Is homosexuality a choice for men?
Everyone knows that lesbians/bisexual women don't exist, but does that also apply to men?
Is homosexuality a choice for men?
Everyone knows that lesbians/bisexual women don't exist, but does that also apply to men?
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How is it not a choice to refrain from fucking people in the ass?
>Lesbians/bisexual women don't exist
Please explain
there is no scientific evidence that one can be born gay
a little bit of choice
a little bit of genetics
depends on the person tho cause not everything is black and white
There's absolutely nothing wrong with homosexuality.
There have been instances where a pair of twins is born and one is gay and the other is not. So it can't be genetic
Anyone remember the post how a guy joked about gays being a victim of a virus only to later come up with evidence backing up that claim?
that's hot
that's also hot
i had several relationships with girls who i did love but after a shitty long one ended i more or less realized guys were an option too (more similar, less "space" in understanding) and went for it around age 22. all of our scientific and cultural knowledge about homosex can only take you so far - maybe most of it was choice for me, some of it environment, there's no definite-absolute way to determine it. you experience your desires first hand, and your mind more generally as given, so i dont stress abt understanding the structure or process by which it comes about. i think for love especially its best to go for what satisfies, and you use "practical reasoning" to find your way, but ultimately whatever alleged source you pick, its a path of conscious choice(s) which decide sexuality. that choice is limited by availible circumstance and opportunity social/mental doesnt change that. but what do i know, i'm just a faggot
Why do people care so much about this shit?
If someone wants to fuck the same gender as their own let them,hell I'd probably fuck a cute enough trap with make up on if I'm being 100% honest with myself.
Homosexuality is probably some psychological shit which is always hard to prove scientifically.
Gays like everyone else should have basic rights but I don't think that everyone else should go against what they've believed in earlier and treat them equally like the church, gays shouldn't be allowed to marry in a church but definitely through court, etc.
There is nothing wrong with becoming intimate with another man. It's as old as man itself.
Gays should be executed, you stupid fuck. They're disgusting, they have no respect for anything and consume lots of drugs.
i doubt it. ive tried masturbating to gay porn and i couldnt stay hard. dudes just dont do it for me. traps make me diamonds though
Some gays definitely don't show any respect, I hate when someone comes out as gay, changes their voice to sound like a fag and thinks he deserves something. Some consume a lot of drugs but so do many other different people. Some gay people can be important to the economy and some people love them so I don't think it would be ethical nor smart to kill them.
It'd be best if we just slaughtered them all, they fucking piss me off.
How is it not a choice to not have us banished from paradise by way of fucking vaginas
Thats not a trap..
You too bud. You already accomplished that for our entire gender and society. Stupid weak cucky bitch cunt ass. Xq28 gene stupid niggers. Truvada. Your estrogen overdoses and lack of masculinity. That is all. Sorry Stacy. Imma go get mutilated for you now. STEP ON MUH CUBES
Now imagine a population 100% gay. It would a chaos of drug abuse, HIV and overall lack morality, plunging society into chaos. Obviously 100% can't happen, but faggotry is already reaching a critical mass in countries like mine. Gays are just another part of the degeneracy downward spiral that always ended in destruction throughout history.
Don't even try, you dirty Niki Vendola.
Disgustoso omofobo.
I have no control over enjoying the D. And the msm keeps telling me i'm opressed and need to burn down the vice presisdents house
I didn't choose who I was attracted to, whether it's nature or nurture is irrelevant. I did decide upon my actions though.
being gay and not a libshit is difficult
every dude is degenerate and I want nothing to do with them
Everyone is concerned with politics and it always comes up so I can either lie and say I'M WITH HER or tell the truth and try to reason with them while they're thinking they just went on a date with a nazi.
Maybe it will be easier once I'm out of college.
Just a little rant, but for OPs b8 no never had a choice in the matter. There are many gay dudes that have their lives ruined by being gay (just look at sand niggers). No one would ever choose that if they could.
Everything is a choice. Deal with it.
Have you considered the drugs and lack or morality are because you're a subhuman shitskin that lives in a jungle?
You wanna know why gays are so bad? I'll tell you.
