What is this place exactly like? What I am hearing is that Philly (and most of the state) is declining and Pittsburgh is revamping itself somewhat. Is that true?
What is this place exactly like...
I just took this while grocery shopping. You tell me. You want to live in a place covered with graffiti and trash? Where people shout unintelligible grunts at you? Do you want to go out in public into waves of burkas and welfare recipients?
Pittsburgh "revamping" mainly because it was shit to begin with, so it can only go up
We have a cuck mayor and yell at Uber for not giving us their proprietary data
NJIDF detected
>What I am hearing is that Philly is declining
you mean killadelphia
and it has be shit forever. the population of killadelphia is 45% black and 34% white or something crazy...
Philly is full of niggers, Pittsburgh is one of the whitest cities.
Pittburg was a shole when i went.
You have to buy wine/liquor from horribly overpriced, terrible selection government-run stores.
Philly and Pittsburgh are shit, has Amish, and everyone who says "yinz" is a faggot.
Sounds like Ontario.
Pennsylvania fucking sucks. The population is some sort of shitty abomination of the worst parts of Southern culture with the attitudes of asshole liberals from New York City. You'll have the dickheads in Walmart hunting camo who drive the massive spoltless pickup trucks with mud tires cutting you off in traffic, but acting as if they're in Brooklyn. It's awful.
I grew up in erie. I moved out west. I do not regret my decision
Great place, North East PA is the whitest area in the country.
Ancap tier roads.
York was here, Lancaster is a loser. Also, Rutter's> Sheetz >Wawa. Unless we're talking about ice cream, in which case Turkey Hill trumps all.
ITT: faggots who have never worked in the oilfield
come back to Erie you cheating nigger
Rutter's is god-tier. Sheetz is Jew as fuck.
Philly is one of the worst fucking cities ever. I hate living here. Everyone I know is so cucked and self absorbed.
It's dirty, the people are dirty, it smells dirty.
based rutters checking in
Po' white trash detected
Is Red Lion a shit neighborhood?
Who /buckscounty/ here
This tbqh. I kinda hate how run down PA is. I'm going to NC soon
Holy shit, THIS.
97.12% white
PA is great, most Klansmen in the us and the heroin is cheap, whats not to love
I'd rather live in NE Ohio
It's pretty uninteresting, but it's not specifically bad. I like living in York City, because Holy Hound Tap Room is awesome, and I like being able to walk home after getting shitfaced. Ditto Liquid Hero.
York City really turned itself around in the past few years. It used to be really fucking shitty. Somehow they pushed a lot of people out into North York when they opened up that stadium.
>i like watching bullets fly by my vehicle while driving down S Queen St. in broad daylight
This happened to me in 2012
True test
Knoebels or Hershey park?
>I'd rather live in NE Ohio
>not hanging out on Princess Street with all of your homies from Parkway
Philly has too many niggers but economically it keeps going up.
the Delaware Valley is one of the shittest places in the US
its fucking dirty, its smells, the taxes are bad, niggers and spics everywhere, traffic is a nightmare every fucking day, people are rude as fuck, everyone is self centered, the water stinks is dirty as fuck, you can't even eat anything from it, the road are shit, everything is falling apart and is run down, trash every fucking where.
I can't imagine living my whole life like that, I guess that's why everyone is in such a bad mood all the time there.
/MontCo/ here, live a few miles from Philly. I live near Abington and Willow Grove and they've gone incredibly downhill. They're filled with niggers and all the problems that niggers bring. I fear my town is next even though we're majority white. Section 8 housing and group homes are springing up.
This desu
yes, and?
CLE is pretty cool
Can this be a /rustbelt/ thread? I live in a shitty small city in Southern Michigan with about 50,000 people, and about 20% of them are black. I can't wait to leave this shit palace.
Yeah its underrated. 216 here.
It really has. North George from the square to the stadium is actually nice, plus a block or two of Market and the other side streets. And the cops are fully aware that the city's entire tax base is crammed into that 3 block area, so they know where their bread is buttered.
thats the problem living anywhere near philly.. you are a few miles away from shitty nigger town, even if you live in the rich neighborhood, with million dollar homes, you are a few minutes away from a run down ghetto.
No, he was right to leave Erie. Those of us living just south of Erie are waiting for the place to burn itself to the ground.
I used to live in Abington, sad to hear how fucked its gotten.
