Group of Black Men Savagely Attack Fleeing White Boys in London
Diversity becomes an honest strength when we retain the ability to judge and distinguish between positive and negative traits.
Diversity is a weakness under politically correct societies.
diversity is (((our))) strength.
You're reading it wrong.
Fuckin nig bystanders just getting excited. Day of the rope when?
Such a shame srsly I always wanted to visit London at some point but now I see it's become far too dangerous
need a quick rundown on this
>Group of Black Men
Holy shit looks like an entire army there of them ready to lynch any white boy
Even the title of this video is meant to emasculate whites.
>Black men savagely attack fleeing white boys
>Black men White boys
>Black men
>white boys
So fucking obvious when you take a second and pay attention.
Much rather be here in the US.
Brits are cucked they cant even have a knife to butter their bread.
Yeah. I get it now. Not a single white person steps in. This is it. We lost.
Fuck I'm glad my ancestors were convicts and dumped here instead of staying in that third world shithole.
Lel, weak ass Britbongs...cmon that shit is funny, a couple of sissies who can't fight...
Off course not one Britbong reply...
*Wipes tear from fat autistic cunts face*
Stop the autism bud. Its far from over.
Diversity is still a strength if you can say "Tyrone, you different, but you a nigger and you the bad kind of nigger. No one should ever want to be like you." Diversity is a strength when you can recognise some well spoken Indian with the same skin tone as Tyrone is probably a decent person.
But under politically correct societies, you can't point out that blacks, who almost invariably source their culture from MTV despite the country they live in, are horrid people.. so you have to treat Tyrone like Pajeet.
This happens in Melbourne too, we've named them though but rival medias then argued that they're using it as a badge of pride.
The media actually believes this is a problem that will go away on its own. That's not how these people respond, they're highly collectivist and have low self awareness, which collectivist people basically outsource. You literally have to shame them as a whole.
Black people, don't act nigger. Don't pretend to be offended, you know exactly what I mean. From here on in, nigger means everything wrong with western black culture. You are a nigger if you attack someone for no other reason besides that they're white.
That would be unwise unless all white people stepped in. If you're outnumbered and your foe don't mind hitting you from behind, it's not a fight you'll walk away from.
Did they fuck them afterwards?
Can't be any worse than American inner cities
>Their capital city looks like Chicago
RIP Long live the Cuckqueen
why do globalists always refer to blacks and arabs as minority when globally speaking by race, whites are a minority, and by culture, there are even greater minorities than white people such as japanese or korean, or mongolian, and yet they never pay attention to these types of asians.
The general rule in competition, life guarding, and warfare, is if a cunt is too stupid to help himself then he'll get you killed if you try to help him.
This is why mass importing people from a country that still uses caves as domaciles and has been practicing thousands of years of "american slavery" tier eugenics killing anybody smart enough to question or independent enough to try and leave the regional religion, is a complete stupid move by anyone with their own national security and cultural heritage in mind. Unless of course the only reason they have it in mind is to destroy it. Which makes them a traitor because they are providing aid and comfort to those which would destroy the country they are elected to serve. Often times even going so far as punishing actual citizens for protecting themselves, their families, and their property.
that's the 1st time I ever have heard an RooFucker admit that they are a race of thieves
>Room full of non white people
>Not one of them jump in to save the nog
Wow! Its almost like these things rarely happen and the majority of the time they happen most people of every race just wanna continue on with their day! Hahaha! Nope! Just fuck my ass tyone, the white race is over!
>they all gather round, not to see if the unconscious boy is ok, but to take pictures of him
Just fucking nuke England. Jesus christ.
It's about 25% of the population with actual convict heritage. I personally don't see it as something to be ashamed about tbhfam.
Send these monkeys back
>Black people, don't act nigger. Don't pretend to be offended, you know exactly what I mean.
but the video just showed that black aren't people
Damn, and wonder how will people would react if this were the other way around, you know, a bunch of white guys attacking a couple of blacks, I bet they will scream racism.
Reminds me of going to school in London and being one of the few English people.
You were getting beaten everyday, Nigel?
