Should involuntary Americans(black Americans), have the right to sovereign citizenship. Could this be brought up to the UN? Could they gain protected peoples status?
Involuntary Americans and sovereign citizenship
im gay
Left Eye was a queen n' shit
More typical nigger bullshit to be immune from following any laws and hence be free of any personal responsibility. Rather than change their shitty culture that damages societies worldwide they instead prefer to change the very nature of law and the social contract. If they want lawlessness they should go to Africa, or Haiti The day of the rope can't come soon enough
How are blacks in 2017 "involuntary citizens" in a way that other citizens are not? Think carefully before answering.
They are the only group of Americans who did not become Americans as a people, by choice.
You must have done a reverse image search.
Black Americans are a unique case. They never chose to be Americans. The very thing Europeans chose, was forced onto them.
"As a people" is irrelevant. Their ancestors may have been brought here unwillingly, but people aren't their ancestors. Besides, citizenship was something black people fought for, not a negative thing.
Black Americans constitute a distinct ethnic group, like mestizos, Jews, Kurds, Berbers, Irish, Italian, Igbo, Nubians, etc. so yes they are "a people"
And they are now free to go anywhere they so choose. If they're so miserable in the US then they should consider living elsewhere
Then why don't this group of people help each other like other groups do instead of murdering raping robbing extorting each other. That's some group cohesion they've developed
Unless you're a first generation immigrant you didn't choose to be here either.
They are so deeply rooted in America, they have no home but America, yet none of that was their choosing. They have essentially been indigenized.
you can choose to leave anytime faggot
Oh it's so tragic. The horror. All over the world people are brutalized and starving, dying of disease the west cured years ago. But let's ignore all that and focus our attention on a group of people who prefer to sit on the curb all day asking who's gonna pay for their kids while they complain that no one asked them if they wanted to come here so naturally that means they shouldn't be asked to follow any laws and be a non violent member of society. They are easily one of the most pathetic and helpless group of people. You could give every nigger in the US a million dollars and within one year 95% will be broke and asking for more money. There are literally a million more important things than whether black people feel special
but they should get the right to return
Return where. They were made by America. Literal race mixing and eugenics. They wouldn't fit in anywhere else.
how is that my problem?
send them to africa somewhere
you wouldn't want to subject them to our White oppression and racism, would you? how evil are you?
oh, the nigger slave trade was dominated by jews, they even boast about their domination of the slave trade in their own history books
prior to 1965 ofc, when they decided to blame Whites for Jewish crimes
It's a UN human rights issue. The US created them to serve their needs for a time. Abandoning them would be in humane and irresponsible.
The option for sovereign citizenship solves all these problems.
sure, I support their sovereign citizenship in african lands
glad we agree
Their African ancestors were condemned POWs anyway. They actually probably got lucky getting bought by American colonists, but that only represents one aspect of their ethnogenesis.
It irresponsible, not to mention a complete waste of time, to even suggest that they should be free to not follow any laws.
Now it's your turn to explain how that would actually work. No platitudes. No talking points. How exactly would a lawless black society work? Explain. What a waste of fucking time for a group of people who demand endless attention while they do nothing to improve their situation yet everything in their power to destroy what others have created.
>bought by American colonists
that's not how you spell "jews"
faggot retard know nothing
Your not even an American, why do you even care so much?
how would you know?
and the pernicious effects of the jewish slavers and White Genociders are observed in all White nations
I really have to give the blacks credit for co-opting sovcit nonsense. They really do a good job of it in court too. Much better at it than whites.
Black sovcit shenanigans are creative and cute. White sovcit shenanigans are more tragic and annoying.
The specifics could be worked out as it becomes closer to becoming a reality.
Maybe a guaranteed basic income?
Translation: there is no plan. Just more gibs
They should be thanking us and paying reparations for destroying our country and leeching welfare off of tax-paying citizens.
Feel free to get kicked the fuck out to be honest. You're not immune from laws because we took you out of the hell-hole that is Africa. We didn't enslave them merely bought them.
They need to quit committing crimes and complaining. Perhaps then we would stop disliking them so fucking much. God damn niggers are getting old and tiresome.
You could give them a piece of North America. For them to make their own nation on. Or to at least contain the lawlessness.
Honestly, at times I think non-whites were just created to test our patience.
If you don't like blacks, you could always move.
They can have Mexico. They like the heat anyway those savages.
I was thinking Alaska.
Who said I live near black people? I'm not that much of a fucking idiot. I live near old white people with qt grand-daughters that need dicking.
Hahahaha. They already have that, user. It's called Haiti. Study it. Then study it some more. That's how a lawless black society works. Within two months half would beg to reenter the US.
I like Alaska though. They can't have my mountains and degenerates that use their yearly bonus on drugs! They're ours!
In Africa.
Also, they would still be in the States and that doesn't solve much problems with their leeching mindset. Let them have a run in with the cartels instead. Nog beheadings would be a nice change of pace instead of them being fireplaces.
What the fuck does sovereign citizenship mean? They are not indigenous people. Your premise is a new level of leftist retardation.
Haitians are different from US blacks.
Yeah go do that... No one cares what niggers do. You care what we do and won't leave us the fuck alone because you think we're your fucking step dadddddddy.
Left Eye was killed by a demon in Baliez after she killed a kid with her car. She went there to escape the demon.
This is what Jew worship does to your mind.
It's no longer humane to ship them back to Africa I think, however their population should be reduced whenever possible which is what currently happens with Planned Parenthood.
Image unrelated.
That's like arguing diarrhea is different from a stool
saging for shitposting and shills
They are a rarity, a very unique case. An ethnic group created by a country, that never had a choice in the matter. Black Americans will forever be America's responsibility. Even the natives chose to come here. Black are in a sense indigenous to America. If America never got developed they wouldn't even exist.
Cool! I'm just going to slip my dick in... there.
They were only partially from Africa anyway. They are a Frankenstein of a people.
The majority of them are now race mixed to some extent meaning their culture and race is uniquely "American".
send em back
(if they don't wana be in the best country on earth they can leave)
Haitians are francophone, black Americans are anglophone.
Not only race mixed, but put through literal eugenics, which is why they dominate athletics.
The point of the comparison was to show what a lawless black society looks like today. And you're suggesting a good idea is to carve out a section of the US for them and it'll somehow not become just like Haiti.
And I reject any notion that the US is the permanent caretakers of black people
The question is, should they have special status?
no ur a fag
Haitians never went through the same levels of eugenics, so are inherently different. It's the same reason why Haiti is worse than Jamaica and much worse than its neighbor the Dominican.
A group of people being moved forcibly is not a rare occurrence in history. This is in no way a special case. Your assumption they are owed anything is false. Everyone is owed something by your logic if we go back in time far enough.
I never said moved, I said created,
At least the muslims were smart enough to castrate their slaves.
Deliberate ethnogenesis through eugenics is fairly rare throughput history.
It would not have made a difference. The first generations of black Americans were almost entirely of the Sally Hemings, Thomas Jefferson variety. This can be proven through genetic analysis. Most black male slaves never reproduced, at least early on.
No, but I will agree they were brought here unwillingly and it was a crime, the only way to fix the crime is to send them back to West Africa. Think about it, instead of paying for the welfare of 40 million people who barely work, we can send them all to their homeland and free up real estate in our cities that is currently full of Projects
The problem is that they are also partially European. They have no home, but the US.