Argentina thread!

argentina thread!
we discuss the country's situation
share our wetdreams

latinomierdas not allowed

will macri reach the end of his term?
we also share argentina redpills


stop pretending you are all out doing shit lol

Una vela.

we need not fight
i dont actually dislike brits

We need a wall in the north, Patria grande was a mistake.

>northern hemisphere is a nuclear wasteland
>lord emperor macri destroys all of the "peronistas"
>lord emperor macri proclames itself leader of the new world
>conquers america
>tries to invade malvinas
lose to a bunch of sheperds with shotguns

we need walls everywhere

lord emperor macri is a faggot
he hasnt done shit so far
everything is the same as it was
and now he has enraged peronistas

Kill all feminists.

w-what do you think of S-salbuchi-sama ?



That he will get as much votes as Biondini. It's pointless to get behind the losing horse.

I like you.


so what do we vote for ((MACRI)) again?
Biondini is controlled opposition, but i see psr has some backing..

Argentina the future that will never come.....


so what are you doing tonight argie anons?

anyone knows where to get natsoc memorabilia or tshirts etc

i'll just let this die

>mentally handicapped and arrogant people
>never ending corruption everywhere
>backwards education system
>shitskins everywhere
>'it could be worse' + 'at least we're not congolombia' mentallity
>dumb """"women"""
>crab mentality
>backstabbing and scamming are considered a virtue
>life inside a bubble
>brown reggaeton shithole
>feminism growing
>garbage everywhere
>no national identity
>chinks everywhere
>controlled by kikes
>no international standards
>caste society
>absurdely high taxes for a 3rd world country
>lower classes are degenerate and have no brain or soul
>upper class is degenerate and have no brain or soul
>mafias everywhere

To describe Argentina, it's like an autistic kid acting cocky on the internet who is just lucky and safe inside his isolated room.

i like this pasta, its pretty accurate.

how are you doing user?


hi guys

Falkland Islands will always be Anglo clay.

Y si pelotudo es viernes

pero es viernes santo qe onda se van todos de joda dejense de joder no imagino a los arg de pol saliendo ni teniendo amigos pls
como andas vos arre

Reminder: Brit/pol/ is full of jaded, stupid and poor 18 year old kids

Don't take it too seriously

yo ando tomando un respiro de la facu mientras puedo
boludeando en T! y Sup Forums

figured as much, thank you for your kind attitude, it is appreciated

no tnes amigos para salir? yo ando aca embolado a las 12 me duermo jaja encima el th re murio ni da a veces agarra pero hoy no omg

>no imagino a los arg de pol saliendo ni teniendo amigos
Somos los argentums más perfectos obvio que la ponemos todos los días

Some fine Anglo clay, pic related

th? wat
y no papu, los pocos amigos que tengo son de la facu (Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Computación) asi que imaginate jajaja, todos taringueros.
Salimos a tomar unas birras, pero boliches ni a palos

las mujeres son inferiores ni me gasto son todas una lacra bluepill ,pero estaria bueno tener friends

que carreras tienen los cursantes mas "winners" , no es por ofender pero sabemos que las asociadas a la computacion no

por otro lado psicologia y letras son las mas degeneradas no llegar a ese extremo.....

>I laugh at peronistas who think they can make this shithole a decent place

>I laugh at macristas who think they can make this shithole a decent place

>I laugh at radicales who think they can make this shithole a decent place

>I laugh at zurdos who think they can make this shithole a decent place

>When I realize I'm the only one laughing, I start crying

problem is they dont wanna make it a better place and they know it :(((((((

Damn those are some fine islands, how about you go for a stroll for a while I take care of them you know in case somebody may try to steal them or something

Be more optimistic about the future friends.
Technology is changing the way we live year after year and levelling the playing field. Argentina still has a lot going for it: relatively white and education population, and enough decent clay to support them, with no real geopolitical threats.

Argentina will be the Zionists/Jewish paradise once Israel situation in Middle East is impossible to sustain.
Should I remember to any of you what Theodor Herzl said in his Der Judenstaat (And the infamous chapter: "Paletine or Argentina?")?

So we are doomed as a country regardless of our (((leaders))).

No ofende, es una realidad aceptada jajaja
Estoy en la facultad de ciencias exactas, físicas y naturales asi que tipos winners son escasos jajaja
entran minas recontra partibles a biologia, geologia y geofisica
entran taringueros e inadaptados sociales a lcc, lsi y astronomia

can i get in ?
Im rightful clay

This, they are going to cut our foreskins and Theres nothing we can do, we and our childrens slaves and cattle

i appreciate your well-intended comment, however we have like 23847234 political divisions, mestizoes increase by the second, their number is only surpassed by the amount of niggers/bolivians and other scum coming from either africa or southamerica..
i dont have hope for this country, i plan to leave as soon as i can :(((

this, i know we are fucked.
cuando los milicos decian ((subversion internacional)) se referian a los judios

todas las minas son blue pill, no sirven, mejor agarrarlas de pequeñas y redpillearlas uno mismo (?)

WELL, i know one decent uruguay guy so ye

this thread, its almost dead tho

quick rundown on argentinian (((politics)))?

