War with NK could result in up to one million casualties

>war with NK could result in up to one million casualties
Do you really want this?

>Armageddon in the Korean Peninsula

fun times ahead


I dont want it, and I'm sincere this is scary stuff

I don't want it, but do we wanna wait till they get the capability to kill billions instead?

I want NK government to be destroyed but not by trump I think he's a dangerous idiot. I prefer we wait until there's a competent administration. I only trust Mattis The rest of trumps team are Jews. NK is an abombination and has to go. They have forced labor camps and had recent famines.


This, millions may die, but to save billions

> What is the decapitation strike?
My take:
> Dear NK military. You have 1 week to kill Kim family. If you comply, pick interim government and set election date, hello democracy, unification of Korea agenda, everyone but Kim family lives. If you fail to comply, we kill Kim family and all military brass and implement democracy and unification without you. Choose.

>one million north korean casualties


It might just pull people's heads out of their asses and toughen them up instead of keeping them limp-wristed pussies. Looking at every liberal in the West.

Are you new to Sup Forums?

>up to one million casualties
That's all?!?

Most nukes will be aimed at cities.

Most cities tend to be overwhelmingly liberal.

Bring it on.

You can't stop fate

Yes, if at least a third are Americ*n


Yes. I'm incredibly bored and ww3 would really make my week.

It's okay to be a faggot, OP. Just don't make it so easy for us to point it out.

better than later when they have nukes and its costs 50M

I don't


We should do it now. Nuclear blanket the entire country.

>population centers don't matter
>autism: the post


Is Macedonia even a real country?

fucking deers


>mfw we asked for this

you fucking weak bitch

who cares if some califags get nuked?




Trump will realize only libtards in hawaii and Cali are at risk

There is no downside to retaliation

Do it before he gets increased capability and can hit good states

Yes, of course!

>Asking the edgiest board on this site if they want death
I think you already know what most of these faggots will say.

That said, no, no one rational wants this.

NKorea won't do anything
They don't have the guts
They are sissies
I dare them to try something

I fucking double dare them

I hope they nuke Vancouver and Surrey.

Neither do I. I do not want innocent lives to be taken. However, I feel that it is necessary to take immediate action if North Korea tries anything.

I have stood knee deep in mud and bone and filled my lungs with mustard gas!
I have seen two brothers fall, I have lain with holy wars and copulated with the autumnal fallout!
I have dug trenches for the refugees.
I have murdered dissidents where the ground never thaws and starved the masses into faith!
A child's shadow burnt into the brick work, a house of skulls in the jungle.
The Innocent, the innocent Mandus!
Trapped and bled and gassed and starved and beaten and murdered and enslaved! This is your coming century.
They will eat them Mandus. They will make pigs of you all and they will bury their snouts, into your ribs...and they will eat..your ..hearts!

How many would be American? Those are the numbers that matter


Shut up -- Kim has been threatening nuclear war for far too long, and he has thrown these threats with an unacceptably cavalier attitude. It's time something was done about him.

It's gonna have to be a VERY efficient decapitation strike, or else everything south of the DMZ is getting flattened

If it isn't at least 7.49 gorillion, I'd be disappointed.

This. There may be a few thousand casualties on the US side, but the North Koreans will get absolutely BTFO'ed. Their infrastructure is already in bad shape and it will take us all of about two days to completely collapse their power AA and communication capabilities. When that happens China will have a humanitarian crisis on their hands like one of their dynasty's was back in charge. Also air fag here I'm going to check something and I'll post back in about ten Mike whether or not it's habbining.

Stay safe Air Bro, not that I think NK poses much of a threat.

T b I i of s . I d t .

Oh i want this.

>war with NK could result in up to one million casualties

Make it 5 billion across Africa, India and China and yes.

There's like 7 billion people in the world, who cares.

Here's how it goes down.

>DPRK surrenders
>Many citizens commit suicide for glorious leader
>15% of North Koreans are able to intergrate into western "Korea"
>The rest of the survivors get pushed to a slither of land called "New North North Korea" bordering china and Russia

The fuck happened to my post? It was supposed to say thanks but I'm stateside. And it took me a little while to log in to jewbook. I guess they really have cracked down on airman posting shit that they shouldn't. You used to be able to tell if a base was generating live ordinance by using our global email to find the right Airman at the right base and checking their tweets or whatever. I don't social media I just have it for emergencies.

>Send in 2 bond-tier agents
>get in good with Kim
>shake his hand
>promise peace/cooperation with US
>Give him a small nuke as a sign of goodwill
>laugh as he chokes on his own blood due to poisoning
>liberate the shit out of best Korea.