Newer thread. Old image. Someone should update it

Newer thread. Old image. Someone should update it.

Other urls found in this thread:

First for Nationalism.

Not national Capitalism?

Join the reasonable centrists

If you're not already on it, please add yourself to the pastebin.

1. Create a new paste ;
2. Copy all text from previous paste.
3. Add your name.
4. Post link to new paste ITT

This is good advice.

I know

why? it's too much. it isn't digestible. it's jerking off at best. can it. pol used to have some capacity to do good before you reddit faggots showed up. now we're going to waste our time categorizing an anonymous board population to serve what purpose, exactly?

there is a reason things don't catch on here

i'll go ahead and sage too
Is this good?


Kill yourself you blackpilled faggot.

Strawpoll: what's more important, the economy or the military?

>It is the current year and he hasn't joined the National Capitalist party
boi i am lafiin


You want to just make a bid for PM?

Thanks Ruski brat.

The only correct answer is both

Our party, the National Party (blue) is a authoritarian Nationalist party that seeks an ethnostate, strong reulations to protect our language and culture, high birthrates and an anti-degeneracy platform.
we aren't socialist nor capitalists not at all people can become as rich as they want as long as it doesnt hurt the nation, its culture or its people. all forms of degeneracy will be banned and degenerates will be imprisonned.

-We will establish a bank that gives mortgages loans without interest.
-We will make alimony illegal.
-We will ban affirmative action.
-The Quran will be illegal
-The talmud will be illegal
-We will make camp-based prisons where prisonners are forced to work to be self sufficient, a ''concentration camp'' if you will.

talmud is jewish, jews that do not call out the talmud for what it is will be banned, as muslims who do not call out the quran will be banned.
Camp based prisons are good because prisoners work and the money made from their labour is used to pay the prison camp itself, why should taxpayers pay for a childrapist to chill in a cell all day without doing anything? And a bank without interest in mortgages help white rural people buy houses and start a family.

Our Party will do the following
- Give grants, tax breaks and other financial aid to suburban people living with moderate to high wealth (white people).
- Charge a fee for each born child in an urban area from a low wealth family (black and brown people).
- Convince normies by stating that these policies are good because it will help boost population in suburban areas as well as regulate the over population problems in big cities, also stopping poor people from giving birth to future poor people (to stop the spread of poverty) by charging them fees.

Our party will ban any muslim or jewish poster who does not renounce the quran and the talmud respectively. All communist and/or ancap threads will be banned and all degeneracy..

blow me son

why did my posting make you so emotional?

i understand you have a homework assignment to study this board but i'm telling you it's time to take inventory of your situation and end your life

>lole redditors
>announces his downvote

May I join your party good sir? My country is in perilous need of a new Pinochet.

here's a more updated version

Yes join us lad, but make sure you don't join the American Capitalists, they're (((civic nationalists)))



we invented this shit. you suck dick man you're a fuckin loser nerd

I am very concerned about the leddit menace that has affected Sup Forums, made even bigger this week, but that doesn't mean fun isn't allowed. I don't see you complaining about the Risk threads. It's all just Larping and fun anyways.

There are still some parties missing

From me, you are ok as far as you agree to our tenets. Ask for more.

Much thankful

got em

look at the fuckin OP image

it's exactly like HEY REDDIT TAKE THIS POLL ABOUT YOUR VIEWS only it's poorly-formatted in a visual that is almost incomprehensible and useless unless you are so depraved that you want to stare at these dots and a key of 20 points.

it sickens me. fuck off with this shit

N.C.M, requesting the tenets pasta.

We should have 3 members.

You have four.

Reasonable Centrists:
Template Citizen - !PvfTB7tf3s
Ross Perot - !!9KefY6wnOPj
Lunexa - !85P0.6q.TU
Hungry Joe - !!zu3+Z58z2vy

Four actually

Join the National Party instead
> fight against globalism
> promote your nation cultre and language
> create an ethostate
> boost white population with grants
> litteraly imprison degenerates and deviants as well as commies

It seems like my ID has changed.

We should make a coalition, vote for the same bills etc since we are closely related

Let's face it. Marxism is the true answer for Sup Forums right now.

>Fits the immigration bill.

>Fits the antimulticultural bill.

>Fits pragmatic economics bill.

>Fits international politics bill.

>A golden balance between traditionalism and sexual liberation.

>Isn't some retarded 2edgyforU lareper's fantasy, influential IRL.

I see it more like larping fun but if that's your take. I mean look at the names, it isn't serious at it won't be used in any way as an argument in some "Sup Forums issue" due to its autistic nature so again I don't see an issue. I don't know about you but for me it's infinitely better than some "Hurr black is might Sup Forums btfo!" shitpost thread with 250+ replies.

Join the American Capitist!

If you want to make America Great Again, protect our culture, and keep us on top join today!

Together, we can create an American Future.


