You NatSoc people aren't crazy after all. HOW THE HELL can the history of subversion in recorded history committed by ((THEM)) be hidden?!
My jaw remains dropped. I don't know if it can be lifted again.
You NatSoc people aren't crazy after all. HOW THE HELL can the history of subversion in recorded history committed by ((THEM)) be hidden?!
My jaw remains dropped. I don't know if it can be lifted again.
Other urls found in this thread:
Sum it up for us?
Basically, ((THEM)) have been subverting the world through finance and control of the press for over a century. I am still in the middle of watching this.
This information is pertinent to ALL, and I think specifically.
People joke and meme about the Rothschilds and the Illuminati etc all the time, but this shit is documented in history by their actions.
And this ride ain't over, its going on right now.
Whoops, forgot to directly reply.
Have you heard/read this?
on the topic of the synagogue of satan, does anyone have the infographic or picture that shows the nepotism numbers in the jewish community
>1 in 3 - 1,000,000 etc etc
I've been looking for it for weeks now, can't find it but it was posted on Sup Forums
Yes I have, recently, as an audio. Having heard what was said in there, and what this documentary is saying about the history of THEM, I have a whole new understanding of the world around me.
Jews are of their father the devil
John 8:44
I have seen it mentioned before. No idea what the source is though
I am also looking into the Talmud. It's freaken scary lads.
I need to find it, my computer was wiped recently and I can't find the graphic anywhere.
I hope it's posted again soon.
So here's a question, primarily aimed at Christians who know a lot about Revelations.
If they are the Synagogue of Satan, and their plan is to usher in world dominance with a world government, control of trade and commerce with a mark, and the establishment of a messiah-like figurehead, ISN'T THE ENTIRE BOOK OF REVELATIONS ABOUT THEIR RISE AND DEFEAT?!
Care to elaborate?
whos got this
This is Sup Forums 101 stuff. Better late than never, I suppose.
Been a long time lurker. I am thankful for this place
If you're just learning about (((them))) now, what else are you redpilled on?
>Sup Forums 101
this is the red pill.
Fuck. You stormfag slaves of the muzzies are goddamn weird sons of bitches. Do you even know how to tie your fucking shoelaces? I thought not.
WW2, CIA, FBI, Mossad, Feminism, Communism, and so on. It all makes a connected sense now.
No you dullard. The SoS is just a literal representation of a metaphysical aspect. There is no actual power behind its existence in the mystical sense; other than whatever you superstitiously attribute. The important thing is that there are people that exist which will try and fulfill prophecy; but why?
Sup Forums is never wrong. welcome home
Who are they?
Our second most coveted redpill
The first being your asshole don't stink?
What is the first?
Jesus Christ
what the fuck is this shit. a txt file run through some fucking text-to-speech shit. fuck this shit.
Better than just reading the whole book that I don't have on me...
Welcome to the real world my friend.
conspiracy obfuscation dis-info shit
ignore it
Found the Jew.
I can smell your musk through my screen.
You are new my friend.
I for one, welcome you with open arms to our little community.
There are a lot of retards here and a lot of kikes in disguise, but remember who the enemy is.
> Anonymous (ID: jFwJQ0AM) 04/14/17(Fri)23:40:26 No.121170633 ▶
> (OP)
>conspiracy obfuscation dis-info shit
>ignore it
Thank you
Somehow replied to two posts, only meant to reply to yours
The other redpill is rejecting the lie that while skin color can change due to environmental variables, IQ is supposed to stay exactly the same across the board with no deviation.
The strong delusion spoken of in Revelations is the thought control of the world they maintain. All of the degenerate values, all of the history that is both taught and hidden, all of the financial slavery, all religions lead to God and most importantly that Jews are still Gods chosen people make up the strong delusion. Those that are blue pilled will remain in this delusion until they are literally worshipping the AntiChrist and killing Christians in the name of God.
Learn how to use the site my friend.
What you assert makes complete sense in light of all of this.
yep, scary stuff, but thats just the tip of the iceberg
This made me lol so hard, love the pic
I am fully aware of the fake jews and some of the cults
the video is a gross oversimplification desu, this is allot bigger than''the jews'', the group running the show arnt actually jewish, and their probably not semetic either depending on which theory you go with. The thing to keep in mind however is that the khazar bloodline cults secret religion is prebiblical, its a cross between asiatic paganism and babylonian demon worship. They branched out into controlling various other kingdoms and religions long ago, so focusing on ''the jews'' is inaccurate (its often actual disinformation). Their bloodline constitutes european nobility, and its extended arm of the US elite . Only a section of this network are what you would identify as ''jewish'' (altho their more represented overall). The jewish conspirosy hypothisis while containing a good deal of truth is incorrect on a number of major factors.