Homosexuality is the result of a genetic disorder. Schizophrenia is also the result of a genetic disorder. Now, imagine for a moment, if you will, that the Government passed a law requiring you to indulge schizos in their delusions. Some homeless fuck on the street wobbles up to you one day and says he's Napoleon Bonaparte, and you have to agree despite knowing damn well that crazy bastard never once in his life conquered Egypt. But it's the law. How would you feel? What would this mean for society? How does it relate to gays? Because, despite homosexuality being a genetic disorder, everyone who is actually normal has to pretend homosexuals are good, normal people. Because it's the law. So what are gays doing about their disorder? Are they demanding Government funding for discovering a cure for their sexual abnormality? Of course not! But even the schizophrenic, who has absolutely no grasp on reality, will eventually seek treatment! How worse off are the gays, who are more deluded and confused than the mentally ill. No. The faggot rubs his abominable, unnatural sexuality in the face of society. When we otherwise wouldn't care about his sexuality, he rubs it in our faces and makes sure we know just how big of a queer he is. And lastly, what's worst than all, is the fact gays are more likely to catch sexually transmitted diseases, be raped, indulge in pedophilia, and get murdered than heterosexual people. But does this humble the gay community? Of course not! They hide their fear of AIDS by acting flamboyant, once again making sure you know they're gay, as they double-down on degeneracy.
That's why gays are bad and God will one day destroy them (by providing man with a cure for homosexuality).
no.... no it's not actually that which you proclaim it is.
Homosexuality is seldom a choice.
People are seldom born gay.
Society drives people to homosexuality.
You're retarded. It's not a genetic disorder. If it was, the gay gene would have died out tens of thousands of years ago.
Gayness is a choice, brought on by shit parenting resulting in delusions and inability to see the true meaning of life.... also environmental pollutants plays a key role.
the act of homosexual sex is a choice, just as the act of normal sex is.
However, the attraction to men is psychological, and impossible to up-root from someone.
So to conclude: homosexuals cannot choose who they are attracted to, but they can choose who they have sex with.
>A better question: is the act of homosexual sex/ sodomy moral?
fpbp. even if youre born gay you can still decide not to suck dick
kek what a pussy
huh.... Yea society is pretty gay, to be honest. This actually makes sense. Fucking gay ass society.
Gayness exists in lots of animal species. People have theorized that they serve a purpose evolutionarily by helping raise the offspring of their other family members.
Ok... so sometimes a freak is born a totally mentally deranged gaylord because of environmental pollutants which fag up the fetus before it's born? Is that what I'm getting at?
Even if this were true, I'm fairly certain that gay is USUALLY a choice. Some choices in life are more difficult to backtrack on than others.
ITT: people who jack off to traps hating on gays to make up for their faggotry
>helping raise the offspring of their other family members.
That is super duper gay. One thing is for sure, I would never want a gay helping raise my kids, for I am a firm believer that you can catch the gay from other people.
homosexuality is genetic, and therefore, can be cured. please learn how to into biology.
Most fags hate kids.
Even if this were true that would make them the ultimate cucks.
Furthermore, if being gay isn't a choice then explain all the gay prison sex. If that's the case then why are homosexuals more prone to commit crime and be arrested?
You mean CAN'T be cured. And no, it's not genetic (in 90% of cases), I'm not convinced of your theory.
you're fucking stupid
homosexuality =/= fucking in the ass, double check your definitions, cletus
This, I need some answers
I don't think it's hard to decide you aren't gay if it was your decision to be gay in the first place...
Those are WORDS. Dude bro guy. Words that are big and make little sense.
Look. Kids are brainwashed to think gay is cool all the time. Some of them grow up and choose to do gay shit. Some of them do gay shit while growing up, which is a result of shit parenting or single mothers. Those that grow up and choose to do gay shit will simply become accustomed to their own gay actions which results in normalization. Once a perversion is normalized it is near impossible to backtrack. THIS is the origin of gay, not all that science shit.
Never trust a fucking scientist dude. ESPECIALLY never trust a GAY scientist. Now what does THAT tell you brosky?
>People have theorized that they serve a purpose evolutionary by helping raise the offspring of their other family members.
well then they theorized wrong, Gay's tend to abuse children excessively, are hyper-sexual, etc.
They are a bad example for children and might sexually abuse my children. Plus animals tend to be the most hedonistic things in existence, and anyone who thinks humans are simply animals only has that stance to justify their fucking degenerate behaviors. Same goes for you user, since you just used gayness in the animal kingdom as a justification for gayness in human society.
Prisons prove that homosexuality is a choice.
Is it easy to quit smoking fags once you're addicted due to the fact that you CHOSE to smoke a lot of fags? Think about it dude bro.
Homosexuality is a choice like being fat is a choice.
Some have genetics that make it harder to be skinny
Some claim it's natural and should be tolerated
Some claim it's beautiful and should be encouraged
It is mostly dependent on what you consume
Some claim it's part of their identity.
