Can somebody give me a rundown on how we rank as a military compared to other nations...

Can somebody give me a rundown on how we rank as a military compared to other nations? I know we are top dog but are we only slightly better than other nations in terms of

>Machines such as tanks, subs and jets

Is the Usa Superman/Hulk tier while the rest are Spiderman at best?

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look at global fire power (a website)
usa is number one interms of amount of guns and decent soldiers, but your soldiers aren't the best in the world
1 us soldier ≠ 1 British soldier

its not about having the biggest dick its about experience and right now the us has the biggest dick and the most experience.

>1 us soldier ≠ 1 British soldier
The brits military is pathetic at best

I hope I'm not the only American who secretly wishes for the dogpile scenario to happen just to prove once and for all our unstoppable might

>spend more money on military than the next 8 nations combined

>get BTFO by farmers



>US lost Vietnam
nice meme, that's why their a capitalist country with McDonalds now

We're no doubt the #1 military force on the planet, but just because we have a large military force, 10 supercarriers, and the manufacturing capability to have every other country beat on amount of weapons, aircraft, tanks, etc. doesn't mean we'll beat China/Russia too easily, especially if we're the ones attacking their homeland.

If we went to war with Russia or China it'd be a slow, bloody, costly war and the US does have chances of losing.

>1 US soldiers =/= 1 Bong Soldier

What the fuck does that even mean? Are they going to square off and go at each other like fucking Mortal Kombat? Just another Yuropoor damage control metric so they don't kill themselves "oh our military isn't the best b-b-but our soldiers are still better!!!" Same shit they pulled during the Olympics.

I honestly hope for a red dawn situation. I would be a gorilla fighter out in the woods picking off soldier.

And yes I know in reality I wouldn't last a day but it would still be great

Trap-making tunneling jungle guerillas kicked our fucking ass. We should've never been involved in that shit, just like almost every other war we've been involved in. Shame our dumbass presidents chose to prolong the Vietnam war as long as possible.

>inb4 hurr durr traitor murica must protect itself from enemies

We created all our enemies with our neverending world policing and "freedom/democracy" firehose.

I remember when Canadians would unironically claim 1 us soldier ≠ 1 Canadian soldier.

The Navy is full of Niggers and women.
You don't know humiliation until you have an overweight Negress RDC chew you out.

>thinks US won the Vietnam war

>doesn't know how to use the right rendition of the word "they're"

American retardation at its finest.

So are you visiting, or what?

no one wins when miniaturized super-sonic fusion warheads are being launched

US is the hegemonic power of the world. Simple.

>Trap-making tunneling jungle guerillas kicked our fucking ass
I see you enjoy watching movies. We didn't allow our military to conquer the country. If we had, it would have been over in months. They instead went for a kill/death ratio, to kill off opposition. We killed 1.1 million VC and lost 58,220 Americans.

America has a lot of troops but unfortunately many of them are poorly trained reserves. Yeah America has elite forces but they aren't as big in number as you'd think. I think if USA went to war the ground troops would begin to whittle down until it came to a point where all America has left to pull from is fat, uneducated reserves.

Also while I'm here, 2 Australian soldiers are worth 1 American soldier.

Conventional, basically untouchable. Insurgency makes holding places hard, but we'll kill your leaders and blow up your cities with ease.

Nuclear, we're most likely untouchable. If we weren't Russia and China would have teamed up to at least keep us in check. All 3 superpowers likely have missle-shields which makes ICBM launches (most nukes) moot. over. Pretty sure we have bases on the moon with literal death star lasers zeroed on Jinping's favorite shitter.

Bottom line OP: we're pretty fucking safe here, and we can eliminate any major threats. Any American "failures" since WWI were intentional to make shitloads of extra MIC/war loan money.

In terms of conventional weapons the US is far ahead of everyone else in most areas which gives you the ability to intervene in minor countries.
However the conventional firepower will hardly matter in a major conflict.

US won every engagement in that war we rained hell down on them. the Hippies lost us that one.


1 emu>10 Aussie soldiers

You can win every battle and still lose the war.

Yah didn't help the US tried to back one of the most unpopular governments ever but the NVA was toast after Tet.

is that true? i'm thinking about into the navy to be a nuclear operator

*Leans back*

*Deep inhale*





Oh boy. No one gets salty about possibly not being the best quite like an American.


Says the country that counted medals differently to everyone else so they were winning. Ok you did win in the end but that shit was just tragic senpai

Average Burger and Burger Soldier

so much. it would be glorious to annex Canada.

Let's see:

The most important and biggest strength of the USA is their massive Navy and the global force projection that provides. You are currently the only country that can stage a full amphibian invasion of another country uncontested and you can shut down sea-borne trade which would cripple most countries.

You partially rely on NATO and other allies for both military know-how and power projection to supply your semi-raubwirtschaft (i.e. your economy is somewhat depending on stealing from other countries).

Conventional troops are well equipped, with top tier tech available, but not necessarily issued. War doctrine and experience frame is based on fighting enemies that cannot effectively retaliate against you and are often hopelessly outmatched.

The incestrous and corrupt connection between the military top brass and the private military industrial complex have caused massive damage in doctrines, equipment and training. You often misspent funds and a lot of decisions are based on commercial profit, not combat efficiency. Since you don't fight enemies your own strength, all these weaknesses are not noticed.

Effectively, if the US forces would ever fight an enemy somewhat close to their own power, they would suffer massively, as they are completely reliant on having 100% superiority in all areas. The moment one area (like air space) gets contested, your entire setup would risk folding upon itself like a house of cards. However, you would eventually recover and adapt, unless the enemy manages to deal a crippling blow to you first and the massive industrial capacities and manpower would suffocate most enemies or at least force a stand still.

E.g: The newest generation of german submarines are currently undetectable by any navy in the world. If they manage to infiltrate carrier groups, US would lose their global power projection, which would cause a cascade of faltering allies and effectively isolate and restrict the USA to the american continent.

Thing is there would be dozens of people in your town like you. That's why no one could ever truly occupy us

you are already occuped by AIPAC you delusional burgers

Thanks for the rundown chief.

idk i know some reserves and they are pretty intense...


if you count all the civillians u burned with napalm

US military is top dog because of inexhaustible budget and god tier logistics.
Nobody has the ability to shift shit around the globe like the US. With these two factors, quality of your rank and file troops is secondary, particularly taking in account US soldiers have good morale.

This rings true. When the tide is high you can't see the rocks underneath.

> Fight an equal enemy

I don't think such a thing exists anymore. There can never be a conventional war between first world countries ever again due to nuclear weapons.

We also now know that it's far cheaper to trade for resources than fight for them.

There is literally no reason for advance countries to fight each other, and even if they did the threat of mutually assured destruction makes it infeasible.

Your Marines are shit tier. Fat, low intelligence and include feeble and out of shape women.

Our Marines have the longest basic training of any infantry force in NATO and are a vastly superior outfit.

Royal Marine banter is superior too:

You cannot compete burgers, all you have is numbers and shiny toys.

In WW2 when petrol engines were cutting edge technology being the biggest dog was a positive. In a confrontation that matches the scale of your military, all that gear is completely unsustainable and you have no training on how to make do with fuck all.

1 emu>20 US ''soldiers''
we've fought real enemies cunt

okey dokey emu boy


I thought China's was scuttled and only used for training exercises?

And what happened to the one the Russians couldn't afford?

wonder how much it costs them in upkeep for all the ships.

>And what happened to the one the Russians couldn't afford?

india bought it I believe