Hispanics/Latinos Vs Blacks

which race is cooler, which is worse?

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why are you namefagging? and that flag is an abomination

This isn't a question, in total blacks are infinitely worse.

Depends on what you define "latino". The ones who racemixed with the natives (AKA most of Mexico) are just as bad as niggers. The rest (Mostly the south of South America) is basically Mediterranean Lite with some racemixed shitskins cleaning toilets

Hispanic/lantino definitely. They have some good food.

Latinos are worse. They cause more long term damage compared to blacks.
Blacks do shit that pisses everyone off so people straight up don't like them.
Latinos are different. They tend to be more friendly and less obvious with their savage behavior. People let them slide more which means they aren't contained.

youre both not white, so the world would be a better place without any of you shit skins

Blacks are worse in pretty much every metric, at least in America. Much more violent, poorer, less intelligent, more impulsive, worse families, more out-of-wedlock births, worse for the school system, etc.

That's true but it doesn't refute my point.

You said that Latinos were worse, your point is refuted considering that blacks are worse by pretty much every single other metric used to determine who or what is bad. Even if they're contained or whatever, they aren't nearly as bad as niggers. The really bad stuff like the drug cartels are much rarer among them apparently than gang violence or general impulsive violence blacks seem to have massive problems with.


The way your brain is processing my post is telling me you're another butthurt beaner. You fucks can't think logically about anything related to yourselves.
You're no different from women. I wonder if beaner men have menstrual cycles.

t. Mesero

>tfw 3/4 white
>ftw will never be fully white

Latinos are in the perpetuel pursuit of being white
Niggs just want to nig aroung until the next day

Hispanics are better because they are ~50% white. Half a white is better than a low IQ nigger. Plus, at least native central americans had some semblance of civilization starting when we got here. Africans still can't do shit.

Your great grandfather having greenish brown eyes and a single blond hair when he was 2 years old doesn't make you 3/4s white.

con que seas blanco y limpio, es todo lo que importa.

Your basically white. If you had kids with a white woman, your kids would be white, as native american genes aren't that strong (at least not to the point where they would be present in a 1/8th non white child). Only niggers still appear in 1/8th non white children.

They are both terrible, but I think niggers living off welfare are better than spics willing to work for less than half the minimum wage illegally. Niggers don't make it hard to find jobs, and they don't give employers the opportunity to pay next to nothing knowing there will always be people fighting for any job no matter how little they are willing to pay.

obviously Hispanics are better than niggers.

Latinos: Subhumans and work
Niggers: Subhumans and don't work.

>mfw when I'm a 6"2 Mexican-American Don Juan shyster who's learned the art of the bamboozle in business and boobs

niggers are literally apes but it's alright because compared to them, they make our culture look like royalty

Haiti vs Dominican Republic tells you all you need to know.

Hispanics aren't great but at least they can into civilization.







Original Mexico flag

Obviously there are degenerates/cartels gang bangers that need to go, but ethnically Latinos are western (Spanish or Portaguesse) mixed with SA natives.

There obviously better than negros and more western than any other minorities like asians or sand niggers.

t. nigger
The only problem I have with Latinos is their attempt to try and transplant their culture into America, other than that I'd take them over the subhuman apes commonly called niggers.

>blacks vs mestizos

I wonder who is behind this post?

>Im not 100% white

I'll vouch for latinos, they're nice people


>t. nigger
Did you read more than the first sentence?


>Latinos are worse because they are friendly
t. Tyrone

Tacos win

Since latinos are ethnically european, do you really need an answer to that question?

blacks are violent but latinos are way more violent and smarter than blacks so latinos are worse definitely. doesnt mean blacks dont suck tho

I commend you on being able to read more than the first sentence. Shame about your abstract thinking skills.


You must be a negro.

>Giving Uruguay to Argentina

Nah I'm a white californian. We're drowning in mexicans and their shit, and nobody gets angry enough to tell them to fuck off.
The niggers of oakland stick to their ghettos and don't chase after white people (unlike mexicans) unless white people invite them with section 8 housing.

Hispanics, at least most of them have a sense of family and some sort of work ethic.

>Implying Uruguay isn't an Argentinian province

Pic related = you

nigger detected

They rightfully belong to the Brazillian Empire, our nation true form.