And spend the rest of your life in jail for a hate crime? no thanks.
Did you ever got attacked?
us cities and London are both totally safe. this thread is retarded. the dude looks a idiot who fell over while trying to hit someone with a backpack. i thought people in England knew how to fight?
you can't fight back against darkies in britain because animal abuse is illegal.
Stop being such a fucking racist, they can't help themselves and don't know any better. Show a little tolerance you fucking WHITE MALE!
Why are there girls in that boys lockerroom?
I don't think those are girls.
I'm pretty sure that's a guy with long hair, but in this day and age could be a trap as well.
tripfag on Sup Forums?
of course it's a fucking leaf.
60%? Whoa, slow down there Tyrone Rodriquez. It's 56%.
lesson for white/asian people. Never ever ever ever ever under any circumstances give up your right to defend yourself with firearms. They will swarm you.
She is a very bad driver and that accent is making me want to punch both of them
You faggots better toughen the fuck up. This is so fucking embarrassing and pathetic. Gas yourselves, you white fucking pussies.
who is this nasty bitch? go back to posting eugenie please
And? Washington DC is 48%. There isn't a single major city in USA that has a white majority, pic related.
Punk ass white boys deserved it.
Whose fucking idea was multi-culti anyway.
>off course
yes you are. way off
Tara Babcock...
Pic related for your capital.
She looks like Tara Babcock, but I could be wrong
how small is too small?
genie was better
Britains fault for accepting diversity.
I was the target for all anger against the system, anger for slavery, and abuse from 95% of the school. Still dealing with the depression.
yeah I think its cuck porn.
>He still secretly wants to migrate to America but still wants to shitpost about how not white it is
He still secretly wants to migrate to America but still wants to shitpost about how not white it is
>He still secretly wants to migrate to America but still wants to shitpost about how not white it is
He still secretly wants to migrate to America but still wants to shitpost about how not white it is
>He still secretly wants to migrate to America but still wants to shitpost about how not white it is
He still secretly wants to migrate to America but still wants to shitpost about how not white it is
>He still secretly wants to migrate to America but still wants to shitpost about how not white it is
He still secretly wants to migrate to America but still wants to shitpost about how not white it is
>he hasn't been silently killing people on his list
that's London? wtf?
there's like 3 white people in the whole video
Topkek. It's always whites getting the shit kicked out of them. It doesn't even get me mad anymore
look mate that isnt the issue with britain
the issue with britain is
even if the WHITE MEN weight lifted , did boxing, and knew basic knife slashes and stabs. (1-2 second fatality zones) it would be illegal for that individual to kill 100+ niggers assaulting him.
the state is cucking britains white men. i would like to think its better here but it probably isnt. at least i can carry a knife on me here.
Who the fuck goes to Nairobi? No sympathy from me
And those dumbfucks don't even have guns to protect themselves from the niggers. Europe is so fucked. At least if a nigger tries to attack me it's 100% legal for me to shoot him.
Oh I also forgot, 'White' includes not only 'White Hispanics' but North Africans and Middle Easterners as per the USA Govt.
>The U.S. Census Bureau must adhere to the 1997 Office of Management and Budget (OMB) standards on race and ethnicity which guide the Census Bureau in classifying written responses to the race question:
>White – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.
If you take out hispanics, north africans and middle easterners, you're around 44% white.
No? I'm just countering your idiocy that this is somehow abnormal. White is still the majority in London and UK as a whole. In the USA, if you don't use the governmental definitions, is 44% white. Your cities are all non-white.
But you're probably a Jew doing typical divide and conqueror tactics. The irony of the last part of your sentences sums you up perfectly.
What is the source on this video? This is the first time I have seen this one. Niggers need to go back to africa.
loved that guy
>At least if a nigger tries to attack me it's 100% legal for me to shoot him.
>implying you wont end up in jail
keep dreaming
This is stratford, big shopping centre where all the nig nogs hang out.
London is pretty much lost now. The center is all brown save for the super rich people areas (kensington/hampstead/chelsea) and the city where the businessmen work. Everywhere else around is pretty much 90% non white.
