Congratulations! It's 2019 and you just won Canadian election. You're now Prime Minister and your party has a majority of seats in the House of Commons.
How do fix Canada, Sup Forums?
Congratulations! It's 2019 and you just won Canadian election. You're now Prime Minister and your party has a majority of seats in the House of Commons.
How do fix Canada, Sup Forums?
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find and kill the leaf.
Trudeau will just change his gender to get more support
Stop all immigration
Outlaw Islam, outlaw marxism, halt immigration from non-white countries. Deport all non-whites that aren't already citizens
Do what Duer tells is doing
deport all non whites
and will be comfy in my 9 985 000 km2 garden of eden
Also give White South Africans and Boers the opportunity to move here.
Excellent suggestions, guys
I like your enthusiasm, burger-friend
Justine Trudeau looks surprisingly qt in that picture. I'm now worried this might be an actual strategy of his to win the NEET vote
- Legalize weed
- Recognize and support vaping as an alternative to cigarettes
- Lower minimum wage back down to 10/hour
- Decrease the size of our military
- Remove military
- wait for america to take us over
- we are finally americans
Annex Maine, it's Canadian clay.
Nuke Canada and be voted best Canadian president ever for winning everything because I killed my enemies enemies.
Uhh..attention everybody...
Work harder, bye!
Firstly, I would have Pierre Trudeau's wife's son hanged for high treason
>- Decrease the size of our military
We only have a few destroyers, a few infantry divisions, and a few interceptors.
Mirror everything Stephen Harper did, just with like a modicum of personality and personal style. I'm not unbuttoning my shirt, that nonsense is fucking degenerate.
Repeal all Transgender Laws, Policies, and Acts.
Repeal all Discrimination Laws, Policies, and Acts.
Enact Anti-Refugee Policies,
Un-Recognize Islam as an Official Religion.
Change Minimum Wage.
Order the de-construction of Mosques.
Deport all previously accepted Refugees in Canada.
Increase Military Budget in National GDP.
Cleanse Quebec.
still costs money
have a plan to balance the budget in the next 12 years
>I'm not unbuttoning my shirt, that nonsense is fucking degenerate.
I like your style
Nigga its literally less than 1% of GDP right now
Kill every non-Anglo Canadian.
Bring back the Stuarts and establish Catholicism as the official religion of Canada.
WASPs are the most cucked by far
Oh, and classify "Transgender-ism" as a Mental Illness.
Whom of which sha'll be stripped of their right to vote. And put in an Asylum for Shock Therapy.
Nobody is safe in my Canada.
Make a law that every Canadian has to kill themselves
Return all Canadian land to its rightful owner.(The US.)
Proclaim Quebec a free and independent nation.
Put all new Canadians in work camps
Deport all Anglos to swing states in the US
>that aren't already citizens
Well I guess I DONT have to go back :) Thank you.
Wouldn't that just cut us off from you? How would isolating ourselves from our largest trading partner help us, senpai?
Take my $500,000 speaking fees and donations to my "foundation" from the powers that be and retire rich.
Remove all liberal arts programs from colleges and universities. STEM or nothing.
Scrap this green energy shit and double down on resource extraction. Supply the no doubt booming American manufacturing industry that has flourished under 7 years of Emperor Trumps reign. When the natives bitch about it, give them Toronto and declare it a city state to get it the fuck out of Canadian politics.
Start civil war.
Kill whitey.
I stop all foreign aid
That's it. That's literally it.
>nationalize every corporation
>create textile and arms manufacturing industries
>incentivize farmers to expand, then buy out the land for a hefty sum, leaving them to manage their farms
>heavily fund genetic engineering research
>increase the size of the military
>reinstate standardized testing in schools
>encourage workers to form their own small local markets so every town becomes a market town, with access to manufactured goods
>reduce imports until we are self sufficient
>build nuclear energy plants
>use nuclear energy to dot the coast with ocean water freezing plants to ship in refrigerated cargo ships to drop off at the north pole
>pull out of every free trade and military organization
>deport foreign criminals
>instate death penalty for 1st degree murder, proven rape, false rape convictions, paedophilia, torture, human trafficking, and cannibalism
>remove term limits
>introduce more firearms into the market, suggest people apply for liscenses, but keep the current registration system
>legalize treason
>tax cigarettes even more
>create a nuclear arsenal
>fund a space exploration organization
>increase provincial sovereignty
>ban religious value's in education, but introduce classes to increase understanding of major religious history and doctrine
>fund universities so each tuition costs a considerable flat rate less.
>subsidise oil industry and ensure that all of canada's natural gas needs are met by canadian produce, not arab or russian
>introduce a 2 year national service, military or educational.
>remove term limits
>fund universities so tuition costs less
The rest was good, but those two scream "I'm 20!"
The majority of things he put aren't within the power of a prime minister to do anyway, they're provincial jurisdiction
And a lot of these things only apply to the US, since we already don't have term limits (Senators have to retire at 75 though)
Elections are term limits. There's plenty of shite leaders, and a few good ones, id rather be able to hold onto the good ones until they become shite ones, rather than toss them out so they can rot in their party.
I'm not advocating free tuition. Allocating a flat rate of say, 5k or whatever to make it more affordable wouldn't do any harm. The people that it would really benefit's test scores and attendance would likely increase, and it wouldn't damage the integrity of each university like free tuition would. It isn't only about putting more people into post secondary, it's about increasing the number of people already in's graduation rate.