Once gay/fat, it's hard to go back. It requires knowing it is a choice, not believing the prevalent "progressive" backwards morals, realizing your animalistic urges to eat and fuck aren't a core part of your identity, and hard work to keep away from your vices.
t. Use to be fat, now chubby, Use to be gay, now bi. I'm trying Sup Forums, and every improvement makes me feel better.
low quality trap
t. ben carson
yes, homosexual acts are a choice obviously
how many get out of prison and seek out only men when they can hook up with women?
Only half of the time. ROFL
Being gay isn't a choice. Just ask anyone that isn't a flaming hetero. Which is what this forum is a bunch of flaming flamboyant straight men.
Evolution has no conscious. It can't detect "extra" populations to receive the gay gene. It's just natural selection and random mutation. Regardless, if possible (even though it's not) it would just shut off the sex drive or promote polyandry, not retarget the sex drive in a completely different way
Fuck that shit. It's fucking fags that say and scream up and down the streets that they were born with their gayness simply to feel better about the shit choices they made, and to make it seem like it was out of their control. Gay is a choice fags. Deal with it.
I repeat fagdom is a choice. YOUR SHIT choice. Deal with it.
>a little bit of genetics
proof when ?
100% a choice
>born gay
That's stupid
>attraction to men is psychological
And psychology arises from environment. Maybe if I was tricked, as a child, into thinking that jerking off to AmericanPets Magazine was cool then I'd really wanna fuck the dog all day.
I think somehow they became psychologically fucked and now cannot have a normal sexual relationship. [spoiler]Like the faggots they are[/spoiler].
I think that the choice to act like a faggot is entirely up to them, but the attraction to men is due to some psychological damage of some form or another.
tl;dr - fags aren't born gay, but they are gay. They are gay because of their psychology, and their acts of faggotry are entirely in their control and will.
> the attraction to men is due to some psychological damage
In a way there is. Look up INAH-3.
Never trust a gay scientist.
We've had this thread already.
Fuck off.
>Maybe if I was tricked, as a child, into thinking that jerking off to AmericanPets Magazine was cool then I'd really wanna fuck the dog all day.
>mfw this is how i ended up how i am
somehow the environment you are raised in can affect what you are attracted to, especially when it is a hyper-sexual environment (as it was for me during the sexual revolution).
Yea but this thread hasn't had me yet.
bisexual chubby
You're not even trying
I didn't choose to get an erection from a male
However I can choose not to fuck a guy
Celibacy is a choice, sexuality isn't
.. yea... well. That's the thing about choices. You can always go back.... unless you catch the aids.
offcourse it is, like everything else
This, it's less degenerate than being an obese neet living on welfare, yet that somehow is acceptable and normal in Sup Forums
> sexuality isn't
as far as you can see.
>the attraction to men is due to some psychological damage
Not even needed anymore considering the amount of gay lifestyle propaganda
Can be considered a psychological damage though
>Now, imagine for a moment, if you will, that the Government passed a law requiring you to indulge schizos in their delusions. Some homeless fuck on the street wobbles up to you one day and says he's Napoleon Bonaparte, and you have to agree despite knowing damn well that crazy bastard never once in his life conquered Egypt.
That's not what schizo is.
>Yea but this thread hasn't had me yet.
>17 posts so far
Read em and weep faggot. Your shitty choice.
>Celibacy is a choice, sexuality isn't
keep on the celibacy road user. It's what i'm doing ever since i discovered i'm attracted to animals and men.
They are putting chemicals in the water that are turning the freakin frogs gay
>Not even needed anymore considering the amount of gay lifestyle propaganda
personally i consider the pro-gay pro-tyranny propaganda to be child abuse.
Media pushing the narrative that sodomy is good is Godless and inhumane.
I don't know if that's good or bad thing. Stop 'reading' AmericanPet Magazine maybe.
how do lesbians not exist
I never read it, but i did get exposed to stuff that fucked me up.
This is good. Real good. I'm not sure what is more amusing, the lampshade or grinding up a veg for fertilizer to grow vegs.
If being gay is a choice, can you choose to find men sexually attractive?
I cant. I just cant. I cant get off on guys.
There ya go.
It should be obvious who is attractive and who is not regardless of who you are or who you would fuck.
i witness DAILY
karma is a bitch
I mean yeah, I can look at myself in the mirror and say "well im completely average."
But this whole "being gay is a choice thing" is fucking retarded. In my situation, being gay would actually be better for me. Ive been hit on by more men then women by far. For me, being gay would actually mean im MORE likely to be in a stable relationship.
But Im not into dudes. I just physically cannot be aroused by men or feel about them the same way I do women. My brain just doesnt work that way.
>but prison gay
Yeah, uh huh. Closet fags exist and none of us are THAT desperate for human interaction. Thats inherently abnormal. Not that theres anything wrong with being a fag inherently.