Flesh-bag, I don't think you understand, this thread is at it's core, a unit of fun-posting and banter between bored sorts, along with the occasional joke bill, there is totally nothing here that represents anyone's ideas, because all of this is satire.... RIIIIIGGGHHHTTT????

>Marxism influential,

if by influential you mean about to get a fun-time small war started in the south-pacific, and a bunch of jeans wearing hippies in cali,than yes, but on the other hand, fuck you.

Is there any substantial difference between it and the National Capitalist party though? Seems pretty similar

Sure, when a bill comes in, we vote for the same thing.

Make a trip, my man

Agreed. Thank you.

We have at least three parties with very little difference join the one with numbers

Can you please put American Capitalist Party on the graphic please.

Yes, they are part Socialist.

I want to put my motion to join "physical Removal" and "Anti-Dem Libertarians" to "Libertarian-Right" again.

>Physical Removal is meme derived from Hans-Hermann Hoppe's "Democracy: The God That Failed". Hoppe IS an Anti-Democratic Libertarian and Physical Removal is his concept. Hoppe Identifies as an Anarcho-Capitalist and a Right-Libertarian.


By that I mean that a significant part of humanity is controlled by Communists.

The other part is partially so, but socialism is a major influence there too.

The next UN Secretary General is a socialist.

Many socialist policies are universally accepted. Progressive tax, labour rights, social rights.

ok I'm a patriot! I'll join up.

I believe we are a majority party by far
Lets just nominate a PM

~~ Join the National Capitalists! ~~

We will expand America and Business as a whole! Putting more money in your pockets! We will also abolish the Bias media!

Come join us!
What are you waiting for? ~

We are fundamentally the same, you acquire large sums of wealth (capitalism) for the greater good of the Nation/state (Nationalism), us it's everything must be done for the greater good of the Nation/ state (authoritarian nationalism) and you can acquire any some of money that you want as long as you are not hurting the nation or what it stands for (fascism)

>Has capitalist in name
>part socialist
I may be an Honduran but I ain't African. Explain.

man add us to the graphic we have 3 members now.

I believe the parliament needs more members before we can declare a PM.

You should join National socialist since you are basically that

The [National Party] is part Socialist. They support welfare. Ask them yourself.

>National Party
>National Capitalists
Which one supports ethno nationalism?

Well with those digits I will concede

>national capitalism
>the system that explores its own people so bureaucrats can live well
>anything non-utopic besides national socialism/clerical militar distributism
Into the trash it goes.

You may join our LARPfest if you want to.

>Name [party name]#password_of_your choosing into the namefield of your post.

In all fairness, we should wait for the thread to pick up again.

They both do
National Capitalist was first, but some others just liked having their own party

How about make a fucking discord

Jewish Party when?

Is there a reason why American Capitalist isn't on the graphic?

I'll join the Accelerationist Party if existing members will have me.


Well Satan there was the Hebrew Party
I dont know where they went

It was all written in my previous posts but here it is

Our party, the National Party (blue) is a authoritarian Nationalist party that seeks an ethnostate, strong reulations to protect our language and culture, high birthrates and an anti-degeneracy platform.
we aren't socialist nor capitalists not at all people can become as rich as they want as long as it doesnt hurt the nation, its culture or its people. all forms of degeneracy will be banned and degenerates will be imprisonned.

Update it yourself.

What? My party was the first and in the first thread it was actually the biggest

There needs to be a National Guild Party.

National Guild socialism. No bureaucrats. No plutocrats. Truly a self governing nation with it's full will in its hands.

They're salty about there being more than one Capitalist Party.

Except that we are not? I litteraly made this party and it says in the bio that I post every so often that we are not socialists, we even have self sufficient prisons with forced labor so that taxpayers won't pay for them, why would we support welfare

how about ethno-imperialism?

Well its a bit ridiculous we cant even form a coalition of free market leaning parties







You dont even have a monarch

national capitalism

The national party is not imperial it is isolationist except if a minority of our race is oppressed in a foreign land

>durrr natcap doesnt work hurrrr
>What is Japan

Not really, there's a clear difference we are Patriots who wish to preserve our culture, values, Language, and Constitution. We are America First, America always.



Parliament? Where is the Senate? You are an American for peat sake. Also where does /mlpol/ fit in?

With National Capitalism the state is not only ruled by the people's best interests but also in charge of the state and its course 100%, while at the same time lets its economy grow naturally in a healthy free market enviorment.
Strong nationalistic government+free market=all the benefits of a free market and a fascistic state without Monopolies or subjugation.

I'll reluctantly pick the national socialists. The socialist faction of the party.

That's just the fucking Republican party platform

> what is nationalism

Here is one updated with the Transhumanist Imperium

You still need a tripcode, brother

Traditional Centrists should be removed

Maybe but I'm too lazy to do so and not fond of being a trip fag

Beside there aren't that many Hondurans on Sup Forums anyways.