needs to either post proof or fuck off
Im sick of this nonsense
Makes me think you're all Antifa shills

Antifa groups are popping up all over. Check your local Facebook they are actively recruiting. I'm not even joking even in the small town in the south where I live there's an antifa group.

The problem is nobody's willing to fight. These fuckers need to learn fear

>be a purity-spiralling faggot
>accuse someone else as prone to punching right and doxing
>thinks that the way to getting normies red-pilled is to be Rockwell in the current year

No it means I'm well-fucking-acquainted with the guy's work. I bet you haven't even listened to any of his podcasts or speeches. Nothing you say is worth anything so shut the fuck up or get out of the way.

heh yes! that guy saying pro-white things is cia and we must destroy him!

this is just paranoia baiting, because poltards have a tendency to seek conspiracies

>Make a generic Tyrone buzzword joke
>Not expect a generic joke back

Go back to redit plz

>What is spycraft

If there was irrefutable evidence of his CIA links his cover would be blown and he'd be dropped as an asset. It's the plausible deniability that keeps his operation active.

Everything he says and does stinks of CIA, especially his "come join me so I can take down your names and addresses for my agency handlers" honeypot.

Hold on, we've misunderstood each other and we're actually on the same page user. I thought you were calling me a shill. Disregard that last point.

Fuck you chalupa-nigger

Dick was nobody before 2016.


join kekistan

Literally what?
Take your pills aspie

Its not Sup Forums its shills.

Fuck off Sargon with your stupid forced meme

You forgot poor and historically raped between Germoney and Russia.

Regardless...we must destory him.
And his ilk.

I'm jealous Spencer got the chance to interview guys like Bowden.

Michianon here. Currently laid off and I want to fight. Any other out of staters here considering going? I feel like we need a physical show of power and this is the perfect chance.

Any out of staters going? Any official coordination? If I go could I crash with someone in Auburn?

>Today, in the public imagination, “ethnic-cleansing” has been associated with civil war and mass murder (understandably so). But this need not be the case. 1919 is a real example of successful ethnic redistribution—done by fiat, we should remember, but done peacefully.


It's fun to get a glance at the black parts of the internet sometimes. It's another game entirely and it's pretty dumb.

What is your point?

Seriously, why the fuck is that even worth asserting, you dumb spic?

Y no shoot commies?

I expected it, you claimed moral superiority,

And to think the delusional fucks that make up the white nationalists of today have any hope of "changing" anything.

Like I said, you'll sooner have the ENTIRE country going after these fools and lynching them.


Basically your entire argument. And you wonder why you faggots are lumped in with the low IQ niggers. Two sides of rotten coin.


Still white.