So when WWIII starts, which side will you be on ? Brotherhood or Enclave ?
So when WWIII starts, which side will you be on ? Brotherhood or Enclave ?
Neither, both are pussies
Caesar's legions is the only choise
>wanting to be a slave
Ave brother. The degenerates must go.
Is this a joke ? Explain yourselves.
The Enclave. God bless America.
>retards who want to gas 90% of earths population for having slightly mutated genes
>retards who think all technology belongs to them and larp as monk knights for no apparent reason
>fighting for the mechanical jew
House, trans human techno fascism best fascism
enclave were not pussies they just got btfo by the chosen one
Legion no better than raiders. Enclave would purge mutants and rid the waste of scum like legion
>350 years of radiation exposure
>skin falling off, gigantic size, 6 limbed beasts composed of body parts
>"slightly mutated genes"
> t. retarded cuckold
Depends on how the Enclave sees me. If they'd take me in, sure if not BoS.
This thread needs to be purged
Epic it's just like my video games
The fallout. I live in a major city.
I want to be witnessed in Valhalla so I'm going with the Immortan
Fucking profligates ITT
reminder that bethesda will forever more ruin this franchise like they did with FO4
also not politics
I'll be in fallout 1 brotherhood
Brotherhood and Enclave were one and the same pre-war, retard.
The house always wins
>200 years of radiation exposure
>everyone is literally the same, save for ghouls
>"t. retarded cuckold"
>t. retarded cuckold
Brotherhood everytime. Even in fallout 4 where they tried to paint them as ¨bad guys¨ when they could. It only made my loyalty stronger! Deus Vult!
>not being comfy in your shed eating your settlers
You clearly havne't played any fallout but 3, you stupid, stupid nigger.
NCR or Brotherhood.
Why exactly were these two groups always fighting again?
In 2 I think the Brotherhood are pretty hardcore about not sharing technology but in 3 they literally are just town guards and would probably benefit from the arrangement if they forced their dumbass leader to step down
>what are supermutants
>what are centaurs
>t. extra retarded extra cucky cuckold
You're on pol. Brotherhood of Steel. Vanquish the morally bankrupt etc etc
>mfw people don't chose post-apocalyptic Hitler
Well idk, if the whole planet is shit, might as well gas it.
muties get out reeeeeeee
>what isn't 80% of the population
>implying that the enclave isn't fitting to gas everyone that's not them, including the NCR, Legion, and Brotherhood
>t. the biggest cuckold ever, who got ntr'd so hard he has PTSD
Aesthetically the enclave are pretty cool but the problem is that they're so comically evil it's hard to sympathize with their cause. There's no idealists in the faction. Hell, even the Raiders have a couple of Idealists in Fallout 4.
It's politics because we are discussing future factions that will form after WWIII. And yeah, FO4 sucked.
Vault city prevails, I also like the Shi. I'd retire making booze for the Wright family.
Don't you have to be pure from radiation or something to join the enclave?
>Fallout 2-ing this hard
I dont know about you but them wanting to gas everyone besides themselves sounds based. Ethnic cleansing. More aligned to hitler than the others.
The legion is basically genghis khan still semi based
brotherhood = the jews who want to jew all technology and keep it for themselves only ones thats worse than the BOS is the NCR
This so fucking much
hello Sup Forums
If you're not a fucking faggot mutated piece of shit dindu living in a mud hut you know which side you should be on.
>>implying that the enclave isn't fitting to gas everyone that's not them, including the NCR, Legion, and Brotherhood
>implying this is a bad thing for a second time
>t. negative iq having intracial fetishizing wifes-bulls-creampie-cleaning, GALACTIC ETERNAL IRREVOCABLE CuCKOLD
>implying Vault city isn't Sup Forums the settlement.
This only made sense in the 2nd game, 3 made them look retarded.
Preston garvey,
because another settlement needs our help.
>implying its not reno or the den.
>t. only-marignally-less-retarded-than-nO3+3vrR bisexual
yeah that nigger saved the world, SO DIVERSE
>implying the enclave can hope to succeed when it's fully canonical that they were btfo by a meme-spouting tribal and his friends
>t. scar upon the cosmos who only exists to witness a superior man plow his waifu who he loves more than anything in an unescpable NTR manga where things hurt more and more as the days pass, thus setting into an unending, eternal hell cuckaluck ding dong cuckaruck roo, also a jew, cuckold of all creation
The Minutemen,
Another settlement needs our help
Midwestern Brotherhood
Are we talking FO2 or FO3/4 Enclave and BoS?
>NCR monkeys bow to him
>BoS can't touch
>master of 5d chess
>most redpilled
Why haven't you taken the house pill yet?
Obviously Brotherhood
>Ad Victoriam
I'm off to find the water chip, fuck factions.
because he locked me in his vault that was full of gold
You mean ends, surely.
I do need to chat with House after all.
The NCR is basically the cops, they can prove useful.
I will have to answer the Legion's summons, diplomacy and all that.
They are all just such great pawns...
who institute here
>sit back and let the robot minions take care of all that bullshit
I never played these games, which one is the bset one?
i have mods so.....
>the literal god send known as the chosen one was merely a meme spouting tribal, despite having superior special stats and 300% smallguns with gause and advanced power armor mk 2.
>t. literally has 2 dicks in each hand, 1 dick in each eye, 4 black cocks in his ass and 8 in his mouth, wife bathes in an ocean black semen during her periods having barely capable of breathing imbecilic dolt.
The real fallout. So 1,2 and NV
3 is the original. New Vegas has the best immersion/storyline. 4 has weapon modding, VA, and --ANOTHER SETTLEMENT NEEDS YOUR HELP
Let's be real here, none of us would hack it in any real faction, we're too lazy and shit. And we hate society. A few of us might be in shape, and some might have guns.
We're raiders. Or Republic of Dave.
vault tec
>the wasteland can produce people that good
>therefore it's worth wiping them out
>t. hecking idiot
yeah raiders are probably best all around
FBBP, but SP too? Hnng.
The side against the jews
>3 is the original.
What in the...How new are you ?
Mr. House
Look at these niggers
I know, yuck
legion is literally an African militia that larp as romans.
Hitler would have killed the Deathclaw without needing a knife.
>we should not kill all shitskins because 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% are worth keeping
>t. words are incapable of describing the complete and total lack of social and statistical understand that is present in this most retarded of retards
Circa 1993. If he doesn't want any FPS elements then sjre go with 1 or 2. They've got Caravan right?
anybody have that bethesda redpill?
He'd gas it.
Kys savage degenerate
which everyone institutes day of rope policy
ave true to caesar you filthy degenerates
>the world would be all muties if the vault dweller were eradicated
>like the enclave did in fallout 2's lead cinematic
>t. a wound upon all of creation, a mar upon His image
Never believe todd's sweet little lies.
Sometjinh along the lines of "builds great game engines but cannot write/storyline their way out of a cardboard box" yes?
>it just works!
BoS. They are trad and oppose Jewish technology.
Enclave is remnants of the US government. AKA ZOG. AKA the kikes. So only goodest goyim side with them.