Alex Jones General

Is he the real deal or just trying to shill products?

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Snakeoil salesman that occasionally hits the nail on the head.

the best propagandists know to tell you 9 truths to get you to fall for one lie.

What happened to that new token negro he hired to replace Jakari? He was on once then never seen again

He got replaced by Millie, not sure what was the deal there.

I thought she was there to replace the hot ginger

Maybe the deal was this is the new token negro. She is new but I haven't seen her lately.

>the best propagandists know to tell you 9 truths to get you to fall for one lie.
That is the best analysis of Alex Jones I have ever read.


He's been doing this for over a decade or more, I'm 28 and pretty much as long as I can remember the internet he's been around it, save for the AOL days. He was always semi-big with his own crowd and having his name out there a little, but I remember when Loose Change 2nd Edition came out, that's what the internet conspiracy culture really really blew up. I started seeing him way more around that time... and the funny part is that he has actually calmed down a lot.

He used to be way more into the really strange conspiracies, reptilian type of things, I wanna say he played a big part in the term Illuminati getting popularized, had a pretty notable documentary where he supposedly infiltrated the Bil-de-bear Group meetings and you got to see the weird rituals they were doing out in some California forest glen... as far as I know he definitely brought NWO to the forefront of mainstream conspiracy culture. As far as making money, he's more or less a snake oil salesman who offers up all of his material for completely free, he used to be on AM radio stations syndicated too, similar to Coast 2 Coast AM... this is him back in his AM radio days 'crying' about 9/11 but he's not crying for the reasons most Americans were on that day...


He's basically the Hulk Hogan of conspiracy theory politics, makes it exciting, theatrical and WWE-esque. Very charismatic, created this boogeyman enemy that makes people feel like they are uniting against something together, and provides all this 24/7 free radio/streaming TV coverage making it feel like something is always happening somewhere that goes with his story. He creates this sense of urgency and dire seriousness about his NWO enemy taking over... hooks in his audience and then saturates his own content with constant ads for products that he sells form his website... vitality pills, survival gear, water filters, everything short of actual tin foil hats...

LeeAnn or Millie?


Oy vey, delet this right now or I'll have my bubi sue you

A humble water filter merchant just trying to get by in these troubling times.

it's just entertainment, I really like AJ though

That's not Leann bro

What's the deal with that, he always says hes a Christian now he's Jewish?

this is too important I'm skipping this break

Gonna tell me this aint her too
Ya fat burger cunt

whats your fav old school alex jones documentary?
mines Endgame

That sure is but that other girl works for Infowars occasionally....

I like when Alex uses the Endgame music during breaks

Its clearly Lee Ann in the other photo, Same Hair, Same Shape Face, Same smile, same cheek bones same sized and shaped tits.
Tits confirms

he has always been a shill since the mid 90s

Nah plenty of girls look like that


I've had some a few of his products, the ones with ingredients I know what are.. like they're legit but he also has some snake oil ones but that's more because the ingredients themselves are. He sells legit products, at least they come with what they say they are...

He is very limited. Look at him like a court jester. His act allows him to say things other people can't or won't. Very basic.

Proof or STFU and BTFO

Except he tells you 9 lies and only one truth usually

Why don't you prove that's Leann rather than me prove plenty of girls look like that.

I told you christianity was a jewish trick
(he is probably jewish by blood or it was taken out of context)

The burden of proof is on you, You're making the accusation
Typical illogical Americunt

Lol no you're making the accusation that's her m8

Huh i just posted the image who made first accusation ?
You, Thanks, BTFO now

Maggie was best InfoWarsfu

What. She had on sunglasses there's no proof that's her where did you even get the photo. If you're making an accusation you have to prove it. Not up to me to disprove your unproven claim checkmate

You reaching now

You claimed first m8
You claimed it was her, i just posted the photo and never claimed anything.

Stop stretching you're done.

He sells products to fund his show. Literally nothing wrong with it.

It sems that someone died from is products XD and now he puts a disclaimer

You claimed it was her first stap

Typical egotistic American bigot

I watched some vid where some guy said he got hashimoto's disease from an overdose of nascent iodine he bought on a 2 for 1 deal.


your filename bro

I think most of what he says is bullshit, but I think he is hilarious and comfy as fuck to listen to.

He is real, and his shit works. I have bought a lot of it and can say first hand, I was skeptical at first. However, it works. The supermale vitality is fucking awesome. Try it.

He got involved in a car crash.

HE SELLS THOSE PRODUCTS SO HE CAN'T BE CONTROLLED BY LARGE CORPORATE ADVERTISERS. It's a damn good system, and what he's done with it is nothing short of FUCKING AMAZING.


messing with iodine is dangerous

ok alex.

Such a dumb fucking pick for a product to meme.

In a long-term situation that shit will increase the survivability of any injuries by 99 fucking per cent. If you catch a scratch from a stray or break your leg bad enough to puncture skin, do you want to die painfully from infection in the 2 weeks it would take FEMA to sweep your ass up from a hurricane or earthquake?

So what are Alex Jones lies?

>implying those specialty products don't have small amounts of poison in them to kill the rebellious goys

Alex Jones can barely sleep at night from the way he looks with his constant ticks and nervousness because he knows what he is and it eats away at his soul

Here's the deal, TACTICAL BATH and anti-septic sprays have been around for decades. You could just go to your local pharmacy or department store and get them for a much better deal.


Tell me more please

can cause thyroid problems, lad. u are probably getting enough from food already. no need to buy his snake oil.

Just fucking buy my baby wipes man, I got kids to feed.

It isn't a faggot dimestore antibacterial, Leaf. Those things kill the 99.99% of germs that don't matter, this is well-known. Some guy invented them in his garage and started selling them, then the military figured out they work so well they can be used to apply field dressings and wanted a supply.


Okay Alex, you're right its a good deal folks.

cool flag

>$44,000 per month in alimony

Women were a mistake.


Alex is great, only smart man in america

Yeah you are probably right about that, I eat dank seaweed occasionally.

The salt I buy specifically says "not a dietary source of iodine" and generally I had the perception of iodine deficiency being a thing.