Why can't Atheist just get along with Christens to get rid of the Hostile Muslims together?
Why can't Atheist just get along with Christens to get rid of the Hostile Muslims together?
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Christians are too busy trying to convert muslims for the tithes
typical judeo (((Christians)))
pic related is why
Because the average western atheist for some reason seems to think Christians disagreeing with them on things like abortion and gay marriage is more of a threat than literal theocratic fascism that throws gays from roofs and enforces an actual patriarchial set of laws.
when Christians can disavow the jew than we can cooperate
pic related
Atheist here.
Totally on board for complete kebab removal.
The Atheist is a rebellious stunted adolescent
Aetheist insults Christians nothing happens to them
Aetheist insults Muslims, they get called racist or snackbar'd
christianity is an autocritic and autoskeptical religion
islam doesn't accept criticism or skepticism
agnostic and NatSoc
are you National Socialist?!
I'm an atheist
Bomb the fuck out of ISIS
I want to like Christians but however much Sup Forums denies it they are 110 percent race blind and doing a hell of a lot of damage, they also don't really care about you they only want to convert wogs. There are parts of the States that have literally been turned third world by the insane hardon Christians have for importing bone in the nose golliwogs
Dude, IDGAF. I just want a muslim free world.
We can figure out the rest of the shit once kebab has been removed.
you're phrasing is wrong OP
You should have proposed the question
>why don't all Christians denominations get along together since they'd never need 1 atheist to get things done
atheists have zero power over laws created and passed by the Christian Gov
I've been trying that for years.
are we sure about that though?
It seems that in order to get re congregation you HAVE to be a atheist now a days.
This, Catholics and Orthodox should reunite already, It's probably harder with protestans since there's a fuckton of them
Im an athiest and I literally do not give two shits about Christians. they're fine most of the time. Just stay out of the education system I'll have no problem at all.
opps sorry
Misspelled recognition
Because christians have the potential to be just as bad as muslims.
I'm glad muslims have stepped up their game recently and americans aren't the best critical thinkers. Now any sort of religious extremism is frowned upon. I hope all the religious cancer gets exterminated in a few years and we can follow japan's example of being fucking rational instead.
this is very true
even Mormons are becoming anti-racist scumbags. That Mormon white nationalist chick on twitter is now being called to be excommunicated by the Mormon church for her views and most people in Utah agree with it. Christians always are saying now that "we are all God's children" so there is no difference between the races and being concerned with preserving your own ethnic heritage is wrong and racist and "goes against the teachings of Christ"
unfortunately most Christians are fucking blue pilled as fuck when it comes to race.
You can't restore natural with Democracy
how can you get anything done with civic nationalists (magic soil and recitation of the pledge of allegiance will turn muhammad into Ronald Reagan)
it's not a religious issue, it's a political one
it's always political, even Jesus was killed because of politics.
Kind of atheist here (probably closer to agnostic don't want to explain in detail) I get along with lots of Christians and wouldn't have a problem with them except for that many of them buy into shit like "it doesn't matter if we're minority white as long as we get those minorities to read our book". They're great soft allies but you're never convincing a majority of them to want to preserve the white race.
This shit too. I don't get the wierd fucking infighting within Christianity and offshoots and shit. Solving this too is not like swaying someone's political views with a good argument because they all believe without much evidence that their way of Christianity is THE one. It's possible to even convert some leftists over to our side but it's really fucking frustrating trying to argue for the different Christians to stop infighting and so far nobody has gotten anywhere. When you believe something based on faith and have fully accepted it without solid evidence it's very hard to convince you to do anything even slightly contrary to it and no this isn't me telling people to stop believing in anything or to give up their beliefs but just to unite against a common enemy
look into the lobbing groups that control the country
number 9
>Podesta Group $236,560,000
and you're telling about muh atheists
I love you user, I know your heart has good intentions
but you need to see that the ruthless international clique is in control.
they are stirring us against each other so they can operate with impunity.
I have absolutely no problems with Christianity as long as it doesn't become political.
Lots of irrationality and cult/religion-like shit among the so called godless too. Communism as a good example might as well be a religion they have every aspect of religious extremism except for a deity to pray to. I would say diversity/multiculturalism and globalism too because many of them are irrationally unable to even admit small flaws in their idea
Because Christians are anti-white and keep adopting niggers and inviting immigrants to our country.
welcome to National Socialism user
it doesn't have the luster it once did but you'll see past the bullshit you've heard about it. You're too inquisitive to just look away once you understand what and who it stood for
just watch it when you can
Maybe we can bring them to pre 60's thinking?
I'm an atheist, and if Christians called for a real crusade I'd volunteer in a heartbeat.
Just because I don't believe doesn't mean I don't see Christianity as infinity better than Islam. Islam is a cancer on humanity. Scientology is preferable to Islam.
I agree with you on everything user
I'm agnostic, born and raised Christian
I slowly began to ask questions and ffound answers that didn't require a diety.
People assume that you'll become degenerate and immoral but it hasn't changed me one bit
when you realize that there's no forgiveness, only consequences, you become even more aware of problems and pitfalls.
Honestly when it came to morals, I found it insulting that I was told I needed a diety to know right from wrong.
I wouldnt want it done to me, so I wont do it anyone else.
Any action I perform that I wouldnt want done to me is in the event that someone else is trying to harm me in some way.
>no moral authority required.
you're not changing a religious person's mind who operates on "Belief"
that's what you don't understand
If they don't need evidence to believe something, then why would evidence prove something.
process that carefully, it will make complete sense
But during 1920s and 60s most people knew the differences of race and they were more religious.
