Calling all Jews.
Why the fuck do you guys post on Sup Forums?
Do you guys know the audience that populates this board? Are you stupid or something?
Calling all Jews.
Why the fuck do you guys post on Sup Forums?
Do you guys know the audience that populates this board? Are you stupid or something?
Sup Forums Jews have the best humor. I'd sooner gas the leaves.
Because they secretly hate themselves.
I'm orthodox
If it makes you feel any better I hate you all equally.
Beacuse they are so stupid they think they can make us turn 180° in our ideology.
Self aware jews aren't so bad. Besides, in an ideal world all different races could shitpost from their respective countries.
We have, without a doubt, the best Jew bantz
Leafs can get fucked
Reported. Sup Forums is an 18+ board.
Because I hate other Jews and I only feel welcome here.
>tfw too "goy" for other kikes
>tfw hate 99% of other kikes anyway
>tfw the only place that accepts me is a place that unironically likes hitler and wants me dead
Like pottery. I ain't mad though. You goys are cool.
I don't like most other Jews, and my family and I have been repeatedly shafted by the globalists. They're no tribe of mine.
I guess they better do a 360 and walk away now
No but seriously I stopped being a religious Jew like 5 years ago and I still have to pretend I am one because otherwise I wouldn't get my 500 dollar birthday money each year from my grandpa, and my 100 dollar one from my aunt.
Well that and my entire family would disown me. I cringe every time I hear them refer to non-Jews as "goy". Don't fucking listen to anything anyone says, it is absolutely a slur, an insult, and is demonizing and dehumanizing. When a Jew calls you a goy, they're calling you lower than filth.
It's entertaining.
(((We))) like to study the Goyims next plots at exterminating us. This is a great place to understand the Goy mentality. It's also adorable seeing you convinced you know our next move, because you never do.
I guess I'm "lucky" that my remaining Jewish family is down to a mother, an uncle, and a grandmother. Getting away from their influence helped open my eyes.
Calling all 12-year-olds trying pathetically hard to join the big kids at the edgy Alt Right table.
Please be aware that your posts would so much scarier and more impressive if you paid attention in your junior high school English class and grasped that an "audience" does not "populate" a board - not that anyone should give a fuck about WHAT an "audience" does on a board like this anyway, since the very term "audience" suggests a random heap of bored, spotty early-pubescents sitting around waiting for "drama" without any commitment to or belief in the political values Sup Forums actually represents.
This. The only Jew I like is my older sister, because she's too obsessed with hiking and nature and shit to give a fuck about muh children of god. A friend of mine is jewish too but I think he's a convert because he doesn't look jewish whatsoever. (He's a fat, piggy-nosed ginger kid who probably can't have kids anymore because of the amount of times he's accidentally smacked his balls with his skateboard)
Same here. My Christian friends and uncle also helped, alongside the fact that my parents nowadays (not so much when I was younger) probably classify as Jew-ish. My mom also has close "goy" friends and my dad's a convert so meh.
I like pointing out hypocracies of /pol and watching people eat themselves apart.
"You wanna redpill people? Convert them to Islam!"
"My hands are cold."
(rubs internally)
There are many other nonwhite posters tho (I myself am a gook poster). Even nogs
>implying Sup Forums is still a natsoc board
There were some nonwhite threads with 200+ posts or so. Whites aren't the only people sick of leftism and PC
If real, I like you guys.
I tend to want to exterminate 100% of jews, down to the 1% Ashkenazis, just like judaism never existed. But then I see Bobby Fischers and Brother Nathanaels. I wouldn't hate Jews if they didn't mutilate goy infants, steal, run AIPAC, destroy our institutions...get your family to disavow the evil that is judaism, and the behaviors of the jewish people.
Anyone else think this bitch looks like Brian peppers?
Right about the second part, but I'll never trust a kike.
Racism needs to be renormalized so we can call the niggers niggers, and they can call us honkies and crackas or whatever, and no one's life and reputation gets ruined because of butthurt and social conditioning. Fucking liberals, man.
We don't always need to know exactly. We have you outnumbered. A goy just needs to be able to sniff out kike tricks.
I'd go the route of exterminating all the kikes and just sterilizing the 25-1%ers (unless they act like a kike).
>Do you guys know the audience that populates this board?
OF course they do... that's why they spam demoralizing
>how can white boiz even compete?!?
>check these HAWT IDF model soldier gurlz!! Y do U h8 Israel goy??
and other such crap to "Sway" or "hurt"
>dowzz evul NAZI BASTIDZZ!!!
It's like shitting into an indian street to make it smell like poop... pointless.
But let them think they are
>doing something to fight """antisemitism""" and winning's fucking HILLARIOUS!
They've been doing it for YEARS now and it only serves to CONVERT MORE NORMIES to my side.
Keep on
>whatcha doin'?