I'm picturing some overweight dickhead with a Harley shirt, flannel, tight jeans with wallet chain, a hunting camo ballcap and a grey goatee being a total fucking douchebag to people around him for no reason at all, before he hops into his Ford F-350 and peels out of a Walmart parkinglot.
god damn it's so bizarre hearing other people on the internet so perfectly describe the shithole area I live in
Philly is drug infested , the bars close early and has the most violent sports fans in the United States I would say.
Wyoming valley>>>>>
Yeah, exactly. The issue IMO is going to be twenty or so years down the line when all the niggers pack up and start moving out of the city, spurned by gubbermint money, and into Section 8 housing. It'll be the death of my town, not that drugs and deindustrialization haven't already destroyed it.
Yeah it's pretty bad. The school district is majority nigger. I went to a school near it and there were a bunch of niggers from a local group home in my graduating class.
add a cell phone holster and some tryhard sporty sunglasses and you're spot on
So am I the only one that actually lives in Philly?
Fishtown really sucks with the hipster liberal trash
>start moving out of the city, spurned by gubbermint money, and into Section 8 housing.
exactly what's happening in my town, already had a robbery turned fatal shooting happen minutes away
Ya thank god I left when I did, way to many niggers in my Junior High
Delet this
You can't give up PA kryptonite
pittsburgh is fine for now, we need to vote out that cuck mayor whos trying to fuck up everything.
This happened in rural South Jersey with all the Camden nogs.
>has the most violent sports fans in the United States I would say.
proud of it nigger. NJ fags are moving to eastern n NE PA and driving our state into the ground just like they did to ours. Fuck NJ
No, the intimidate Philly burbs north of the turnpike are flooded with white folks who left Philly or New Jersey.
They will _not_ tolerate a nigger influx into their area. Most areas immediately outside of the city are priced way out of the negroes reach.
Even the burbs south of the turnpike are filling up with poorer whites that aren't too tolerant of the melanin enhanced folks.
The entire country is run down. No one's got any money. Cost of living g too high and only big companies can afford to start and stay in business. American dream died a hundred years ago. I'm about ready to fucking pack it in and move to fucking antarctica.
And vote in who? Darlene Harris?
What is with all the PA hate on Sup Forums ? I don't live there and but I would certainly move. The state is better than OH, MD, DE, NJ, NY, CT, MA, RI, and VT without question. It's top 3 undeniably and debately the best state in the Northeast.
isn't this changing soon?
Wawa > Sheetz
DELCO in da house
ask me anything about Delco and the area from south philly all the way out to chester county along I95
Born, raised and still reside in Reading.
If you want to know what it feels like to live in the 6th Circle of Hell, move here. A spic doused another spic in gas and lit him on fire in broad daylight 3 blocks away. My first week of ninth grade there was two 300-400 person riot involving spics and niggers. Right across the street from the school in city park. Only like 20 white kids in the entire school. Ranked poorest city in the country in 2010-2011.
Just fuck me up.
Some places are pretty chill, but they're located deep in the neck of the woods.
Most of what user said is correct, but Pennsylvania for the most part is a retirement state. People come here to die. Also the roads are trash because they're either dirt roads or filled with potholes because the government loves to take their sweet ass time fixing the highways.
These neighbors of mine decided to spite the whole neighborhood when they moved out and set their shit up as a Section 8 house. These niggers moved in and caused nothing but problems for six months before they finally got evicted. It's fucking bullshit. These niggers need to stay in fucking Southwest where they belong.
Yeah dude it's not the same and it won't be how it used to be ever again. Honestly I'll guess everything from Hatboro/Horsham or even Warminster will be considered part of the city in a few decades.
I lived in York until 2 years ago. Now I live in Cincinnati and I hate this Midwest/start of the south. Place sucks out here, can't wait to move back.
Where in NEPA?
No decent employers
Politicians Corrupt as hell and really stupid.
First into a recession last out
My nigger it's already happening. The only thing that I can foresee is race riots in the future but I don't even know about that. Every town in the area has been gutted culturally. Drugs are destroying the youth of towns which are already practically dead.
>I don't live there
Well there's your fucking problem, you have no idea. Alright, take your most meth head looking redneck people from West Virgina. Fucking Confederate flags, hunting camo and all. Then magically give them the personality of an asshole Jew from New York City, one that thinks he's better than everyone around him. Then take this creation and place them in a run-down industrial area filled with Puerto Ricans and niggers. Add heroin and pills, and loud as fuck Harley Davidson motorcycles riding 50 deep on every street, then you have Pennsylvania.
I'm actually coming back for the first time since I move in 7 years, I hope its not as bad as your making it out.