Maybe it could be brought back?
for me it went even deeper than the golden rule
I held myself to the highest standards and processed every decision. It needed a purpose or I wouldn't do it. I've never smoked a cigarette or even tried any drugs. Each time my friends offered I processed what I was being offered and it never passed the basic question, does this benefit my life.
I would even ask them that and they only said "just to see". It always sounded so idiotic that it lost even the "cool" appeal after.
I'll post you some evidence of what changed during that time and (((who))) was behind it, give me a sec to get the links, I'm phone posting :)
Most atheists will defend islam
I'll try to find more, here is an important one
>Representative Emanuel Celler of New York proposed the bill..
>Emanuel Celler (May 6, 1888 – January 15, 1981) was a ****Jewish-American**** politician from New York who served in the United States House of Representatives for almost 50 years, from March 1923 to January 1973
incase some may have missed it lol
enough with the divide and conquer, shill, there's a key component you always leave out
I wonder ((((((((why))))))))
oh right that pic
Can't speak to the atheist, but as a deist I'm on board for some New Crusades.
Admittedly part of it is because I'm a fucking degenerate and would be down for getting in touch with my viking heritage and plundering some heathen mudsluts in the wake.
I'll be back in a few minutes, but found these
notice something
'As Jews We Should Be Outraged That Britain Is Not Doing More to Help Refugees'
'Citing Holocaust, Swiss Jews Demand Open Door for Migrants'
'British Jews Lay Groundwork for Influx of Syrian Refugees'
'Jewish Groups Rap Washington for Lowballing Syrian Refugees'
'More Than 1,000 Rabbis Call On Congress To Welcome Refugees'
'Jews Push Washington to Admit More Syrian Refugees, Even as Some Worry About Backlash'
Being honest, I don't have faith and don't believe in an afterlife. That said, I try to live my life by the teachings of Christ and see his lessons as a way to a better world for everyone.
And if we ever actually get the crusades going again I'mma DEUS my VULT all the way to the holy land.
what cross should i get and from where? < $40 preferably silver without corps but what does Sup Forums think?
The Jews?
Get Platinum silver does horrors to the skin
Because op christians are just like muslims to me.The only difference is that they lack power. Once that changes prepare for christian sharia law
I'm an atheist. We do fine with the Christians against the Muzzies over here.
Because 99% of Atheist are cultural Marxist who are pro-refugees
I'm an atheist and I like Christians. let's do this
Atheist libertarian reporting in.
i want to hug christ-tan
I know it gets annoying to always hear jews, jews jews lol but just notice the patterns, you're smart enough :)
promise me you'll do this even once and I'll promise you, I'll stand with you against anyone
type in "jews refugees" into the search field of google news (it has a search function for news articles)
if you're a F, I say this m.macys.com
Males, should only wear a decent watch imo
This. I wonder if the same aetheists would denounce their faith if they were muslim instead of christian.
>mfw pagans larping in this country
I've known about the jew thing but thank you for telling me friend
Judeo-Atheism is what it really is and its main interests are destroying Christianity and western cultures.
Be ever on your guard.
atheists are nu-male heretics who reject the idea of the human soul
ban fedoras desu
New atheists are shifting focus to Islam. Look at Harris.
You realize Europe was state religion Christian in almost all countries for over 1000 years right?
Atheists are the ones being cucks
sounds like we have a great alliance user
If only other Christians were half as reasonable and open to dialogue. I guess the same applies to atheists and agnostics :) probably even more so.
I was on your side even before this thread especially because
>What you have inherited from your ancestors, you must earn before you can own. The most precious possession you can own in this world, is your own people. For these people and for the sake of these people, you will struggle and never slacken...
take care, God bless and remember how precious your people are
have a goodnight and a safe weekend
can we not start a religious flame war, you're just here to divide and conquer
>It was one of the longest and most destructive conflicts in European history,[15] as well as the deadliest European religious war, resulting in eight million casualties
are atheists bringing in rapeugee hordes?!
what power do atheists hold?!
hey, look at your chart again though
who's at 71% ?!
funny how you left out the ones directly responsible and in control of the gov institutions, including immigration.
Before I start how socialist is national socialism?
and just because Christianity was a state religion for hundreds of years in Europe doesn't mean that the people were regular practitioners.
Very few people owned bibles or knew how to read Latin / Greek, which most bibles were only translated in.
they might have considered themselves religious but how devout can you be if you can't read the scriptures
the level to which it benefits the greater good of the nation, hence the nationalst part :)
name the field/topic and I'll tell you the general position (ie environment, education etc)
this is very enjoyable even if you don't completely agree with or understand the fundamental differences at the moment
yes, atheists are functionally the same as jews, just dumber.
It was mostly a land grab and an show of power war, they used religion to justify it.
The only way to beat the muslim migrant hordes is to stop being christian and start being pagan again.
8 million white casualties in the 1600s is just a land grab?!
I think you missed the part about it being the
>"most destructive conflicts in European history" !!
IDENTITY should always be put ahead of any ideology, be it religious or political
Don't expect much from an American.
identity is most important. There's no magic soil or words that will transform people just by stepping on it or uttering them.
>Waiter in charge of the stadistics
I was born in Europe but they're slowly coming around. They have their own attempts at identity ( Southern, urban, rural ) but they still can't bring themselves to see the genetic identity.
Christian fundies are just as degenerate as Muslims.
Because atheists, feminists, and muslims are working together to fight their common enemy, Christians.