Have you ever called a black person a nigger to their face?
Have you ever called a black person a nigger to their face?
Sure as shit.
I have a black friend that I call nigger all the time, does that count?
>Oh my god! What a fresh, new, inventive topic! Thank you, OP, for bringing us this...
You know, just suck my dick
I called him a porchmonkey
everytime I look at myself in the mirror
Does he mind?
Yeah but all of them are my friends and think it's funny.
Accidentally to my friend, he got really quiet and put down and we never mentioned it again.
One of my black friends has a wild sense of humor, and I call him a dumb nigger all the time. In return, he calls me a fucking kike.
Yes. In a crowded bar. This chocolate treasure was fucking with one of my buddies because his girl was giving my buddy the "you whip it out and I'll suck it" look. I got right in his face, called him and his friends uncouth niggers, and asked him if he wanted to do something about it. He did not, I did. Bad night for him.
>1 post by this ID...
sure have
this. it's just banter. friends should get it.
somebody better faceapp this cunt
We don't really have africans here. I call my islander friend nigger.
yea you roll up next to them and scream it rolling through the stop sign.
mississippi is a fun place.
Yes. That's a standard in Russian.
>being close enough to a nigger that they could hear what you say
all of you live in filth
I had a phase in 8th grade where I called everyone and everything niggers. If I got stung by a bee, I'd go "Ow, fucking nigger bee," as an example. My black friend spilled his drink on my keyboard in computer class, and without thinking I exclaimed "Nigger!" He looked at me all confused, then it registered and I said "My bad mayne." And he was all "it's all good dawg" then we went to run a train on some white bitches. The end.
>grade school
>negro jojo picking on friend
>try to stand up
>no idea how to fight
>try to diffuse with words
>"hey BOY"
>turns head like an owl
>"get your nigger hands off him"
>tattles to teacher
>lose recess
>have to write sentences
>parents called
>beaten mercilessly with belt
>mom broke out the iron chode
Probably the first time a nigger didnt physically rob me of something
Me and my friends call each other dirty niggers and Jews all the time
I called a bald black guy "milk dud" once. That was 20 years ago (I'm old; get off my lawn).
Welcome to the board kiddo
No but I called a Mexican an immigrant and he punched me and got arrested for assault and deported. meh idc
>be me, white scrawny kid
>in the middle of algebra class freshman year of high school
>everyone is fucking off since it's our "homeroom" period with all the announcements for the day
>big black kid starts busting my balls in front of everyone
>without thinking I tell back at him "Shut up niggerlips!"
>oh fuck
>he smiles and looks at the ground
>whole class bursts into laughter
>teacher doesn't give a single fuck
One of the most magical days of my high school life
Same here. I was hanging out with this 1/2 black girl with huge tits for a while. She let me suck on them occasionally, but she was a virgin and we never fucked. One day, I said "what's up my nigga?" when I answered her phone call, and she said, "I'm gonna go now", and we didn't talk for a while after that.
why do you keep posting this?
no im not a low iq racist
>Have you ever called a black person a nigger to their face?
Years ago when I was like 11. I was in the driveway with my friends and a group of niggers approached the gate and started fucking with us. I approached the gate and engaged them. The one nigger kept calling me a honkey so I called him a nigger. First he was surprised, then he laughed, then I laughed. We unironically became friends on the spot.
>to their face
Niggers don't have faces
Nigger women are never virgin. They get blacked as soon as there born.
Yea sure
Not me but one of my friends dropped it in front of our token black friend a few years ago
>fantasy football draft at my house
>9 white suburban kids in my basement, plus one pretty based black kid who was bussed into our high school.
>considered an Oreo because he hangs out with us and not the other niggers at our 99% white school
>draft going good, drinking beers, smoking weed, etc
>one of my friends taking forever
>someone says "just take Marshawn Lynch
>"no I don't want him on my team, he's a fucking nigger"
>room goes quiet
>all eyes on Oreo nigger
>doesn't say anything
>doesn't say anything the rest of the night
>laughs died down and the next hour or so was incredibly awkward
>black friend still in the league
From what I understand my black buddy still hasn't actually forgiven him, he just acts like everything's cool but who knows. We still refer to it as the Lynching incident.
yes about like 10 inside a school bus with also a nigger bus driver
Mfw when most niggers love me because I'm real with them and basically just act like I do on here minus a notch or two around them
Construir pared noa
Yeah I got suspended from school for a day. The nog got suspended for 5 after he flipped out about it
Nah but I saw it in a very liberal classroom at my highschool. Guy got sent to the principle's office for it.