Kek no, I'm a Pittsburgher and it's 50/50
NE Philly is actually pretty Conservative. There are some nice neighborhoods with middle-class families (though the ghettos are moving in, as Mayfair becomes more of a shithole.) Other than that any "nice" neighborhood in Philly is Hipster liberal trash. The rest are shitty ghettos.
Once I get old enough I hope to move to Bucks County
congratulations you just described the entirety of the north east USA not NEPA.
Doylestown reporting in
Can contfirm West Philly nigger here. Its shit. Don't come. Its liberal he'll.
Originally from Greensburg.
It's a town too small to be a real city, and too big to be a small town.
Tons of faux rednecks, and people recording their big debut rap albums. Everyone between ages 18 to 65 goes to the Rialto which is some degenerate bar where people walk around talking about themselves. Stupid fucking place.
10/10 perfect description
that sounds great compared to what i have now.
>cost of living too high in PA
You retarded, mate? You do know you aren't forced to live in a city right?
Are you going to live in Abington? It's not "bad" but there's a shit ton of niggers and you probably won't be able to walk down the street or go to the store without seeing majority black. I imagine it has the same sort of crime rates as other surburban hubs with high nigger populations.
Anyone here live near Wexford?
I used to live in Cecil County, MD and my friend and I drove up past the mason dixon line to PA and into this village called Little Britain.
Creepy af. Children of the corn-tier.
We were driving down this backroad and all of a sudden a bunch of Amish children with all the same outfits just stood there in the middle of the road. We put in in reverse and just slowly backed up because we couldn't turn. And the kids would just slowly start walking towards the car.
All of a sudden they started throwing rocks and shit and we did a 180 and bolted it. That whole town is fucking creepy
No just coming to visit
If you don't buy moonshine from your neighbor, youre a fucking retard.
You'll be fine, then. It just won't be the town you remember.
That pretty much sums it up. There's no money except in the mainline and even that's beginning to wane a little. Now I hear Drexel won't except you unless you live on their shitty fucking campus. Jesus, how fucking hard up everyone is nowadays.
and beer, you can either go to a distributor and buy a case or go to a pizza place and buy an $18 six pack.
Live about 45 mins from Pittsburgh, near the Penn-Ohio border
The scenery is great. I love the forest and Pennsylvania is covered with it.
Camping is great, and I live in a rural farm town with like 96% white population.
My Dad's a Republican and pretty redpilled.
Pennsylvania is comfy if you know where to go.
>only big companies can afford to start and stay in business
no true..
IT'S BECAUSE they give them TAX breaks for years. which fucks over the middle class even more, since they end up paying for it.
It's just like NJ, taxes are insane because they keep giving companies tax breaks to move there then after the tax break runs out they pack up and leave the state.
>i'm sorry, but I can only let you buy one six pack at a time
HFS....You poor thing. Great place to be FROM
I'm from Scranton. It's in the NE. There's no reason to go there. Not a bad place to grow up in the 80's, but now the public schools are overrun with mexicans and blacks. It's easy enough to avoid contact with them. No good job opportunities there. Police department went bankrupt a few years back so they now justify their existence by savagely ticketing people for money. The people are generally annoying because they aren't very smart yet try to demonstrate how sophisticated they are by doing dumb shit like voting for Hillary. All or the surrounding areas are decent American folks.
Moved to New Hope for a while. It's beautiful. Good, peaceful place to be. Horse farms. People move here who failed at art careers in NYC or Philly so it has a sad, aging, new age bohemian vibe. A beer costs $12 at a bar. For some reason yuppies who work in the city have alternate homes here so this seems normal to them when they flock in on the weekends. The downtown seems like a tourist town even though it's not. Strange.
I live in Philadelphia now. Been here for 4 years and the novelty has already worn off. You can't even have trash cans because niggers steal them. Mail gets stolen regularly. Rent is too high for the shitty neighborhoods the buildings are in. I make all my dr appointments and use the DMV in the suburbs because apparently only black people are allowed to work here and they suck at their jobs. A trip to the post office is an hour long ordeal of shitty attitudes and filthy environments.
I plan on leaving Philadelphia and buying a home in Bucks County. Maybe Bensalem, PA. From what I've seen it looks like Pleasantville. I'd raise kids there.
>You have to buy wine/liquor from horribly overpriced, terrible selection government-run stores.
This is a lie. Yeah, the govt. runs them, but I've been to 20+ states, and they're the same price or more expensive, especially in the nigger moron south.