I've been to Florida during the summer and half the people are red. Completely burning under the sun. Very horrifying.
Is this why America has so much skin cancer? Cause a bunch of white people live in a climate not suited for them?
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its because sunblock gets expensive for even average sized americans.
Ever tried sunscreen you retard?
Yes, it's also why Aussie's have such high rates of it too.
can you read?
Were these old people who sounded like they were from up north? Florida is popular for retirees.
Because white people are so subhuman they can't even protect themselves from the Sun, which has existed since the origin of life on planet Earth.
old people and fat families going to Disneyland
well they should try wearing these, no sunburn
I don't get sunburn just for being half Italian. Nords and germanics should stick to the north, south is for the meds
>Canada cuck not understanding how white trash get tans
Whites who were born and raised in that kind of environment have perma-tans, Hawaiians call it losing your baby skin. The people you described sound like cringy out of staters.
I rarely find white tans to look healthy. its usually a red-brownish tone which dangerously looks like imminent cancer
Ironically more Germans and Scots-Irish (answered "American") in the south while Italians up north.
The leaf is right.
That's not your climate.
Much like Canada is not suited for southerners.
Still sound like "newcomers" because I've been light brown my whole life, no red. Or maybe my mom isn't telling me something...
you might have native or southern european genes. Those groups usually deal better with sun
more german ancestry than british? that's a surprise
America does not belong to the white man.
>he's not Irish
I don't think I've ever sunburned in my entire life and I'm white as fuck
Even most of my ancestors were German (to my knowledge lol). There's a "Germantown Road" in my town.
sun umbrellas should be more of a thing
thank god im mestizo
>tfw non-whites never have to spend on sunscreen or lotion or getting tanned
Feels good man
I'm Irish, lived there my entire life, and only had like two bad sunburns ever. They were my fault for drinking and forgetting to put sunscreen on too.
Israel and australia have the most skin cancer, guess what they've in common.
shit's pretty easy to shoplift desu
oh please I live in Wisconsin like 50 miles from canada and I still get mad sun burnt. Got one today in 50 degree weather. Even where i sunblocked (30 spf) i still got red. You muslims are used to that climate that's why seeing people get burned is strange.
america has so much skin cancer because of all the toxic chemicals they slather on themselves in the form of sunblock lotion
I see that all the time, not sure why, my family goes to Huatulco every year in winter and stay at the dreams hotel (canadian hotels), it's always filled with canucks, they're very polite and nice, but it's so easy to spot the americans, they're always red as fuck, I don't know why they love getting burn that much... it fucking hurts.
What should I do? Get blasted in the ass by radiation or blasted in the ass by toxic chemicals.
Those red people you are seeing are called "Britians" and "Canadians". Floridians are past the red stage and have moved on to brown. Except for the air conditioning dwellers. They don't come outside.
This. Anglos tan to that reddish brown color and should just give up and apply sunblock. It looks fucking terrible and constantly burnt.
there is a difference between getting sunburnt once in a while and constantly being red like a lobster
Use a physical sunscreen with 100% zinc oxide.
wear a hat, possibly a white shirt, select sunblock carefully
Stay out of the sun. You were not designed to absorb Ra's light.
Sun protection shirts. Look up UPF shirts on Amazon. REI sells them too.
Stay indoors and shitpost on a Cambodian basket-weaving forum.
on a related note, the incidents of lung cancer in the USA correlate more closely to radon gas than to smoking tobacco.
people always give me shit for being so pale
and I'm just like "it's preferable to the other option"
tfw. all anglo
Who gives a fuck which race can stand the most UV radiation, we already know that melanin niggers are bred for that shit. Anyone who cooks in the sun without taking proper precautions deserves cancer.
Australia has the highest rates of skin cancer on earth, so yes.
this is why white women age like shit
they sit in the sun all day trying to make themselves brown for whatever fucking reason.
But blacks don't need it I thought?
White people want to feel more evolved.
a simple hanes white tee protect me.
I burn very fast. Once i start to tan (usually by end of May) I stop burning unless I'm on a boat with no sunblock. People getting red this time of year is unusual.
I never understood that. Why are american girls so obsessed with spray tanning and burning themselves in the sun. Spray tans look patchy as fuck and tanning is even worse
Basement dwellers need a good purging anyway.
Sunburn is the skin cells self destructing before turning to cancer and actually not a problem until you get older and the cells start to lose that suicidal ability.
partially due to narcissism, but also UV light striking the forehead produces vitamin D, which has a mild feel-good effect. bitches get hooked on it.
It hides skin imperfections and makes them look less flabby.
you mean destroys their skin
if you want to stay young looking stay out of the fucking sun
Women whose mothers taught them to avoid the sun notice the difference in their 30s. At some point in your 30s you notice aging on your face and you won't be happy about, specially women.
STFU! brown is beautiful!
for brown people
not politics
My dads half Irish half Slav, and my mom is a full blooded German, I get one sun burn a year and then stay lightly tanned with no red at all for the rest of the summer.
The only exception is if I stay in the boat to long, but even a black as coal African would burn if you left him in an aluminum shell in full sun for 12 hours.