It's how I think canada could be fixed, really.
If you want to fix Canada, declare every province to be an independent country. Problem solved
Too many frog fags in this thread
this guy gets it
fuck quebec
Nobody asked for or cared about what some faggot from England thinks
>t. worthless stinky mong from the asshole of the planet loathed by its federal govt
Oh really? fuck, im a Britbong, I was taught you cunts had 2 term limits like america did, despite the parliamentary system.
Scratch that one, then.
Interracial breeding grounds.
Most PMs don't last longer than 2 terms though, since almost all of them have been terrible
Bring back the national policy.
Bring immigration down to 100k, then eventually to under 50k
Get rid of nonwithstanding clause, ban santuary cities
Add criminal code provisions to freedom of religion and expression but make it very strict to override fundamental rights (aka its not right of religion to circumcise your daughter)
kick out all jews and kill all elite zionists in canada. then cut all social programs and do away with regulations.
>Get rid of nonwithstanding clause
Fuck off
Can't you just keep the Natives? It'd be a little mean to kick them out.
Build a wall.
forgot a few
>end foreign aid policies
>train a citizens militia, so we have a standing army and a Switzerland esqu reserve force.
>Build a few monuments, like pyramids or towers. Something awe inspiring to create construction jobs.
>require an federal invitation and a visa to enter Canada
Deport all the nonwhites except the top 20% of azn women, then apply for annexation to the US.
>Immediately shut down the CBC
>Send everyone who works there to jail
>Enact legislation requiring the graves of every prime minister who ever lived to be shit on daily by a team of overweight pajeets
>Nuke Toronto as an example
>Tell the country to smarten up or they're next
>That's for starters
Mackenzie King and Wilfrid Laurier don't deserve that
Why the fuck wouldn't we get rid of it? Its literally the tool that these fuckers would use to install a literal commie/sharia state and they'd get away with it as long as they keep getting elected
The cons outweigh the pros, it has to go
>Deport all non-whites that aren't already citizens
Halt immigration, seize foreign bought homes owned by rich Chinese. Halt immigration, publicly discuss racial differences, discuss and praise Canadian ethnicity, Create a Ethnically Canadian Birth Grant, meaning white people get a sum of money to have kids and create households, create a tax for families who are not ethnically Canadian who shit out kids, if you want to leave there is a 1 k grant for travel costs to return to your nation of origin, other wise you will be allowed to stay, no discrimination will be allowed to be held against you legally.
Chinese immigrants with personal wealth amounting over $1,000,000 will be required to leave the country and complete their contracts over seas.
It's only ever been used for good in the past. And think, you can instantly take away say the right to vote for shitskins with a simple majority vote in any house
Make French the only official language
>seize foreign bought homes owned by rich Chinese.
Oh yes please. I'd like to one day be able to find a shack for under a million bucks.
You're right, the psycho war-monger and dirty frog bastard deserve that PLUS a daily dose of diarrhea from a team of kebab chomping Syrian refugees
also the natives should be given half of a province of their choosing and will be given sovereignty, they can decide to live as they wish and we won't intervene
You can't legally eat at Tim Horton's unless you have a moose riding license.
And you think that would ever fly without literal anarchy happening on the streets?
It has no place is democratic society. There are better ways to deal with undesirables that doesn't take peoples rights away but it has to start with education
>secede to the USA, ending leaf and becoming 51st state.
>end toronto
>resettlement program for eastern europeans to live in vancouver and urban British Columbia.
>fund rebel groups to enact coup to take over Washington.
>Leaf Captain now.
>Take over Europe, they're willingly inviting us to be their rulers
>Crusade middle east
>call up Aussies, propose anglo-sphere Empire
>Proceed to conquer East Asia, Japan cucks itself as main stronghold of Anglo-Sphere.
>Rule the entire world. Now we're not the only ones who are sorry - eh.
Canada is rightful American clay, they have no real culture to justify their own existence with the sole exception to based hockey which is best contact sport.
Why should I care if an invader's rights are taken away? That's what the clause is for, taking rights away if needed.
>How do you fix Canada, Sup Forums?
Cut off food and water for who ever lives in the Red.
Increase our National defence budget to 4% for the next for fours.
Slowly introduce private healthcare.
Get our gold back again.
block off refugees and take in fewer immigrants.
Cut off corporate welfare.
hang the chinks, and the leftists.
We were, and we were men who tamed the wilderness into submitting to our will, no matter the physical toll, in order to build a home for our families,
Now Chinks move here in mass to take our tamed country over.... If you cant trace your ancestry to people who cut brush and built homes...
You have no fucking place in Canada... Chinks go home.......
Hey Alberta, notice that even in the election results map, Quebec is whiter than you?
day of the rake
Set it on fire and walk away. It's too far gone.
>legalize treason
>tax cigarettes even more
ya blew it
Joke's on you, we're already on fire
conservatives literally only won in alberta and sask because "muh oil"
The goal of the election was to get as many conservatives as possible without the conservatives winning. Canada was right to have Trudeau this time around because he doesn't know what he's doing so he's not doing anything.
Dude, Quebeccers are annoying as fuck, but they are actually patriotic and value their culture. I respect that.