Cernovich threatens to drop "Motherlode" if Bannon is ousted
You could have stopped it Sup Forums
yeah because after pizzagate everything he says rings of credulity
>implying Mike "nigger mindset" Cernovich knows anything and isnt just trying to get free publicity for his shitty book
There's been chatter going around that Bannon has been leaking to him and he does have some reliable leakers. He sat on the Enoch dox and also scooped the story about Susan Rice
He can drop the mother lode but it will get buried and called fake news, we know the drill.
>Changes nothing
>leaking to cernovich of all people
>thinking even if this info was true that it would matter whatsoever at this point
Cernobitch trying really hard to stay relevant
thernovitch is a sissy little queen. he's gayer than fucking milo and pjw combined. all talk.
Actual emails, spirit cooking, signs pointing to pedo, actual cheating before the debate, O'Keefe videos, felonies by DNC, Seth Rich, the lawyer who served the DNC the died, etcetcetc...
Nothing gains traction. This is a joke.
He's gonna get wacked
Those were all detrimental to Hillary. This would harm Trump
Her base and the media are still as loyal as ever. Absolutely no way to calculate if any votes impacted. Pundits cried, but media did not cover any of those items to any degree. The pussy tape got more coverage by far than any of Hillary's scandals.
Not arguing, but all you have to do is go to any liberal twitter or media source, and Hillary wasn't hurt a bit. In fact, she's a borderline martyr (only sexist retards voted for trump).
How would it harm Trump? There has been so many wolves called out, nobody believes shit anymore. The fake pissgate dossier and the numerous other 'scandals' have ruined any chance of anyone giving a shit.
Tell me one media source that doesn't still worship Hillary.
I hate faggots like him and assange. If you have it, release it. Don't fucking wait and tease it
Bonobo Bitchslap gonna bring the whole thing down!
Everyone has all this information, and it's just around the corner...get your popcorn.
If anybody had anything with any truth to it, there's no way it wouldn't already be out there.
I don't think he will harm Trump himself, but he could make things difficult for the Trump kids.
>please pay attention to me
Thernovith is just fucking annoying at this point. If you have something then release it you fucking attention whore, you sound like a goddamned middle school girl
Well Cernovich has an agenda. He's not gonna release anything harmful to Trump unless he has to.
Thernovich deothn't have thome thuper thecret information. It'th probably a publithity thtunt.
How is this not blackmail?
Dude is a nutter who knows nothing, but claims to know everything.
If you ever meet someone who claims to know things that no one else does and can't be corroborated, their a piece of shit liar.
What ever happened with that globalist sex scandal he claimed he was gonna break?
how many leaders does the alt right have?
Really fires up those bonobo neurons.
You mean he will suicide with 24 bullets to the back?
Haha cernovich is such a fucking idiot
UN employees fucking over 2,000 children sounds about right, desu senpai?
You could have bought the book Sup Forums
Why didn't you buy it?!
Blackmail against a think that would be a crime or something.
Oh shit, did he break that story or just know about it beforehand?
Cernovich has a lot of Twitter followers and is normie friendly, so he is safe to leak to. They couldn't leak to someone like Ricky Vaughn because he posts links to neo-nazi sites.
Friends, aren't your eyes feeling very heavy right about now? Why are you worrying about all this nonsense. You should really just get some rest. Watch some TV, and then go to Sleep. It really is getting quite late, you all need your Sleep.
>Her base and the media are still as loyal as ever.
>and Hillary wasn't hurt a bit. In fact, she's a borderline martyr (only sexist retards voted for trump)
>Tell me one media source that doesn't still worship Hillary
When did you realise Trumpcucks are the new Hillshills?
Not sure I'm smart enough to understand what you are saying.
Trump supporters, imo, are still Trump supporters.
Cern, PJW, other media whores never were. Just want to be the popular kids.
Sorry if I completely missed your point.
thernobitch has a dirty arab wife
>Trump leaving Bannon out is a good thing
Fucking Sup Forums, get your shit together
im to tired for this waiting game. I'm going to bed, there never any is real news anyways
No he'll (((suicide))) and the body will go missing in transit to the coroner's office
Or no autopsy and instant cremation within 24 hours
His supposed big motherload isn't regarding Trump. I'm sure it involves Kushner since that is who is supposedly wanting to push Bannon out.
Cernovitch is going to drop a load on his mother?
Jeezus fuq, man. Dude is sick
>called fake news
Irrelevant. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
But he has claimed to know things that ended up being corroborated. He's also been full of shit sometimes.
He obviously does know something.
The 1488 crew are mad at him for not being Nazi enough and the snark crew dismiss anything he says because he has a lisp.
if thernovisch was reliable, i'd almost hope for bannon to go...
Reminder Cernovich got the money for his book by divorcing his wife.
He's not successful at all.
K. Don't keep me posted
>has motherlode
>uses it for blackmail
why are all jews garbage?
Trump doesn't do drugs.
Nobody cared when Clinton cheated.
I hate lying kikes.
So is lispowitch alt right leader?
More likely that he has dirt on Kushner and other people close to Trump
a lot of people on Sup Forums and right wing twitter lack the self awareness to realize they're are far more autistic/weird to most people than Cernovich.
>Cernovich threatens to drop "Motherlode" if Bannon is ousted
Speaking of dropping loads . . . . .
Trump really needs to get rid of the alt right, it's too full of whackos who believe in conspiracy theories and question even the moon landing
You are a basic bitch.
You are a basic bitch.
You are a bitch basic.
Trumps turning into a failure, this is only a wee bit better then democrats at this point.
Thuck you thaggots always talking thit
Yer a basic bitch m8.
I doubt it's Bannon leaking to him, Bannon would leak to someone like Lee Stranahan, Milo or someone that worked for Breitbart.
It could be Trump Jr or someone lower on the rung.
It's clear that Cernovich does have some connection to the Trump administration, he's not LARPing like Richard Spencer does. The Susan Rice story was true and McMaster wanting US troops in Syria was confirmed by Bloomberg.
was cernovitch /ourguy/ all along?
and this infamous tweet was probably a reference to the NSA surveillance of him.
Susan Rice and co likely thought he was a Russian spy and he got swept up in their investigation of Trump people like Carter Page and so on.