What's up with these new inconspicuous picture captchas?

What's up with these new inconspicuous picture captchas?
Are they using us to gain some kind of information?
>That's right... click ALL of the boxes before you make your post......

we're just training their deep learning neural network to identify objects in images, so their 'search for image' engine gets better.
Plus other cool stuff like automatic spying and image drawing from nothing but a concept

>not using legacy

Stop being so cheap and buy a Sup Forums pass.


The main application is probably their self-driving car program, which would explain all the street sign and store front captchas.

You're training Skynet to identify objects which will make it easier for them to kill you eventually.

Always check something wrong. It still works most of the time.

I swear one captcha I had a few years ago used pictures I took on my old phone. It creeped me out so much I stopped using all my devices that week

Lads, I need to know what that NSA face swap tool is called.

It's being used to improve Googles AI

>not using legacy
get wrecked phonefags

only good thing about them

Got this one a week ago. Since then I've deleted my facebook.

Click on all the street numbers and win a prize.


holy shit

shooped, but creepy nonetheless

Has mostly been self driving car related recently
Find car, stop sign, street sign, gas station




You wish. I've only gotten two and they never happen on my phone. Only when I post from the computer.

Deep neural transfer