>you lived to see liberals defend north korea
You lived to see liberals defend north korea
Other urls found in this thread:
liberal isn't synonymous with commie
they just share being retarded as a characteristic
Now this is meming
>communists defending communist country
liberals are pro imperialism though
Hillary was more imperialist than Trump during the election
Of course they do
One of those is not like the others.
Looks just like Holohoax propaganda.
>posting imperialist atrocity porn
nice try porkie
not surprised
North Korea is an ethnonationalist fascist state. Liberal edgelords would get BTFO there.
Fucking commies... Kill that kind of people pls
>North Korea is an ethnonationalist fascist state
they're literal commies though
Fair point.
All Communist deserve to die. No questions asked.
I agree though. Fuck Western hegemony.
No. They aren't. Lurk more. Or go back to /r/the_donald.
Commies are a plague. They should be erased from earth.
You're an idiot.
North Korea is and always will be Best Korea.
It's NatSoc, and most of these faggots just shill war against it cause it's what the jews taught them.
Every single one of you anti-NK shills should fucking ask yourself why the Jews don't like North Korea at all, and why you pathetic little degenerates are so eager to please your Jewish masters
You lot don't know shit about NK, and all your info comes from the Jewish media.
This book might have been written by a potential kike, but at least it offers a better understanding of what North Korea truly is - anti-juden NatSoc
As Professor BR Myers points out in the cleanest race, the DPRK has never been a socialist. or communist state. It put on a huge act to get support from the Soviet Union & China after it's independence, but in reality, DPRK is closer ideologically to the 3rd reich, or Imperial Japan than it is to the soviet union. An Ultra-conservative ethnic nationalist state, against any kind of race mixing, totally opposed to liberalism, extremely conservative views on age, sexuality, gender, family, "LGBT", etc.. Stories about "Starving North Korea" are rooted largely in fiction. Child Malnutrition rates in North Korea are around 14% - Average child malnutrition in the world is around 30% (With many countries, eg, India, reaching as high as 50% - Which North Korea did not come close to even in the worst years of the 1990's famine, which has been over for more than a decade now).
Stories regarding the cult of personality/lack of information are also greatly exaggerated. Yes, the Cult is very large, but North Koreans do not believe Kim is a "God" or can "Read their minds". American & South Korean movies, television shows, etc, can be accessed fairly easily in Pyongyang & much of the rest of the country.
None of those countries are communist.
Ok, right.
-sent from queue to buy food-
Juche is a variant of Marxism-Leninism.
>It's NatSoc
more like Strasser's NatSoc
I didn't put an apostrophe you monkey
Hillary is far from liberal.
She's center right, as are most establishment Democrats these days.
>basing all of your opinions and ideals on "duh joooz!"
They took that down and removed all mentions of Marxism from their constitution.
This has to be a joke
That's because Communism and Marxism-Leninism became phrases that put a sour taste in peoples mouthes post-1990. The "Juche" North Korea of today is the same shit hole it was decades ago; a commie dystopian nightmare.
>All communist countries.
>Only reason they're standing with Syria is because it's the anti-Trump thing to do.
Yeah, and?
The only good commie is a dead one.
>you lived to see Sup Forums defending building of a rothschild bank
>you lived to see Sup Forums defending nuking of a conservative ethnically homogenous country with 0 kikes,mudshits,liberals,sjws,lgbts
yeah, this timeline is shit
I'm right wing and I stand with the Norks and Syrians too.
Fuck America they're a force of evil
These are commies.
this shit is stale and getting really predictable when used in this way
Someone used creativity wisely
>Liberals are defending communists and terrorists
jesus fucking christ
>7 of those 8 are massive shitholes
not really making a good argument here
what game is this?
>someone identifying as "comrade"
my friend this man is a communist. More specifically a Tankie, your left wing equivalent.
oy vey it's just like the shoah, remember the 60 trillion. Because there are drawings it must have happened.
>I stand with Venezuela
Fuck this guy
kek. actually laughed out loud.
yes, and your side is the good and correct one, with no stupid or crazy people to speak of
>What are sanctions
Sorry, which one isn't a shithole?
These people should be physically removed to these countries
Besiege, something like that
Iran, but they're an islamic hellhole, so they still suck outside of scaring Jews.
