Alright Sup Forums you have 1(one) minute to disprove this image

alright Sup Forums you have 1(one) minute to disprove this image

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I suppose if a goat-fucking pedophile warlord can convince a bunch of retards he's a prophet send by a god figure (deceptively leaving out its Moloch), then I suppose a few retards can convince an even larger bunch of retards that all the scientists, astronauts, and satellites are involved in a great conspiracy to make people think the earth is spherical.

If all the dinosaurs got flung off, why are there still fossils?

weel if no dinosore den were the fossiles frum?
explane that buddie

What would even be the point in hiding what shape the Earth is?

They died on Earth before the astroid.

Because they need it to be a sphere to fit their globe-alist agenda.

>not seeing the obvious 6millionDimensionsDungeons&Dragons

Yea, that totally happened

Earths gravity pull the bones back in, only on the other side, that's why we find them when we dig really deep.

because what are they hiding on the other side?

i can't

If earth is flat why are all the other planets spherical in shape?

The gravity of the earth is pulling the flat side to face towards us, and the sky is actually a half dome, the planets are only a couple meters across.

God put them there to test human.

Yeah, because billiard balls are spherical so the pool table must be round. Your logical is infallible.

How would the earth be a flat disc if gravity were real?

If the earth is flat because a spherical earth is impossible, then why is the moon, which we have been on without issue, spherical?

Why are retarded people using Sup Forums?


What's underneath the flat Earth?
and how thick is this flat Earth?
Could I dig to an entirely new planet if I kept digging long enough???


Didn't answer my question bud lol

Wait, wait... you actually think we went to the moon?

This is the ultimate red pill. Sup Forums doesn't stand a chance.

>pro tip : I can't

Can't argue with those digits.

Actually, I did. Your argument is a logical fallacy and therefore irrelevant.

Free Masons

they flew back or the earth caught up to them

The earth isn't flat and the dinosaurs were all hunted to extinction by nephilim

Why didn't the water go flying too?
checkmate flat earthers


everyone knows the asteroid was flat and squished the dinosaurs.

A selenelion eclipse at least debunks a globe earth quite nicely.

The dinosaurs ate everything on earth, and then they dug deep down to find more food, sadly they all died underground.
That's why their fossils are underground

Carlos I swear to fuck

Nope. Lmao

Asteroids are different size in different frame. Proof of government fakage and coverup. Proof that the earth is, actually, round.


Liquids in a vaccume

I win.

>implying that's not what actually happened

Do you remember when shill and Sup Forums threads created nu-Sup Forums? My little politics does.

long distance shooting BTFO your flatbrain theory

Because there were ones that died before they got flung off.

The moon is made out of cheese, dumbass. The earth isn't.

They didn't get flung into space, they got rammed into the ground by the rising half of the disc.

wtf i'm a christian now



the globe one considering that its usually risky to have a plane fly across thousands of miles of ocean, where, if anything goes wrong, you are incredibly far from any help. PLUS most major aviation hubs (and the first world) are in the northern hemisphere, so most flights would utilize flying above or near the north pole to minimize flight distance

its real desu

fucking hilarious

These threads give me a huge fucking boner.

>what is a fisheye lens

Ok i laughed

Wait, how is the earth flat and yet the fucking asteroid is still round?
Why would everything but planets be round?

I believe Jesus was actually a T-Rex, He sacrificed himself for small mammals.

even nasa says earth is flat



theyre all flat too idiot

dinosaurs got flung into space, died from lack of oxygen, earth kept rotating and scooped bodies back up before they flew away giving us fossils.

case closed.


>it's better to smash into some city killing thousand than to smash into the ocean. Yeah sure. Only planes that (((disappeared))) can't be found, normal planes have locating technologies that ensure you can always find a plane if (((they))) want you to find it.

Some faggot is about to bust in here and start talking about "magik" reallllll soon

You'd fall through the bottom and fly through space. Obviously.

It's perspective. They look spherical from that angle.


>assuming that the vast majority of a planes flight path is over cities
>assuming that every crash landing is an uncontrolled descent into school children
>implying that (((they))) have overwhelming control over blue pilled search parties without electronic engineers and other equipment managers noticing

>If you fly in a plane why isn't the sun always visible if the Earth is flat?
Checkmate flat earthers

>bottom right
where we're going, we don't need roads

That would make the earth disk spinning (or more like flipping) and only half would be flung out while other half would be clued to ground by the sudden invention of gravity.

The mere existence of the Flat Earth movement is proof that one should never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

grabity xDDDDDD

You got me this time OP.

>no fun allowed

Like this. The sun is a local light source, its light radius is limited.

Hmm... Shit, you got me.

so it looks like this during the winter solstice?