Italian Or Mexican?
loos like a peruANO
hes mexican you fucking chink
deported either way
i see what you did there
this is an italian man
moar pls
is there a difference?
Cara a cute, CUTE
shes mixed right? im whiter than her and im half mestizo. still would though.
Weak facial hair. Definitely a dirty spic.
I honestly don't know. I do know she's a big fat cutie pie
He definitely looks like a spic but Rossi is an Italian last name. Sicilian perhaps.
hes puerto rican /nigger ''black''
Doesn't matter. Italy is the Mexico of Europoor.
>6/10 would deport again
Trick question. Both.
sorry ur not american
>Italy is the Mexico of Europoor.
No, that's Moldova.
Wetback Kendrick Lamar
Half Irish, Half Italian, Half Mexican.
Puerto rican
that's theo rossi
>anchor baby detected
That's not an Italian, that's for sure, Latino.
That's a fucking nigger, I only saw people like that in the south.
Look at nose and lips holy shit
Damn, this man is fucking hot...god bless white genes, jesus christ.
Kangaroo gook detected
no shit idiot it says it on the jpg
you can see the toad baggy eyes all beaners have
The fuck makes you say that?
It's turkey, east Europe, and North Africa
Is it true that all Italians are tainted with niggaroid African blood?
he looks JUICEy
All I know is he was good in SOA
Then why did Christopher Walken overreact?
He was talking about Sicilians.
Even then it's a small portion of the population.