Blacks banned from shop in Melbourne Australia

>A sign on the window of a Melbourne milk bar says “black” teens are banned from going inside because they “steal things”
>The milk bar owner initially tried to explain the note by releasing CCTV footage of eight dark skinned youths in the store, some of who menaced him while their mates stole from the shelves. He told 7 News they always came into his shop and stole things which made him “very angry”.
>The note was an impulsive reaction to the incident with the eight youths, he said, but claimed there had been at least 20 other similar incidents in the past.

Media is butthurt about comments supporting the business owner
>THE racist note displayed at a Melbourne milk bar was bad enough — but then came the online comments from ordinary members of the public.
>Many people made direct links to Melbourne’s youth gang crisis and spiralling crime rate. “The black c**** are on the news rioting and rampaging every night,” wrote one. “Assimilation, and they don't do it.”

For those who are unaware we have a problem with the Sudanese youths car jacking and doing home invasions. Police and courts don't do anything about it (at worst they're given curfews)

Other urls found in this thread:

Other comments on the article

>Another added: “Yes we have gone back in time. We have let primitive Africans into the country who rape steal and assault people. What a lovely situation we are in. At least we don’t offend anybody....”
>One particularly vile post said: “Its not racist because blacks aren't humans.”


What would the consequences be if this guy were to just shot them?

Link it you dickweed

why are all australians a bunch of retarded illiterate racist prejudiced xenophobic transphobic assholes ?

Based Estonia

Because we're a good country.

Very rural and suburban

>milk bar


Why does the sign feel the need to repeat itself?

life in prison for murder, probably be charged as a hate crime also

Aussies are retarded.

thats what we call convenience stores here

Someone has to show the world the way to do it.




>Clearly written by an Asian

Glorious. Thank you Lee.

Interesting that some american WN's uploaded the video. Really makes me ponder

I know that a lot of cab drivers especially in the Northern Territory will not take abo customers unless they pay up front.

The owner is Asian.

Gee. I wonder if they'd mention it in the article if he'd been white.

>>One particularly vile post said: “Its not racist because blacks aren't humans.”
Defintly the work of a Sup Forumsack

This is fucking bullshit and discriminatory.

What kind of shithead doesn't allow dogs in his business?

He was Asian.

Link faggot

Asains don't give a fuck, they know they can straight up tell the truth and lefties will squirm as they try and do their typical mental gymnastics to somehow blame him.

A lot of regular Aussies will tell you the same, regardless if they browse here or not.

Most businesses? An exception is usually only made for guide dogs.

Hahaha yep, thats us.

I prefer to imagine you guys in plague doctor masks caning random niggers while your women throw tennis balls at the smoke decks of the nearest USN vessel.

Are they Africans or are we pretending assimilation means something it doesn't now?

Im so glad normies are finally opening their eyes even if it takes a based asian store owner to kick it off.

>it's real

Fucking Hell. A year ago I would have scoffed at the guy and said "that's just too far". Today, as I smiled as I imagined the sheer balls of the guy and of course the comments. God dammit, the west might just make it.

Nevermind, the guys a chink. Still doe...


He's using his non-white privilege to be at least somewhat able to speak on the issue and not be crucified by the blue-haired crowd. That's why the article didn't mention his race, to remove that privilege.

I can't imagine taking my dog into any store. Except maybe Pet Smart, but they allow it for obvious reasons.

This was my immediate thought too, and for a moment the idea that Australia might not be a complete shithole crossed my mind.

None of the lefties supporting these niggas would actually want to live near them.

if someone comes from china to australia and is racist, then it proves assimilation can work

It was a fucking joke you aspie.

The punch line being that I value dogs more than nogs.

>no doggos?

The comments gave me some hope

Doesn't matter if he's a chink, when the chinks help to normalize speaking up against niggers, whites may follow, or at least the chinks would and do the nigger holocaust themselves without needing any white australians to help out. Your previous point stands.

>blacks and dogs
Owner is Muslim guaranteed

Its ok, it only bans dogs 14-18 years old, and most dogs are under 14 years old.

Yahoo comments are strangely based.

Blacks and dogs.

>The owner is Asian.
No one can call him "racist" because he's Asian.

It's beautiful.

1. I hope this is satire
2. If it is, then you hit all the right notes.

Slowly everyone is lining up for mass deportations. I cant wait.

Half the problem is that none of the major papers in Australia have covered this from a quick glance which means it'll most likely be buried.

They're retarded, don't mind them

Any Melbourne anons need to go and support this guy.
Do it.


This past year or so, the whole west has started to shift back slowly but surely

>Whites and asians united in their hatred of niggers

The video of those black cunts stealing is infuriating, I don't know how anyone can be against the store owner.


>What kind of shithead doesn't allow dogs in his business?

It's just to protect our doggo friends from the African savages.

>Even fucking Australia has a nigger problem now


I thought you guys just had abbos and siders

If he was white it would be in the news for days, but because he's (apparently) Asian it doesn't fit the left-wing idea that only whites can be racists, which is probably why the media will ignore it.

Your right, Smug doggo was more than enough of a hint.

Melbourne is full of hipsters and cuc-

The rest of Australia is cucked as fuck. Melbourne is the only city that is mildly red pilled.

This makes Riak sad

This is true.
Fuck Leftists

Set the fucking tone, don't let them win.

Chinese are incredibly racist.
God Bless them even though they're still subhuman hivemind ants colony fucks
Asians are often times extremely racist my man

melton is a far outer suburb that borders on regional. Only ethnics and refugees live there

Oh of course. Slowly but surely people are getting fed up. It's just a shame it's taking so long.

not every black teen is a thief ya fuckin dirty aussie cunts

>Even fucking Australia has a nigger problem now
fuked up

Get fucked faggot. Melb is pozzed af

I don't hate dogs, but I hate most dog owners. Keep your pets in your house or in your backyard.

>blacks and dogs

that sounds redundant

Hahaha yeah right. And every buger is a fat piece of shit.

>implying blacks or dogs can read

Where is the link? Thanks

if only it were that easy...

Pretty fucking based ossland.

Incase they didn't see it the first time, and to add dogs.

the nigger problem is really only in melbourne

i could go to the shops right now and out of 100 people i would see maybe 5 people who are not white, and they would be aboriginal or asian

>not every black teen is a thief ya fuckin dirty aussie cunts
Yeaaaa, sure.

>Banning doggos

Fucking Mudshits.

>can't train niggers
You can at least teach a dog not to shit on the sofa and sit

i see no problem with that sign, in that region.



The thing that units true blue Aussies and red-blooded Chinks is that although we might be Irish criminal rejects and subhuman gooks we both know that at least we aren't niggers.

Nigger detected.
>checks flag
Checks out.

>based asian shopkeeper holding the line

Hi detroit

>What he didn't anticipate was the outrage it would cause

I guarantee you there has been absolutely no outrage a all.

There's a video of it, where 7 African niggers walk into his shop and just start stealing shit in front of him.

Now if we can just get bob katter or the other based wog bernadi as pm ..... they won't be able to enter any shops.

asians are more racist than us though

This. I had breakfast at a reasobmy priced cafe and didnt see a single nigger. One half caste maori but he was off maoring and they know they will be deported if they fuck up.

I can barely find a trace of the articles across any of the MSM. Even if there was, it'd be one or two libfag resident crying muh racism. Faux outrage strikes again.

That's Tasmania


oh the irony of attacking all 'all Australians' while trying to defend other group 'identities'

these are the comments from the DailyMail UK article

100% true. Not even close