What's Sup Forums's views on small dogs like this? Thinkin about gettin one

What's Sup Forums's views on small dogs like this? Thinkin about gettin one.

They taste a little gamey

degenerate but at least its not a pitbull

they're fucking gay, get a german sheppard

They're still dogs.

Anyone who doesn't like even small dogs is a faggot.

Gayer than a cat

My doggo got hit by a car today, fracture tail bone he might be put down :(

I wanna look as hard as fuck for my degenerate criminal lifestyle? you're saying that it doesn't work?

Get a dog that fits your life style, not what a bunch of faggots on a Honduran ceramics enthusiast assembly think.

shepherd* dont rape me pls

Dont be a bluepilled cucklord with an annyoing useless yapper for a dog. Get any medium-large sized dog thats not a pitbull. Go a collie or a cattledog.

I adopted a Maltese/poodle. Great little watchdog.

Why not get a cat if you're going to get a little dog?

I hate ratdogs.


That dog is bitchmade.

Get a herding dog atleast.

>put down over a fractured tailbone

I've had about 20 dogs throughout my whole life growing up. Small dogs dont have anywhere near the scale of emotions as big dogs do. All they do is bark and run away. They're more aggressive, less intelligent, almost impossible to read their face retarded little faces... Get a big dog.

Complete waste of space, and usually they bark a lot too which is fucking annoying.

Get a real dog instead.

Alright guys, great replies so far. Will take into consideration

If he is paralyzed, I will have to put him down.

So you don't even know yet? When can the vet tell?

This exactly, OPTake into considerations your living conditions. How much time you can dedicate and how much room you have. Also, I'd highly recommend a breed that doesn't shed.

If you have to get a small dog, get a Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever. It is small enough that landlords won't complain, smart, easy to train, and great personality.

If you're looking for a dog, get a "wolflike" dog. Doesn't have to be a husky or shepherd or even purebred. Just look for that shape and a medium-large size. Something with a snout and a normal tail. Collies, malmutes...anything like that really.
Those tiny dogs are literally retarded (not bred well) and are useless. Don't be a faggot who buys some genetic abomination cause it's soft. They're stupid.

If it can be killed by a housecat it isn't a dog but an oversized rat.

His lower back is broken, I wasn't there with the vet my parents took him in, he's under a ton of morphine now. Him on the left.

Small dogs are cheaper to feed and cause less property damage. We had an autistic labrador and he destroyed our living room

>He was given away to a farm the next day

I've got no problems with the dogs themselves. Problem is 9 times out of 10 their owners are idiots who are inept at controlling or teaching their dogs basic obedience.

-retracto leash
-dog walking the owner
-dog all over the road instead of at the owner's side
-unable to get the dog to stfu and listen to commands when there's another dog nearby

If you do any of these things and own a cat-dog jfky

If your cat-dog is well trained then hats off to you, you're an honorary real dog owner.

You'd best do everything you can to save that dog, leaf.