NASA has built a device, an Artificial Sun/Simulator Reflector and placed it heliosynchronis in orbit outside the Earth's Atmosphere. NASA technology is very highly advanced and they are able to cloak (hide) objects in outer space including our Solar Sun. Our Solar Sun is not white but yellow in its appearance. The device is about the size of a football field that unfolded after being launch into space. It is white and very very bright. Because the device is so close to the Earth and infront of our Solar Sun it is cloaking (hiding) our Solar Sun. It also bends light like a Prism and here is how to prove it. If you follow this procedure you will see both suns (Our Solar Sun and the Artificial Sun) at the same time. You will need two (2) pairs of UV Sunglasses. UV Sunglasses with a upper tinted lenses work excellent. 1.) Place 1 pair of sunglasses on and close 1 eye. 2.)WHILE LOOKING AT THE SUN, hold the other pair of sunglasses 10 inches in front of the other pair (look on the upper tinted area of the lense). Slowly bring the second pair closer towards your face like a telescope. You will see two suns. 1 sun will be bright white; that is the Artificial Sun/Simulator Reflector. The other sun, which is our Solar Sun will not be as bright and will appear to be a different color depending on the tinted color on the sunglass lense. Our Solar Sun is 93 Million Miles behind the device. If you do this technique correctly, you will see two suns WITH YOUR OWN EYES; the Artificial Sun and our Solar Sun. WHY?!
Other urls found in this thread:
reported to the government
Oh shit someone call the space police
I stayed up for nuclear happenings and all I got was a solar sun conspiracy thread.
don't watch if your on acid this shit just started giving me a bad trip
Seen this with my owned eyes, OP. Don't listen to these little faggots, I know you're telling the truth. I've told anybody who will listen, but delivering one of the greatest red pills of all time is a hefty task.
so can anyone else confirm this?
You should keep looking at the sun. You seem bright.
what is refraction?
Heat up the Earth to make it comfier for the Reptillians, of course
You realize this would fuck up eclipses right?
nasa cant cloak these doubles though
>stare directly into the sun
I recall the 2 suns in 2012-2013. You just had to take a photo at the sun, then you checked it, and it looked just like OP pic.
must be god.
it s Cthulhu we re doomed.
thansk for the advice user
it's called refraction. who the fuck takes the time to type this gargbage. sage shill threads
It's a leaf tho, can you really trust him? I bet he's talking balderdash.
>what is refraction
Say it with me Sup Forums: It is ALWAYS americans who believe the most outrageously farfetched conspiracies
I was willing to give your schizophrenic rant a read before that
>aliens are conspiracies.
wah. wah. give me my hot pocket alien overlords.
Gawddam illegal aliens.
Wtf OP I tried it and mustard gas came out fuck you, guys dont try this!!!!
tickled all my keks
Lets make this the new flat earth theory
I didn't realize NASA was funded by JJ Abrams.
This blinds you. Please don't do it.
Schizophrenia alive and well. Shine on you crazy diamond.
reported to CIA
say goodbye to your frontal lobe kid
I wouldn't doubt it! There legit has been a black van sitting acrossed the street from my house for like a week now. No doubt they are monitoring my thoughts and this thread right now.
dubbed w/ truth
Call the cops on the van. Tell them you witnessed the driver selling drugs on several occasions. Wait and watch how they respond. Use binoculars to determine if the driver of the van shows the cop his FBI#CIA badge.
Thats a damned good idea. Thanks user.
These Reptiles dont play nice. They did make the M.L.G. Airhorn Meme though.
This thread is what autism looks like.
stop calling your food autistic. where are your manners.
take this to /x/ faggot SAGE!
you sick alien fuc.
don t trust this sleeper agent.
day of the leaf soon
check your sphincter for listening devices
>the simpsons predicted something again
how am I a reptile cunt.
I'm onto you lizard fucker. How do those kids taste FUCK head?
Can't even see right now.. fucking sun is killing my vision.
I know you're fighting a real fight OP. This thread is being slid and will always be slid... anons, we need to realize we're being blinded with other happenings from THIS ONE!
Nigger there are middlebrow happening threads all over the catalog right now.
This is where the adults speak.
This is a board about politics.
All threads should be about politics.
If you're posting bullshit that isn't about politics, you're probably going to get reported and banned like the subhuman shitposter you seem to represent so well.
onto you and your sick chocolate 'factory' wonka. you lizard freak.
this is caused by water particles in the lower atmosphere
it's not new it was always there and it has nothing to do with your tinfoil bs
pls kill your self you stupid ass nigger
oompa loomper doompa dee doo I ve got a question waiting for you. what has a tail and scaly green skin. often potrayed as trickster kin. making dollars making dimes. spreading division. making the myth of Time.
lets not forget about the Dinosaur *Shoah*.
R e p t i l e s.
what does this mean Sup Forums how is this going to change our life and why they are doing this
t. alien.
they are doing it for the JOJ and quality content. the same reason you make a Y.T.P. or a Memes Compilation.
Sick trips; you're doing god's work, user.
You're gonna make it.
This is the most retarded thing I've ever heard. What if an observer sees the sun from a diagonal angle you fuckhead?
Yeah I've seen this thing with me own camera, too bad it's just being accused as lens flare.
Yup looking at the sun right now. It's true.
>the aliens are bad memers.
>this explains anime.
I cant tell if Bog meme posting is based on real shit or conspiricy?
thats the singerularity my friend. let comedy be ur shield. in the face of d a n g e r.
Guys little known fact, if you look at a mirror you will see a reflection
Ophthalmologist here
Don't do this guys
Will BTFO the pigmentation layer of your macula lutea through hyper stimulation and focused wavelengths
>sunlight reflects off camera lens
>camera lens reflects off firmament
Checkmate atheists and globies.
>I saw it!
I watched this like a fucking decade ago, barley remembered it a month or so ago but not enough to find it.
Thanks man
Hungry for some crickets? *chirp* *chirp*
This thread is full of shills.. Yeah, OK. Move along.
why do you browse Sup Forums on acid niqqa, it's not comfy here at all
van just leaves and comes back later
>surveillance vans don't have police radios
That's a good point. If the van leaves shortly after calling the police I'll know for sure.
everything will be fine.
get off pol and do something less retarded on acid.
your brain becomes more plastic on acid, so it's a great opportunity to start forming good habits.
Not Nibiru, but close enough and even more stupid (+pic).
conspiracy theory is a term invented to ridicule inconvenient truth
>lens reflection
That is so fucking lazy.. Oh, that? Weather balloon.. no no no.. that was just SWAMP GAS.. HURRRRR DURRR.
"2 go one pee"
I love x+pol. I got banned last month for making a thread about "The Event", which IF TRUE, would be the most significant political event in all history. Also they talk about religion all the time here and /x/ is just religion with less believers.
But THIS is still just a lens reflection.
So let me get this straight...
NASA built a giant, artificial sun that no amateur astronomers, or other world governments saw. Or, Russia and China are in on it and helped build the artificial sun because Russia and China and the USA are all severely run by a globalist NWO. Which would invalidate almost every other /Russia/USA/Israelijew conspiracy that is on this board...
Is that right? Okay, just making sure.