Bien santiagueño.
Eso me agrada

How is Macri? He was supposed to be pretty good right?

My girlfriend's grandmother is from Argentina and I'm hoping to visit someday. Always seemed like a comfy place although the economy isn't the greatest these days. Didn't the (((IMF))) screw you guys over in the past?

dont come here you'll get killed lol

macri was supposed to be like donald trump super far right blahblah betrayed us, trying to please niggers and peronistas but these ppl cant be pleased so he turned his back on the ones who voted for him and now nobody likes him,
theres like a strike once every 2 weeks and everything is as shit as it was before he came into office, streets are unsafe as FUCKKKKKKKKKKK

also hes brinnging in more immigrants and shitskins into the country

We could do like burguers and form our own meme political party.
Nuestros próceres también vieron la meme indecencia yanki y la meme revolución francesa. Hagamos orgullo argentinos como eternos copiones y rompamos cadenas

sry but id rather not risk getting killed by some peronista fanatic or some leftist revolutionary

We already have the fucking Chinese military base in Neuquén, the Israeli soldiers coming every year to the Patagonia, (((USA))) military bases in Misiones and Tierra del Fuego, (((UK))) in Malvinas. Plus (((this fucking government))) (let's not forget the real last name of that jewish scum of Macri: that is, "Machir") that is selling lands to (((foreign buyers))) for 2 shekels, i mean, cents.

But we are stupid as a country, we like to say we are white while the only whites left are either stupid cucks and feminist or leaving for Europe/USA, the rest of the fucking niggers are procreating as rabbits. So what's the fucking point of this country other than serve as a shithole where millionares make more millions? We have the potential in theory, but in the practice we are doomed as a culture, as a society, as a nation. Not even the lands of our ancestors (Europe) is in safe hands. Fucking jews.

No me digas que queres escapar


Aquí en San Juan los chinos pagaron por un nuevo radiotelescopio, el más grande de Sudamérica.
La facultad de astronomía chocha jajaj

i knew about macri and i also know awada is an anti white muslim, but i didnt know of the israeli soldiers or the military bases , that is fucked lol!

do you think the usa bases will save us from a kirchnerista coup??
i also hate the jews, i get to see them everyday and i am tired
im tired of people being retarded
im tired of seeing niggers and nonwhites everywhere i go
im tired of being called a racist for speaking the truth
im tired of retards around me that are unable to see the truth
im tired of "la argentinidad"
everything is a fucking joke in this country and everyone is proud of some nigger playing football, thats the only """""achievement""""" we'll ever accomplish.
this country died in 1982 and our identity has been replaced, we are not europeans anymore, now we are latinos, kalergi plan is nearing it latest stages in argentina

i wish we could meet someway
im tired of this country and of nothing happening
all of the news channel are BS
even TN , Clarin and LanaZION are shilling hard.
ffs clarin even has a "NAZI WARNING" article like once a week

prefiero escapar a morir por un pais que me odia, el 70% de los mestizos odian a los blancos, odian mis ideales y lo que yo represento como persona, para ellos soy un vendepatria, un porteñito cheto, etc. prefiero morir en europa con gente con la que si me siento relacionado, disculpame si suena forro pero por este pais no muero

>backstabbing and scamming are considered a virtue

it's the famous "viveza criolla"

Oh ok so it's real.
My God.
You really are fucked for some time.

screwing everyone else to get to the top is not frowned upon but rather encouraged here, people praise mafiosos (Tinelli, Moria Casan, Jorge Rial, Luis Ventura,etc) and hard working people always have it hard.
its the "viveza criolla" the user above me mentioned

when ppl praise mafiosos it becomes only natural that the president is the biggest mafioso of all, ((ALFONSIN)) (left wing terrorist) , MENEM (turk piece of shit) , Kirchner (left wing terrorirsts and jews), MACRI (JEW). all of them are criminals

It's like Shitskin mentality in Europe.
Closest thing I can think of.

Do you think it's cultural or genetic or both?

Any /comfy/ Argie films you guys could recommend?

genetic, and politically related

peronismo encouraged this behaviour and mestizos arent particularily known for upholding every law there is, they are stupid and since they resent white argentines they will go to incredible lengths to piss us of, one of them is praising these criminals.

esperando la carroza 1 & 2 you have to be argie to get it cus its a lot of argie humour but perhaps u find it entertaining
everything else is shit
maybe something from Carlitos Balá from the 70s lol

Si los memes son reales Europa no va a ser felicidonia. Espero que no sean reales
Quizá sea lo mejor dejar el país al fin
Buenas intenciones tenía esta tierra carajo

tenia buenas intenciones pero el error fue de no erradicar a los aborigenes quienes son los culpables juntos con la juderia del debacle y decadencia de la sociedad argentina.

me voy a dormir, estuvo bueno, salud!

I, too, would like to die in the lands of my ancestors (that is, the south of France), I feel bad because my roots in this county goes as far as 150 years but this place is not same as it was when my past generations came. I do not feel connected to Argentina anymore, I have loved this land more than I should, but I come to realise that I have more in common with Europe and europeans than with argentinians.

Would like to meet you too, user. Stay strong, we will prevail.