Hispanics are alright. They vaule family and work hard. They need to get control of this aztlan shit the younger ones are fucking around with tho. Also I am not fond of that repetitive music they play all the time, but it is much less offensive than rap.

a spic grill i used to date had a mom with green eyes. both her folks were straight from mexico, her dad had brown eyes though and she got them too unfortunately. her mom's green eyes were really nice. she must've been a little white right?

Hispanics are worse
Blacks are straight up violent
whereas Hispanics are sneaky greasy little shits that get away with all kinds of bullshit

Notice how they are called "whites" on this wanted poster.....sneaky


You poor dumbfuck

>her mom's green eyes were really nice. she must've been a little white right?
Sure. Your kids would still come out beaners though. Every white/beaner couple I've seen ends up with beaner kids. Sometimes they're even darker than their beaner parent.

You both belong to me.

el mesero de la condesa

This actually, I came out darker than my mother.
Did not happen with my siblings, my sisters got blue eyes and dark black hair.
I just look... like nothing.

higher iq nigga

I don't agree with this.

I'll take hector over Tyrone any day. At least you can be friendly with Latinos and they won't try to steal your shit right away

No, we belong to Argentina. Sorry.

so, France would become North America??

hispanics could be white, and those that arent, arent complete monkeys

still would prefer that neither existed

Are you Italian or Spanish?

this is literally true, i met a white argentinian today, he was a nice man

>cho soy blanco, cho te lo juro, cho soy arjentino

>They tend to be more friendly and less obvious with their savage behavior.
Maybe the americanized ones you got. Most get violent easily if they think you may be insulting them.

>Mediterranean Lite
What did he mean by this?

Mestizos are shit., you can take over USA leave my Spanish homeland safe to retire to please.

Italian from both sides, why?

because I know there's a lot of us who immigrated to South America.

parli italiano?

Nigger gangs are nothing compared to the literal paramilitary organizations across the border that are pumping millions of dollars worth of drugs into the country and working with dumb chicanos like norteños.

absolutely. Hispanics at least have some white in them. Even pure indio are better though I think. Not that i have tons of experience with injuns

nice nose hair

Hundreds of years of whites and indios interbreeding. Close enough to a race to me

Hispanic a race. Wrong

hundreds of years compared to the millions of years it took to create the others?

You're making a retarded claim based on nothing but the policies of which your own kike leaders subverted you into. There were always Hispanics in the US and you faggot not complain about after they start displacing you south-west because of terrible legislation passed in the 1960's. Get rid of gibs, deport illegals and 90% of spics leave and they're back to the level they were always at with no fucking peasants and CIA paid drug cartels fucking destroying everything, your country is literally paying for crime and poverty on the other hand niggers had been a substantial problem ever since their freedom add gibs and they are by far the worse.

Niggers are better, they do less damage in the long run.

The key word is illegal you faggot. Is there a large illegal hispanic problem in Canada retard? No. There is still a consistent nigger problem though.

This is true but they are still distinct imo. Just like white Americans are essentially their own ethnicity at this point given the clusterfuck of Euro genes

>Captcha: Mexico Charger

Both are stinky, ugly as fuck, loud, breed like rats, nasty vermin. If I had one bullet and had to choose which one to shoot i'd tell the nigger to crouch behind the beaner and get a two in one.

I wish Grand-Columbia still existed, fucking retards and "Muh differences but not really because we're literally all the same Mestizo."

Well the illegals are running to Canada now because of Trump. Enjoy the cultural enrichment

>t. "hispanic" rape babies

you'll never be white no matter how much you LARP, beaner scum

mesero, mi cuenta.

46 crossed the border in a span of 2 months amazing and they weren't even mexican or South American.

Chile should get Argentina not the other way around

Mexicans have good food, good beer, some Spanish/Kraut bloodlines, love guns, family values, and a sense of community.

Seriously the biggest issues are ones that don't leave Mexico behind despite living as an American and ones who don't learn English.

Sambo and Co. > Aztecs > Spaniards

Thankfully i'm not a beaner. Anglo and German here. My great grandmother left me a painting of the Berghoff that I have hanging on my wall. She always said Hitler was a good man in the beginning. The hyper inflation wiped her and her husband out so they moved here

>so people straight up don't like them
You know how I know you're a coon?


This shit has to stop



join kekistan, fight the shills

All metizo how so

The green race has no baggage - I choose green column

Italian/English American reporting in for duty.

Nah most argies are waitress in México. And the woman generally prostitutes.

eyy a badaboom

spanish homeland