>Jakubowski caught
Another lefty revolution failed
>Jakubowski caught
Another lefty revolution failed
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crisis averted. thought this gopnik was going to go on a shooting spree
A mentally ill jew. What a surprise.
He looks pretty fucked up in his new mugshot. I wonder if he was on something.
No, he's probably just a Sconnie Polak.
Tolomeo said Jakubowski was found with four handguns, one long gun, multiple boxes of ammunition, a sword and containers of flammable liquid, as well as a protective vest and helmet.
>a sword
Jakubowski is a jewish-polish surname and his first name is Jacob. He has semitic blood running through his veins.
Wow, Obergruppenfuhrer Smith has really let himself go.
His first name is Joseph. There aren't a lot of Jews in Rock County, either. I'm pretty sure he's not Jewish.
Sorry about that. Joseph is still a jew name.
I am not saying he is a full blooded kike, but he likely has got some jew blood in his background.
Every Christian name could be considered Jewish almost
I'm still not buying it. By that logic, you're essentially saying all Poles are part Jewish. Is that what you're saying?
Not that he is related to this person, but here is proof of jews using that surname. That doesn't mean they have exclusive claim to it, but I wouldn't discount his possible ancestry just because you don't think that there are many jews there.
No, though at their height jews were more than 10% of the polish population. I would guess that there is relatively substantial partial admixture within the region. This is true of Italy.
Hebrew names from the bible are jewish.
Most polaks have Jew blood in them. Warsaw was 3/4 Jew 70 years ago.
That's because Christianity is a sect of Judaism
A lot of Jews have Polish/Slavic names that were Slavic first.
I don't disagree with you here. When an Eastern European takes a DNA test, there's a good chance they will find some Ashkenazi in them.
I say let's stop talking about whether or not he's part Jew or not. Let's just enjoy that another anarcho-commie falls flat on his face.
Names that end in "ski" are usualy not Jewish.
Names that end with "wicz" are though.
>5 guns and a sword
fug he's a pirate octopus DDDDDDDDDDDx
>Russian and Polish surnames are also often assumed to be Jewish surnames, for example names ending in -vitz, -witz, or -sky. It is commonly believed that "-sky" is a Jewish surname while "-ski" is not. This spelling difference, however, seems do have more to do with the source of the surname: Russia or Poland. The correct spelling of this common surname suffix in Polish is "-ski", and Poles usually kept that spelling after immigration to America. In Russia, this suffix is spelled in the Cyrillic alphabet, -sky (in Cyrillic), and may have been transliterated into English as either -ski or -sky. However, a Jewish friend of mine who comes from Moscow tells me that in Russia, names ending in -sky (in Cyrillic) were usually Jewish.
Edgy. Simply Edgy.