Lynch was one of the smartest niggers in the NFL. He didn't spend a time on what he made playing football, just on endorsement deals. And he helped his teammates with their taxes in the locker room. And he knew MSM was not to be trusted so he just fucked with them instead.
I have footage nigger.
never once
i grew up with black friends, their parents/grandparents escaped from the south from that shit
Ya, but this was 2012-2013 if I'm remembering correctly. While agree wth you he's one of the better blacks in the league, he still has nigger tendencies. Would still love to see him on the Patriots though
It happened user, and I was so drunk I remembered it being my friend who did it when I woke up the next day. He was so drunk he didn't know if I was right or not, so when we went back to the bar the next night, the bartender told us exactly what happened. It was a little dive bar on the gulf coast of florida. Indian rocks beach. I had a place down there for a while, and the bar was next door.
That, or I'm lying, but in this instance it reflects poorly upon me user, so I fail to see the point in making it up. I don't even hate niggers, or generally dislike them. I just don't like living around them, and when I want to fight someone, I use the most inflammatory language possible, to get them to engage; it works most of the time.
Yes, and they said thank you.
wtf is going here m8
I can't remember the last time I spoke to a nigger. They're few and far between here thankfully.
I am married to a black woman and once a guy called her that at a bar. I dont think he knew we were together so I took my belt off and popped him hard in the face with it. People around us heard his racist ass pop off so they tossed him out and some people bought me a drink.
The lesson here is to keep the racist shit on the internet because racists are protected under the law and if someone assualts you no one will care.
I thought I would be arrested considering how much I whipped him but no one gave a shit. Another white guy next to me ever steeped on him while he was down.
only pussies living in yankee and west coast towns haven't.
your not a real white man if you haven't
I call myself a nigger everyday
Not to their face, but he heard me anyway. He chimped out and tried to throw a bottle at me. I called 911 and told them I was being attacked, so they sent a car. The cops showed up, I described him and about 2 minutes later another cop car came by with the ape in the backseat. I pointed him out, and he was hauled off to jail, where he belonged. I was called to his trial, and he was in the hallway wearing a ridiculous suit. I don't think he remembered me because he didn't say anything or even look at me. The prosecutor came out and he said he was a good boy and didn't do nuffin, that whitey had started the fight(I didn't even call him a nigger, but some fat sow nearby). They agreed on a plea and he received a 90 day sentence. I got a lesson in civics and served my community.
I have when I was in Russia russfag and it was one of the most freeing moments of my life
>be hanging out with a group of friends, one black dude named Eddy
>get to talking about the show "Black/White" and racial baggage
>Eddy tries to demonstrate he's above all that, starts talking about how it doesn't bother him. "Hell, y'all can call me a nigger if you want, I don't give a fuck. I ain't the type of nigga to get his tits all tied up over a word. How big a bitch do you have to be to lose your shit over a word? Shit..."
>I turn to him and say "Well hell, nigger, I can respect that. And I appreciate that you understand none of us are bigoted assholes, that none of us hate people. And dude, likewise-if you really want to, you can call me...'Massa'."
>laughs are had by all.
>I'm like "You see what I did there? That's what you get for trusting the White Devil. Gotta watch that, man.
That conversation was fun. We had fun.
I am If you try that shit out somepme will kick your ass, hell other white people will bid for the right to punch you, and no one will do shot because nobody cares if some racist gets their ass kicked.
Also, not "nigger", but i called an African guy in Oslo "boy" to his face once.
>drunk african guy bugging me for a cigarette in oslo
>i start telling him "boy if you get anywhere near me i am going to knock you out"
>he runs away
I can tell the long version later but that is tl;dr
You have a friend that is a gentile? Eww..
Would become Australian to bang Freelee desu
>calling a nigger "a nigger" is considered an achievement but unitedstanis
I called a nigger Porch Monkey once after he called me cowboy.
>If you try that shit out somepme will kick your ass
You've never been in a real fight in your life.
Niggers like to throw punches and run.
The only time niggers don't run like scared little coons is if..
