You are presented with a button that will eliminate all muslims that currently exist...

You are presented with a button that will eliminate all muslims that currently exist. Yet in exchange one white baby will die. Do you press it?

Of course.


I don't want to die


wait, so you would deliberately kill 1 more white baby for no reason after all muslims are dead?


To make sure.

Are you sick? How do you are even able to ask this? Of course that i will press it.

Hell yeah! Fuck that baby hell even a thousand would still be worthy

Is there a button for jews only?


Pick one.

i have 1 muslim friend and there are 2 muslims who run a nice store by a gas station near my school so im gonna have to say no.

Just in case I agree

If there is a similar button for jews, niggers and gypsies, I'll click all four of them a few times.

such is the meme

every muslim has to die. there's no way to make sure they are not deceiving us. their religion is subversive. every muslim has to die. there is no other way for mankind.

I admire civilized muslims, so I'd have to go with no.

I would get wine and dine that button, dressed in the best tailored suit.
I would cum then and there as I press it.

>civilized Muslims
Are you an idiot?


Most muslims are alright, theyre just annoying when they try to take over other countries (ie using bombs or voting liberal)