I live in a suburb a few miles away and over the past 4-5 years the browns have been slowly creeping in, they spread from the centre like a disease and will soon colonise all the surrounding suburbs.
Jesus, that's really sad to hear, and the worst part is that wasn't your fault, stay strong.
Yes! fight among each other on Tibet grass chewing forum. This is sure to produce great results.
It was posted on twitter, but later was deleted, iirc.
Britbongs getting colonized...le sarcasme éternel...
Boston is majority white.
Who do you think kike.
I live 2 miles from that location.
That is London Stratford Station
Where in Australia do you live? I know for a fact I'm not even legally able to carry pepper spray on me in Sydney, mate.
Why are you still living in London? You should get out while you can.
I don't get it. Is that London or Nairobi?
Most of the people there seem to be black.
Blacks in DC are wage slaves for the political class, it's awesome how segregated they are.
Niggers are the same everywhere
I wonder if Ivanka is going to shed a tear for these folks, or if she only cares about non-white kids in coutries her husband wants to invade.
My grandfather once had a bloke underneath his house trying to steal his lawnmower. Shot the dude through the flooboards with a spear fishing gun. This was almost 30 years ago and when the cop got there, he dismissed the dude who got shot and warned my grandad that if anything like this were to happen again, it's safer to do what you have to do to the assailant and simply drag them out onto the road. Our self defence laws are absolute bullshit.
You can carry a knife in Sydney. There's only a limit on blade length. I think it's 6 inches or maybe less.
we're watching Agenda 21 and 2030 unfold, we're in the midst of a global depopulation plot where we're all expected to kill each other the old-fashioned natural organic way on a local level. they calculated that this depopulation method would be less psychologically traumatizing to the populace and more controllable than releasing chemical or biological weapons or weaponized drone swarms or dropping neutron bombs or trying to force mass sterilization. this way they can get the reduced numbers they want without having to take any of the blame.
The mass invasion of Muhammads into our countries is also a deliberate pretext for a WW3 total war against Islam to pave the way for Greater Israel. Just wait for the global false flag attack that Trump will blame on """"ISIS"""", something like 9/11 + Bataclan times a hundred. Mattis will literally start dropping nukes left and right.
Don't worry about the dumb faggots we see in these webm's who get caught in the crossfire. Don't sympathize or identify with them, just laugh at them. Why would you care about someone who was retarded enough to be in this situation? These white guys chose to allow themselves to be surrounded by niggers. They consciously chose to relax. Total darwin award winners. They probably voted for their muslim mayor too. I hope they died from brain trauma, good riddance.
As long as we're the ones who are smart enough to stay 3 steps ahead of the globalist crosshairs, we'll have an advantage over all the untermenschen we see in these webm's.
The culling of the herd is a glorious thing, embrace it. Only the strong will survive this gauntlet. Just look at the Jews, they are only 0.2% of the population yet they control the planet. This is because they culled their weakest, most empathetic, most nearsighted, most useless members through countless pogroms. We should celebrate that we are now going through the same process. The reduction of our numbers means our survivors will be stronger.
At least niggers are afraid of white people, because they know any one of us could be armed. In other countries niggers know that white people are completely helpless. There's a reason mudslimes don't go around raping random white women in the U.S.
>white """people"""
Could be near a refugee camp, but I'm not sure, or that's is how diverse London is.
What? Dude you can't even carry a fucking screwdriver.
>At least niggers are afraid of white people, because they know any one of us could be armed
Really Bubba?
>""Touring"" anywhere in the UK as a white person
Their fault honestly. Anyone who is even the slightest bit informed knows that the UK, London especially is esentially back alley in some African slum now.
Could have gone to Vegas or Disney World.
>There's a reason mudslimes don't go around raping random white women in the U.S.
Yeah. Cause they're fugly
is this an old video? who wears shorts in april?
Niggers are superior physically. You surprised they beat a white boi ass?
Poor guy, he probably knew it was going to happen judging by how he simply got up and walked away like that.
>Niggers are superior physically.
No, Americans niggers of slavery ancestry are physically superior, Bubba...