>synagogue of satan
Why are you making them out to have some bullshit spiritual powers or some spooky cult shit? They are fucking KIKES everything they do it is bred into them not all but 80% of them.
Read it. So basically they miraculously wrote a bunch of stuff about the events of the Big Bang and it alarmed physicists to the point of rejecting it.
It's a literal Bible reference dude.
who gives a fuck?
Bunch of lies and nazi propaganda
whos got this
This. Anyone reading this should watch the Money Masters documentary by Bill Still. It's quite old now but it's still the best there is on documenting the rise of the rothschild global banking system
> 5 1/2 hours
>>Prometheus Rising
Fucking rad. I see very little mention of RAW on here.
No E. Michael Jones? Here have a "Goy's Guide to World History" Followed by a bonus Jones to tie things together.
Thats because RAW was a pseudo nihilist. The whole discordian thing is like a left pol with all of its acceptance of degenerates.
>doesn't know
As much as I hate BOG posts... its fun to watch someone lose their boginity.
The bible refers to the synagogue of satan as those, "who claim to be jews but are not" These are jews in name only who do not follow God nor keep the commandments of God.
nazi propaganda
literally copying the jew
newfags, pay attention to what this user said.
>who gives a fuck it's a bible reference?
Because it shows there is nothing new under the sun. It has been a problem for millennia.
>discordian thing is like a left pol
Yep. The "illuminati Cards" are the only fun / interesting thing to come out of it.
>who gives a fuck?
Good argument.
The last (and only) resort of a fucking moron.
Who do you think you are going to convince with this?
just think about what you are saying before you post, you fucking idiot.
Its included with the book TSOS, which is much easier to follow and is updated to include 911, etc.
chill out you fucking kike. This Synagogue of satan shit is related to some Christian retards talking about how jews are not the same jews as today. Its fucking retarded. Jews have always been the same god damn people.
A large part of it is.
That wasn't the question.
By asking, "who gives a fuck?" what do you hope to achieve?
I mean do you expect people to reply, "oh yeah, wow" who does give a fuck? What a deep question! What a convincing argument! Welp, my minds changed."
and, If you are arguing this "Synsgogue Of Satan" bible quote is "shit" - doesn't that ake you the jew?
yes mr.reddit everything in the bible is true
>Jews have always been the same god damn people.
What is it like to be this historically illiterate? What compels people to spout off on subjects they know nothing about?
Jews have always been jews alright. There aren't any GOOD jews or some fucking tribe that somehow died off and some satan spawns replaced them
>Jews have always been jews alright
First lets establish a baseline. What makes a jew, jewish? What would make them not jewish? Blood, religion or both?
>There aren't any GOOD jews
>ome fucking tribe that somehow died off and some satan spawns replaced them
strawman. Also shows you don't understand the subject.
You are avoiding answering my question, yet answering my posts - strange.
Has the "who gives a fuck" argument ever worked? Have you convinced anyone with that and recuited them to your "I refuse to think" philosophy. It seems like an "easy way out" kind of philosophy. Like some philosophy an idiot would adopt.
I know if I go on reddit or not. So I know if you are full of shit or not.
Evidently you are full of shit.
Great video OP. Answers a lot of questions about what's going on right now.
Should be required Sup Forums watching
>watches a 5 hour and 30 min video in 3 hours and 30 minutes
is this a magical power that Maldivian people possess?
Good comeback.
>They know!
disposable razors is jewish bullshit that exists to steal your money
i'm not really trying to convince anyone here but at least this post explains what it could be useful for.
What if he's already watched it before?
"Who gives a fuck" is the question.
The answer would be "[this person] gives a fuck".
Stop avoiding the question. This is that "circular argument" thing you do. Whats the name of it again?
do you have autism?
Who gives a fuck?
no one?
old school shaving, nothing better
so why are you asking? If no one gives a fuck.
It is you who has autism
>It is you who has autism
I think it is you, son.
you're the one asking questions no one wants answered by your own reasoning.
thats autism. i dont think it. im telling you
you have a problem you should get see a doctor
A moron is not qualified to make that assessment
and you are one to talk? hahaha