>Sanctions are keeping African and middle eastern nations down
yeah nah
Venezuela also doesn't have sanctions on it IIRC.
How's Toronto treating 'ya?
Iran's actually pretty nice desu
Twitter tankies will defend basically anyone who is against the US. If Hitler was around today they would defend Hitler against American imperialism.
All of those countries hate their leader
She's socially far left, but foreign policy imperialist. She is a liberal who wants to force a global liberalism on the entire world.
Meant to reply to OP
>leftists standing with a secular nationalist against radical islamic terrorists and fundamentalists
pretty sure he meant to use the green flag
I go to Iran for work pretty often. The people are the nicest people you'll ever meet, the streets in main cities are always spotless, women are very easy on the eyes yet modest and the engineers I work with are second to none. If not for the government they'd be a powerful player in the world.
I really wish the Iranian government would fuck off and die
I miss the Shah
why are my countrymen so fucking retarded. jesus christ, don't bomb NK bomb Ontario.
>lesbian islamapologist feminist runs ontario
>feminist cuckboy runs all of canada
lol they are all monarch imperialists tho. wtf who are these larpers
In cuba everyone drives around in classic 1950s cars. Seems pretty rich to me.
So, why aren't you moving to the paradise on earth? If you like that much then move.
dude, no, they drive those because those are the only cars they have
if Cuba was rich Florida wouldn't get flooded with boat people year round.
Ever think of leaving Venezuela for greener pastures?
>implying we can't nuke korea AND the entirety of canada
>Durr I'm a libshit I'm against war
4 major wars US has participated in since civil war(none of which we should have been in)
Democrat president, Senate, House
Democrat president, Senate, House
Democrat president, Senate, House
Democrat president, Senate, House
See the pattern?
>I stand with Syria
Reeee, fuck of libcucks, don't poison the well for the rest of us who support Assad.
>Twitter name has comrade in it
>It also refers to a shit tier character from the Star Wars EU
>anime avatar
Jesus died for this autist.
Can't afford it. I'm struggling -like almost everybody here- to survive.
I passed out because hunger 2 weeks ago. And I have a full time job. A decent one
That's not funny dude.
white fairy tales. jpg
wardrobe is odd. its like the men are in the 50s, and the women are from a 300 year old painting
I'll fuckin raid this nigger, he thinks he is edgy defending these fuckers but it's because he is not suffering what the people are suffering.
Everyone read carefully:
Latin America is filled with communist/socialist ideas, what that got us? We're third world! UNDERDEVELOPED!
Spread the fuckin word, if they insist send them here to SA and they'll live in a slum to feel and breath socialism/communsim
You're third world because you are a low-IQ people prone to corruption lel
You fucking idiot
>Under economic blockade since 50's
>they have no choise but to use the same stuff since that time
at last they are good in keeping his cars in an very good state.
jesus christ mate, i'm so sorry. I wish there was something we could do to help
It makes me sick when I see fucknuts standing with communism, like it's somehow helped anyone, it's as if they completely ignore what's happening in your country.
I thought it was. Those guys probably got rich selling their cars.
These people, my poor fellow South Americans suffer from that socialist pig maduro, their country is suffering because of him.
Stay strong brothers, fight back
What is this retarded fucking meme I keep seeing nowadays? Is Sup Forums running propaganda for Kim and trying to make it seem like he's le based national socialist and not a fucking commie?
Everything about juche is a joke considering they depend on foreign aid more than their own self-reliance. And juche was formed from Marxist-Leninist. Kim Il Sung, the leader of the country, was a fucking classical Stalinist gommie. It was only in the 90s after his death that you saw this bullshit "muhh juche is not the same as gommunism" propaganda spring about.
this shit is why we tried to protect you guys from communism, yeah we meddled with you all, but it was to prevent this shit.
God I fucking hate communism.
ok, i bite the b8... jesus
Not really.
They're stalinist with a hereditary monarchy. They have no intention of dissolving the state, therefore not communist.
liberals are morons. it's a miracle we haven't gassed them all already.
It is communism. Communism will never look like what you envision, because it's impossible to pull off. Can't be done. It will always take the form of some dystopian hellscape dressed up with frilly justifications by a state in over its head.
Because it's a set of horrifically terrible ideas. On paper, and in practice.