>you're a complete pussy
>don't know how to put up a guard
>don't know how to throw a punch
>don't know how to kick a nigger in the nuts.
Most of you LEFTIST FAGGOTS don't know how to do ANY OF THAT.
You curl up into a sissy little ball for the ape to rape.
It's fucking embarrassing seeing how fucking girly and domesticated you kids are
>left hand falls, exposing jaw
I am white and most white people woild trip over themselves to throw a punch at some KKK piece of shit.
When I whipped that guy with my belt in the bar a white guy stepped on the racist whike he was down because most normal white people are ashamed of racists
>>This chocolate treasure
>>Chocolate Treasure's girl gave him the "you whip it out and I'll suck it" look.
>>Got right in his face and called him an uncouthed nigger
>>Bad night for him
This sounds really fucking gay
He should have shown that faggot what was up by sucking his dick and saving him from being some faggot fucking a woman.
>most white people woild trip over themselves to throw a punch at some KKK piece of shit.
In what state? Most white people would be done fighting if the "big ewvul skawy KKK member" just love tapped them.
>because most normal white people are ashamed of racists
No one is "ashamed" of "racist" because racist don't exist.
Your story sounds made the fuck up.
yes had to fight one of them too
Look how upset you are getting. He's right, we have been pussified. It's embarrassing that no one can practice the slightest bit of civility in the way of not saying it and not getting upset over it when it is said. Get a grip on yourselves for fuck sakes, we are in times of great tension and the word "nigger" breaks your composure?
Fuck off, racism exists and is totally unacceptable in America. Want to get fired? Be a racist. Want to lose your home? Be a racist. Want to lose all friends and maybe family? Be a racist
The only racists in america are trailer trash and drug addicts, it may be different in that frozen, aids infested shit hole you call home but who gjves a fuck about lousy drunks?
Actions have consequences and saying racist shit in piblic is going to have ramifications. Looking back I should have baited the guy, recorded it then sent the video to his employer.
Yep. He was being a cunt to my smaller beta friend in gym class. We slugged it out and I walked away with a black eye. But he had two.
it's not like she called her something offensive you nigger lover.
land of the free
Fucking faggot. Day of the rope for you
>Fuck off, racism exists and is totally unacceptable in America
>The only racists in america are trailer trash and drug addicts
So, is there racism, or isn't there racism?
You sound like a little pop-punk kid-o who listens to too much green day and needs to be fed some of your own teeth.
You also really need to learn to spell your own fucking country's name.
>global boker face
There was no guy, you wish you were a real man but your just a little bitch.
There is racism and it comes from trailer trash. How were those 2 statements contradictory?
I could also say your nation has Africa levels of HIV and Your nation has been a long long series of failures . Both statements would be true.
> Spell your countries name
I did, its calleed America. We can do thaat because, unliie the Rodina, our nation is a success and can dictate what we like.
Go shoot up in a gutter.
Yes, big black lesbian that my sister was friends with shin checked me with a skateboard. First thing out of my mouth was "you fucking nigger" its weird, it changed her on a core level to be called that. I very nearly feel bad.
You spelled it
>The only racists in america
It's a proper noun so, America.
You sound like some punk rock wanna be kid who lives in a trailer where your racist step dad beats the shit out of you for listening to faggy music.
lol I have a black friend that comes over to banter sometimes. We're both ok with calling eachother racial slurs as long as it's purely banter
Does calling an abo a nigger count?
Since you're an Aussie, yes.
Yes. And he aped out but the other silverbacks in his grade held him back. He came to me job and my manager called the police and he was arrested.
Over ten years ago now lel
Well, while it wasn't one of my finer moments, there was nothing gay about what I did to chocolate face; at least according to the barkeep.
Like I said somewhere else in here, I don't hate or ever generally dislike dindus, I was just drunk, belligerent, and looking for a fight.
Yes. Then stabbed him and laughed at his shit talking friend. Got probation, and two counts of attempted felonious assault. Cant own a gun.
I don't talk to black people any more than I have to, who would?
yeah, what am I some pussy?
Yes. Why is this surprising to you? It's funny to see them flip shit.
i remember this ghanese kid in elementary school that acted out one time and someone called him bush negro and it stuck and people called him bush negro for a year
> proper noun criticism
So you dont contest your laughing stock of a nation is soley filled with Aids patients and worthless alcoholics?